Based on what you have wrote, I don't think you're a 10/10 on the introverted scale, just sayin'!
I'm more of an ambivert, I think. Introverted with certain people, extroverted with others.
And our governor just closed schools for the rest of the school year and closed bars and restaurants for undisclosed amount of time.
I just want social distancing measures to be relaxed enough so I can go hang out with people is small groups .
Have you gotten cabin fever yet? I'm starting to get it a little bit. I went on a 2 hour walk today. I HAD to! Screw them if they don't understand!
I feel so bad for Seniors in High School and College. They both worked so hard for 4 years to have to tolerate THIS. Grrrrrrr for them! I'm glad they are letting kids take online College classes.
I REALLY hope that this whole Coronavirus thing ends by August, max. I'm not sure I can stand it longer than that!
Welcome, arrowhorse. What an apt screen name.