transactional relationship

Transactional Personalities & Relationships

I have little experience with people with transactional personalities, but I do know a few perfect specimens.  To be clear, a transactional personality is someone who never acts (positively or negatively) if there’s nothing to gain. This idea is insanely limiting to a person like me. I don’t think I could mind a rule like […]

Vintage zodiac paper dolls

What Do You Want From Astrology?

People look to astrology for a wide variety of reasons.  I wonder what the people reading here want from it.  I ask this, standing in the middle of a Neptune cloudbank. It seems there’s a lot of interest in politics and everything related to it. Predictions, generally of doom, followed by predictions of redemption. I think


Adapting To Life In The Now (A.I. & Various Other Sundries)

I had a client looking at dates today. It was like, “back away from September”. Also back away from October, etc. with the Mars Pluto opposition coming in. Seriously, it’s busy out there, and slippery.   Life is tumultuous for many. I’m one of them as my husband has a serious diagnosis and does not look well.


August 2024 Astro: Dicey, Spicy, Wynken, Blynken & Nod

I’ve heard many people state, August will be a… “shit show”.  It most certainly will if, you take the position. For one thing, Saturn is in Pisces. The things you believe tend to crystalize.  On top of that,  August’s actual antics in the Mutable signs will be popping off, left and right. There will be


Weekly Astrology: July 29 – August 2, 2024 – Desires Change

Monday morning, the Venus-ruled Taurus Moon conjoins Uranus and sextiles retro Pisces Neptune, and the mood is electric sugar. In addition, Leo Venus in active trine to retro Chiron (exact Tuesday) promises a proud prize for primo improvements, so lean into the magic mood and leave room for myriad possibilities.

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