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Being Pursued By A Virgo

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Have you ever been pursued by a Virgo?

What was it like?

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Joined: 14 years ago

yes, but he had Capricorn ASC with a stellium in Libra so he very much took the lead, liked being the boss and didn't like to be alone


he was very helpful! 


I dated another Virgo (I have 6th house Taurus Sun) with Cancer ASC. He wasn't receptive to my flirting at first, but then we had a lightning strike (Venus Uranus) later which turned things. He was always a little shy and unsure of himself though.

Also very helpful!

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i was pursued by a couple of Virgo suns in the past. was really dreamy. my placements really love virgo, (i have a stellium) so the ex's with virgo always are the best for me. My husband has Virgo stellium. With the couple of Suns that pursued, me, it was a courtship of my favourite music and sharing art, creativity and their creativity. Helpfulness and my capricorn really vibes with that so much. The sweet kindness of their heart, and quiet resourcefulness. I can just tell when someone has virgo. lol My pisces sun girlfriend always falls in love with someone with virgo but she ends up with another pisces and doesn't work out. My Virgo sun uncle is married to a Pisces sun happily for decades. I'd say to be pursued by virgo is very dreamy and romantic (very similar to pisces) Cool Love Kiss  

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I have, that was my first boyfriend and he was a dog. Lol. Not that all Virgos are. Gemini Moon, Virgo Venus and Mars, both conjunct his Sun on either side, but not each other. He would basically invite or bait me with a smaller piece of attention so I'd keep giving him more. We never went and did things outside his house because I was the Other Girl and he was trying to keep me and the rest of the world from finding out. He wanted more and more physical stuff even and especially if I didn't, so I called him and fucked him up shortly after my 20th birthday. Teenage me was smarter in some ways. I don't mean this to be a sob story, I just facepalm about it all now. 

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I was pursued by a Virgo with Mars in Pisces.  It was stunning. Dude was in a class of his own. I wrote this story a long time ago. People went nuts reading of his exploits. His drama. They wanted me to hurry and tell them what the hell happened, but the story had to be told, correctly. It was excruciating fun.

I learned a fuckton of astrology from him.

Hades Moon
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My first love had his Sun in Virgo, moon in Scorpio and Venus in Leo. 
In his pursuit (and capture), he was very chivalrous. This really appealed to my Venus in Capricorn. He was always a gentleman.

He was quite the romantic, and gave me weekly roses from his mother’s garden. These were usually accompanied by a poetic note.

He certainly won me over. Our relationship was very intense and I think we were too young to handle the emotions that came along  with that. It was the most passionate relationship of my life (and probably his).

The passion wasn’t enough to keep us long term. I learned a lifetime of lessons from our association. I made sure my following relationship was based on a solid friendship and not solely physical attraction.

Lust/ passion is amazing, but it takes more than this to have a long lasting/healthy relationship.

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