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Your Relationship With AI?

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I was signed into paypal to organize my finances... I was met with this invitation to check out new ai improvements.

Honestly, I could not sit through it. But I did pop around and felt nothing by revulsion. I just don't want machines up my a@@, if you know what I mean. I do not want, "what I buy next" to be anticipated. I don't want to sub out my mental processes.

There is a lot of propaganda out there, urging you to love this stuff... or be denigrated as whatever. An old person? Karen? Troublemaker? Someone to be discarded.

But seriously, among real people, do you like this?  Do you find it helpful? Or do you feel it's being shoved down your throat?

I do not trust the force behind AI... and why is that?  Because they can't be trusted!  There is no honor.  Just, sell, sell, sell and consume, consume, consume!

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I find it controlling. And like it puts you in a box based on a limited mentality. Although, saying that, sometimes, like on YouTube, I've received good, interesting suggestions. I guess we could learn to not care or be bothered by it so much. We tend to treat it like an object/person as that's what we're used to engaging with and our psyches are built on relating, relationships. So we can feel too much or be triggered by the interaction. 

I was also wondering if technology advanced because as a species we felt inferior, as we don't tend to be in our true creative power. Like we needed more or some help, a weird extension. If it had been created from a place of empowerment, how would it be different? Would we engage differently with it? Maybe we will empower ourselves through technology by realising we aren't nothing, we are everything. In the process abandon it and then reengage with it. That feels likely and probably already happening.

We have to work it out, fundamentally our relationship to ourselves, while Pluto is in Aqua I think. 

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There is a lot of propaganda out there, urging you to love this stuff... or be denigrated as whatever. An old person? Karen? Troublemaker? Someone to be discarded.

Yes yes yes yes yes.... never said better! 

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This is no ai, but also... I asked my doctor for a referral (through a portal). I just got a text message, two emails and a phone call (represents ALL contact info they have for me, over the last ten years).

I have an appointment - no human contact.

I know, I know.  Efficient.  But we ARE HUMAN and human's are not meant to survive on bread alone, even if it's fancy!

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I think the probability of being "locked out" is sky high.  You have to get a long with the machine.... as there has been a consolidation of power that few care to think about.

Get this...

I was going to change doctor's some years ago. No big deal, right? I called a few doctors - each asked for the name of my current doctor, which I offered. No openings for new patients.  The last one told me straight up, 'We do not take patients of Dr _____."

I was confused at the time.

After I made these phone calls, my doctor called me, personally, to ask why I wanted to leave is practice.  It was NOT personal to him and I explained this.  There was something outside of his control causing the issue.

He said my complaint was valid and he would find away to work around the impediment. I said, "Good, because as it turns out, no doctor in this town will see, because I'm your patient."

He was embarrassed. We're not supposed to know about these situations, but by God, they exist.

This is the kind of thing that makes a person sound crazy or like a liar, when they're telling you straight up. You don't see it, until it happens to you.

We really can't cross authority in the ways we have in the past.  I don't like this to such a degree, I have dramatically lowered my use of doctors.  Less chances to get in trouble, see?  I don't want to get sideways with them.

I'm just saying, there are trap doors in places you don't realize. As it turns out, I can change doctors, but only if the doctor I'm seeing picks up the phone and clears the way. I have no idea how far away I would have had to travel to see a PC doc.

My doctor is a good dude, but he's in the club, as was his dad and probably, his dad's dad.

Back to AI, it's scoring you as you speak. Act accordingly.

I do think it bothers older people, more, simply because we grew up, riding our bikes all day with no parents, phones or anything else.  Who wants to be weighed, measured and tested, all day, every day?

edit typo

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@elsa Every word you said!!!!!!!! 

Looking for a GP now. My God. What they want me to do electronically before I get there makes me sick. Since when did they become the boss of us? I AM THE CONSUMER... but I have no say in how I am treated in regard to my healthcare. 

This is why I don't want to go when I really need a GP in this area. 

When they put me in a room when I was hospitalized back in March, one nurse wanted to tell me her life story about her father's death and her mental illness because of it. This story lasted for all of eternity. When I showed no interest in her personal story.... (because I was sick) she told the other nurses I was a problem. That is when, I became a problem. I told her not to walk her nutty ass back in my room. I told her that I was there for tests, not as her personal therapist. 

It was then that they all 'blessed my heart'... I had to get out of there. No more care would have taken place. I was now Non-compliant. I call bullshit. 

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I have a Samsung tablet. As you browse around,  favorite sites will populate. A few weeks ago, a site I visit as much as my own site, disappeared from top sites.  Haven't seen it since, though I visit, often.

Point being, they hide things they don't want to feed or encourage. This is a first for me. You can't just live. You have to be "influenced". I hate it. Figure I best avoid wherever I'm sent and frequent what's censored. 

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