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Apathetic Society

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Last night, it hit me, our world has become a meme. This one, in particular.  You could insert virtually any text in the top box and it would work.

nobody cares

"They're doing nude Congress day! Nude!"

"See? Nobody cares!"

I stopped to think about why this is and, wow!  It's elaborate.

If you have a caring soul in your life - hold on!

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For one thing, people are avoiding confrontations. "Don't get involved".   "Learned helplessness" is another factor,  a significant factor.   Negative consequences for caring, aka repercussions.    

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@samiam thank you. And good to see you.

Hades Moon
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@samiam Yes, learned helplessness and avoiding conflict, are definitely contributing factors.

Hades Moon
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Yes, caring souls are a rarity these days. We definitely need to hold onto them, and show our appreciation (and our care 🙂).

May all caring souls unite, to keep this positive attribute alive! 🫶🏻


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Just for the record, I was talking about more than caring/not caring about the people around you.

I mean, people are apathetic as far a crime, abuse, child abuse, at any level... and everything else heinous, you can think of. It's an endless list.

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Hades Moon
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@elsa Yes, absolutely!. It’s like they have become desensitised. Nothing seems to rattle them. It’s not a good sign. It’s scary that so many are just yawning, rolling over and almost turning a blind eye. We need to remain engaged and maintain a care-factor for society to evolve.

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@hades-moon I don't think they know any different. This is what they've been taught. Apathy and powerlessness.  Also, cover your own ass.

It's just become a different kind of world.  


Hades Moon
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Posts: 433

@elsa Yes, it’s true that for many, it is all they know. Gawd, it’s sad.

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