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Being Pursued By A Virgo

Posts: 189
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Joined: 4 years ago

I was pursued by a Virgo sun when I was in my late teens. He was in his late thirties. He was fiercely intelligent and cared deeply about all of his friends. I wasn't interested romantically, but he just wouldn't drop the rope - overly tactile, trying to get me alone and jealous over other male friends I had.

I had to keep telling him I was only interested in friendship, but he treated me as if I didn't know my own mind and that being with him was in my best interests. I had to cut contact.

It's a shame as he was deep down a really good, sweet guy. Add in a drink/drugs problem and I just couldn't get involved in that chaos.

Posts: 79
Eminent Member
Joined: 7 years ago

Years ago... I am a Virgo sun too :))

In the beginning, it was all great, intelligent, attentive, romantic, lovely, sexy too, but over time I began to feel very irritated by the constant criticism, which I also have...

Interesting match, but maybe a bit too similar to myself 😉 

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