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Women Always Know When Their Men Are Cheating...

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i don't attribute it to some special intuition or it being gender specific. it's about being a little scrupulous, and paying attention to detail when you suspect that someone's behavior is off. It's pattern recognition. Do I need to break out some stat terms?

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I look for it to happen. I don't try to have a self fulfilling prophecy but I sleep with one eye open. Men are only human and most are driven sexually. There are a whole lot of ladies willing to sleep with your husband and not blink an eye. There are a whole lot of them that would like to make an effort just for an increase in income.

I live with a Pisces. They live in a fantasy world sometimes. He isn't ugly. He makes a good living. And, I am not stupid. It could happen. I also know when we aren't in a good place.

He is quite capable of screwing around. He is a human being. And, if he wants to do it there isn't anything I can say or do to stop him. You can knock off a piece of ass in a coat closet in 3 minutes.

No one is fooling this old Scorpio.

I didn't say he has. But should the day come that he does it, (or I should find out that he has) I wouldn't drop over from shock. People like to screw. The secret chase is exciting. A lot of the time they do it for that more than they do for love.

Marriage can get boring. I think they can do it and still believe they love their wife and their kids, and want to keep what they have. (not my version of love but it happens all the time) It's rare a man leaves his wife for his side piece. Very rare. That's why I find it hard to believe women mess with married men. They usually just end up hurt. The wife overlooks it and the side dime gets dumped.

I however would never overlook it and the outcome would not be in his favor.

I knew when I was being cheated on. I knew it almost immediately.

Here is a typical Scorpio response. I knew he was cheating. I confirmed it by waiting in his work parking lot in a friends car and watched him and the side ass get into our vehicle and drive to a motel for lunch. They were in there for two hours. Then they went back to work.

I didn't say a word. For a year. Yep, that's right. I didn't not let on like I knew a thing for a year. I also didn't sleep with him. I just let him go on and keep screwing the dimwit while I got all my ducks in a row. Quietly saved every dime. Separated financial business as best I could without him realizing. Then boom.... I confronted him when my business was straight. He turned white in the face. Went back to work and fired the girl. She filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against the company and he got transferred. I told him I would stay behind. He begged for forgiveness and I told him I forgave him. And I told him I would stay behind, sell the house and move with him when the new school year started. Pfffttt.... I sold the house. I leased a place in my name only. Moved our belongings while he was in his new place getting it ready for us. Kept the equity we had in our house. You know how this ends.

He came back for me, our stuff, the equity .... GONE.... the last words I said to the mother effer was .... that was the most expensive piece of ass you've ever had in your life. Handed him divorce papers and he was done. That was the day he was dead to me.

So yes, I knew when I was being cheated on.

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I will also add this. If I wanted to cheat on my husband, he would NEVER know. Absolutely never ever find out.

It wouldn't be hard at all.

I don't think I am special. And, for the record I wouldn't do it. But if I ever decided to do it, he would never know. There is always a man somewhere that is willing unfortunately.

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This reminds me of a story I heard at one of my temp jobs. One of my co-workers told about her friend who'd gone to her husband's office with a bottle of bubbly to congratulate him on a promotion/new job. She hadn't found her husband, but an unfinished, very compromising e-mail to another woman. I remember the co-worker told her friend hadn't had a clue and was devastated

Later on, I started dating my Husband, and one day he was showing me the site of a company he wanted to work with, because two of his friends from University were already there. These guys also sailed with him. Talking about the other guy, he started, "I don't know if I should tell this, but..." and then gave me the exactly same story I'd heard about 6 months before at work. Turns out, he was friends with this guy. They went to work together, and he was invited to our wedding with his new wife. He didn't come, and the excuse he gave was pretty lame. He didn't attend any of the other occasions where some of the old group had been invited to, either. I think that he at least was shamed about his behaviour, and didn't want to be reminded.

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Elsa said
I think water signs...Scorpio would be likely to know.

Both girls I mentioned are double Cancerians. Sun and Moon. The other girl also has Cancer Venus, and  Pluto conjunct Ascendant in Libra.

But now that I think about this, these things happened within 4-5 months. The other girl also met her future husband then, and married him after just 4 months of an engagement. We later discovered he was a paranoid narcist.  I probably should check what the heck was hitting Cancer on that timeframe. It must have been heavy stuff!

Posts: 271
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 women have strong intuition. not all of them, but quite a few out there. you can just tell. by the way they act. even my sisters are notorious for checking and watching/observing couples in family events, or occassions to see if the couple is still doing good. the way they interact, if they touch eachother softly in a more caring, loving way, or they give eachother biting remarks, that mean they secretly hate eachother, or something in the atmosphere. So far, in the last 2 years, we've seen three couples break up. these are from daughters/sisters/brothers from in-laws).

but i don't know really, it's kind of presumptious to think i can know anything. if people do it, they do it, people can't control others "actions" and what they do in the relationship. You just gotta hope for the best, and trust in them.

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