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Psychic Dream

Bar in the Sky
Posts: 77
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I have posted on the blog @LunaBear that my mother recently passed away. we had been estranged for the past 15 years. 

2 nights ago I dreamt that I was at my father’s funeral ( he passed away 27 years ago) I was shown his death certificate and at the very top written in blue ink was the time of his death 12:59.

there were other details in the dream, but the point is this time written in blue ink at the top of the certificate. I woke up crying - I believe I was crying in my sleep. 

yesterday, I picked up my mothers remains from the funeral home. I am the only one still living locally and closest to the funeral home. It eased my sister to know that she wasn’t just hanging out in a shelf at the funeral parlor. 

when I was going through the paperwork, I noticed the certificate of time of cremation 12:59pm

I immediately knew. 

also to note that numbers are somewhat of a symbol to me, I often am shown numbers in my sleep and find repeating numbers to show up in connections. 

when I looked up the meaning for 12:59 ::

1259 may suggest that a current situation will be over soon and you will be able to find closure. You will have learned <a href=" removed link " target="_blank" rel="noopener">life lessons that will help you in the future. Use this time to make yourself stronger and more resilient and reflect upon the lessons learnt.


this really gives me faith that there is indeed something more to this experience of life than I can ever comprehend here.

faith, what an unbelievable thing!


3 Replies
Bar in the Sky
Posts: 77
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Joined: 10 years ago

Also the cremation box and envelope of certificate are both blue

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(((((Bar in the Sky)))))  Welcome! I'm sorry you went into moderation. The software does that; it also filtered your link, automatically.

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Makes me think that the dream is a communication from spirit that your mum and dad are now reunited (in spirit), because the 12.59 in the dream was linked to your dad, and on the letter it was linked to your mum.

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