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Starting to heal from toxic chilhood at 75 ?

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I've been spending more time recently with my dad, who had a very toxic childhood due to a very violent father (physically and psychologically).

While he couldn't even talk about his father in the past, it seems that he has recently made some progress, although it is still subtle.

He says things like, "I never felt that he loved me," and even cries from time to time, which I tend to see as a positiver evolution vs the absolute distance and denial he had before.

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I would love to believe that he is starting to heal at 75 years old even if this is a long road...

Pluto in Aquarius is forming a trine to his Sun in Libra while Jupiter conjuncts Uranus in his 9th.

Could this represent this process?

Happy to know if you have any views on this.

Thank you !

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Pluto is inconjunct his Moon Uranus... healing when you least expect it!

This sounds incredible, actually.

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Thank you ! This fills me with hope, not only for him

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Transit Jupiter and Uranus in opposition to his natal Mars and Chiron conjunction in Scorpio. With the Uranus Jupiter conjunction in Taurus exact at 21.50 (22 degrees) on 20th April, exactly opposing his Chiron.

I look at Mars to see how a person was influenced by 'masculine energy', so generally first experience is with the father. If we apply this, then your father experienced his father to be Scorpionic and also there was acute wounding involved (Chiron).

I do think the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction can help us transform Scorpio issues (the opposite sign), which are often transgenerational, with Scorpio/8th house representing legacy - ie., ancestors.

The Pisces transits we are having will also help with release of unconscious material that has been locked away. But also enable us to be compassionate with ourselves, because a lot of the historical issues being traumatic, they tend to foster acute self hate, self destructiveness, which we must now overcome and balance out through acceptance and forgiveness. I wish you dad the best with his journey home!

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Thank you.

I also have Mars conjunct Chiron (conjunction venus) in Taurus 11th (opposite uranus in tye 5th and squre jupiter).. probably a common wound we have to heal.

This makes sense to me.

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@a2905_gemini With Venus, you may be looking at bringing your mother/the female into the story (in the same way I described how Mars can denote how you experienced the male/father).

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Oh yes...

Now I see...

I guess I must continue to learn how to better love myself and others while learning to take actions and engagements (mars?) aligned on my heart and values ?

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@a2905_gemini Your Venus, Mars, Chiron conjunction is very much tied up with your Uranus opposition occurring (important midlife transit). It may be that you are learning more about your family and how they have impacted your sense of self and how you are in the world, especially around identifications with masculine and feminine energy, and here with some factor of vulnerability or wounding. With the conjunction these energies are harder to define or separate as they are working so closely together, but you may gain new knowledge. Not having a Venus-Mars conjunction myself (I have the square), I cannot know what it is to embody the energy together, but I imagine that everything you love or value intrinsically has an element of passion and drive. I always notice world class footballers, many have Venus-Mars conjunction!! Perhaps you can share what it is like?

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Just noticed in our synastry my dad's north node on my mars/Chiron... opposite my Uranus on his mars /Chiron.. 

A kind of appointment in this life to face our wounds and heal them together ?

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Chiron exactly on the descendant of our composite chart...

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@a2905_gemini Some beautiful synastry there, and the fact that you are conscious of the potential roles for each other makes it even more special.

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It’s certainly possible to heal from childhood trauma at any age. Astrologically, I would look at what’s going on with natal Chiron. 
Healing the inner child is not easy for a lot of people as it triggers strong emotion. A lot of men I’ve noticed have a harder time with it. One thing that can be very healing for the inner child is to write a letter to yourself as a child. You can also visualize talking to yourself as a child. It triggers a release, and once you’re able to release it, it’s easier to forgive. 

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“Write a letter to yourself as a child” isn’t worded the best way.. Meant it more as in write a letter to the younger/childhood self. 
The reason I mentioned this is because it got brought up in one of my sessions today. I thought it may have been a sign so I shared. 


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Thank you for sharing !

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