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How Serious Do You Take Yourself?

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How serious do you take yourself?  How serious do you take life?

Wondering this... 

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Very seriously on both! In terms of self though, I have six natal planets retrograde and a Gemini stellium in the 7th so I do keep things rather light but quite introspective. One of those retrogrades is Uranus in Sag conjunct South Node (1H) so I think that quirkiness keeps my ego in check. In terms of life, Saturn Neptune plays a big role in my chart - 12H Saturn conjunct Mars opposite 6H Merc/Moon - there is a big focus on spirituality and focus across my inner planets. The big one though is my Sun/Venus/NN/Chiron conjunction in 7H. It puts a major emphasis on living out my soul contracts. I know I came here to achieve certain things and I am serious about seeing that through. I really try hard to do right by others, especially because my actions seem to receive almost immediate karma (12h Mars Saturn in Scorpio). My other Saturn Neptune aspect is Neptune in 2H Cap at 0 degrees. I also have Jupiter in Cap. My dreams and values are quite grounded and I work hard to achieve them. Luck is where preparation meets opportunity. Even then, Mars/Saturn might take me 2 steps backwards before I can go one step forward but on we go on my mission in this life!

I do find natal charts fascinating. I believe we choose them before we are born in order to evolve our souls in certain ways in this lifetime. I find it amazing how certain parts of our charts provide grace and focus to help us get there. It truly makes me appreciative of a higher power looking out for us. God will not give you more than you can handle.

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Myself, probably a bit too much, but I also know it's good for me to get knocked down a peg and I can laugh later. 

Life, you only get one. I'm not trying to waste it.

Sue Ellen
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I vary.  I have Cap Sun opposite Cancer Uranus.

When I saw my cousin last month she asked, "Who's here today, Fun Susie or Serious Sue?"

I've always been serious enough about my life to make sure I am comfortable. I have Taurus rising.

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Hades Moon
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@sue-ellen This sounds like me. Being an Aquarian, I’ve got the Saturn verses Uranus dynamic too.

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I can't imagine how anyone can Not take both seriously.  Perhaps the perpetually partying folks are trying to avoid doing so?  Not that I don't use my escapist gene, but for me that means losing myself in a book or movie, which can often result in a fresh perspective.

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@warped I no longer take myself seriously and wonder why I ever did. That's why I started this thread.  It's vaguely disturbing.  It may be Neptune. 

I take my responsibilities seriously,  but I think that's different.  Not sure, though. I definitely take client problems,  very seriously, but I feel more like a conduit. This is not new, but it’s increased over the years.



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Of course -- responsibilities, commitments, actions for self and others affected by them.  I wasn't always very good about that. 

Perhaps I don't understand what you Don't take seriously about yourself.  

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