Hello, I have been a casual observer of Elsa Elsa over the last few years when I discovered astrology about 5 years ago. The things I’ve learned over the years about myself and the world in terms of astrology have been interesting to say the least and I have been a bit captivated by it all. I came here today to humbly ask of anyone who can shine any light on what a 24 year relationship, love affair, whatever it can be called has done to my life and why. The pain, confusion, and anger has been consuming as well as the love, joy, and passion.. it has been extremely difficult. A dark cloud is hanging over me right now and I just want to be free from it I want to know the positives I can take away from it all without hating myself or the man I felt a lot of love for. Thank you for whatever is shared .
Hi there, can I safely assume that since you have Leo in your username, you are the inner circle?
Is the relationship over?