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I think the best revenge is to stay above board. Channel the energy of Saturn. If someone commits a crime against you, press the maximum level of charges, etc. And don't do anything that could potentially get yourself in trouble.

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I have 4 planets in Scorpio and Venus/Mercury are square my Pluto, so I can think of revenge as an emotional fantasy sometimes, but I never act on it. I know revenge is a trap (for me), an intoxicating poison, so I always listen to my better angels and walk away. I never indulge.

I will stand up for myself and fight back if someone tries to screw me, but missing is the emotional obsession and loathing that accompanies revenge. Instead, I stick with the facts. I have Moon in Scorpio conjunct Saturn, exactly, and that Saturn aspect keeps me on the straight and narrow.

I believe bad people, like governments, media get their just due in the end. It might not come right away, but eventually it will.

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If you want to know my take on revenge, listen to Kesha’s song “Praying”. 

Libra Noir
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I dont think karma is so much about justice, but more like “you get what you give”. If youre giving out hate, no matter if you feel justified, its gonna materialize into your reality. 

I guess for me, I always look where I can win within myself. Like how can I grow from this. What can I conquer within myself. Not that the impulse to destroy the other person isn't there, but that theres no real satisfaction in revenge. 

Ive done some stuff where, I couldnt really pinpoint my motives, so maybe it was revenge, and I can tell you that seeing someone go down was underwhelming. Thats what made me go deeper into myself and seek to conquer my ego. I realized that power was not in overcoming my environment, but in overcoming my own inner drives. 

Having gone through that gauntlet (not like complete ego dissolution, but this specific topic)  I can see that in some situations revenge is natural and necessary. Im willing to play a role in life. But it would be a clean process for me. I know I would be somehow serving a higher good. Not that Im eager to play that role of revenger (is that a word?). But if thats what the moment called for without question, I would do it. 

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I think living well is the best revenge. 

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Much as it is best to walk away, there are certainly cases of someone being so overcome with grief and rage that their actions are not rational or responsible.

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