New Moon in Sagittarius: December 12, 2023 – Darwin Awards

I believe I can flyThe new moon in Sagittarius will take place in the early evening on, December 12th, at 20 degrees.  Mars and Neptune are involved.

Sagittarius is confident. Mars takes risks.  The sun moon conjunction (new moon) is conjunct Mars. All three bodies square Neptune. This combination screams, “LAPSE OF JUDEMENT”, through there are many other ways for it the play.

If you want to benefit with this, the first order of business is not to take stupid risks.  If you have any question at all, get yourself a discerning Virgo and ask, “Am I idiotic?” Hopefully they’ll tell you.

Generally speaking, any form of gambling, should probably be avoided.  This is a “I knew I was screwing up and did it anyway”, type energy.

Setting aside, this thing that must be warned about, there’s a definite opportunity to open doors here. It’s truly boundless, particularly if you’re courageous and willing to push outside your paradigm.  You also have the option to pretend nothing exists outside your paradigm.  After all, Mars in Sagittarius is about free will!

I feel I’m already getting a good result from this. Recently, I left a comment from someone, nothing that negative beliefs can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. I think optimism is a strong play here, but you’ll want to stop short of insane stupidity.

If this line eludes you, perhaps due to a transit, the for Godsakes, ask. The outside perspective (Sagittarius) might be the thing that spares you in this case.

14 thoughts on “New Moon in Sagittarius: December 12, 2023 – Darwin Awards”

  1. Maybe it’s the optimism in me but I feel good about this one. It falls in my 5th conjunct natal Neptune and opposite natal Venus, trine asc. Delusion is obviously par for the course in my chart, lol but I plan to hole up and use this energy constructively for some fun, new creative endeavors—albeit, low risk. Otherwise, that poor Mars might dissolve under natal and t.Neptune’s double influence. 😆

      1. Absolutely! There’s a huge danger of being misled under this new moon for sure. For me, would not be swimming or imbibing substances… 😹

  2. This hits my natal Saturn at 20 deg in 2nd and widely my natal Saturn opposition to Mars at 13 deg.

    No idea how to interpret all of this with Neptune squaring from my 5th

    Venus will be exact on my natal Pluto which opposes my Taurus Sun, so there’s that too

  3. Due to a major lapse in judgement Saturday, I ALMOST got myself carjacked. I love car chases, and someone rear ended me and took off. I was on his tail for 20 minutes as he raced his piece of crap around block after block, ending up at the end of a long isolated incline on a dead end. I pull onto the street and see him get talking on his phone with both hands- good- no gun. I have cautiously rolled to a crawl a decent distance away with my window open. I hear him saying “Hurry up so you can block her in!” so I slam it into reverse, then yell “Liar, liar!” at him to see if he was bluffing about his friends. He wasn’t, as he started sprinting for his car screaming at them I was getting away. Once I cleared the street and put in in 1st, I began telling him to let them come try to get me! I was swearing at him like crazy as I took off. I thought it was just an unpleasant encounter for a day or two until I watched my recording of events again and recounted the story to a friend, who said they were going to carjack me, take my purse, and probably punch me out!

  4. It is happening on my natal north node in the first house ..I have had a series of unfortunate events the past month or so. Lost my job by being betrayed, my boyfriend wanted a break(he also lost a job) , my best friend lost her mind literally went into psych , other friend betrayed me..hoping with neptune square and Mercury retrograde maybe everyone will all rethink what just happened and something changes for the better soon! Thing is I haven’t had this many things happen in a long time and now a new moon on my natal north node.. I must be going on some new path at least idk neptune of course I’m not allowed to see my way to it. Story of my life !

  5. This will fall in my 12th house. I’m currently trying to transcend my problems at the moment, or at least, worry less about the things I cannot change. I’m all for barrelling ahead and tackling things head-on where I can, but there is something undeniably beautiful about surrendering to the great unknown.

  6. I have a Saturn at 18 and Uranus at 25 opposing Chiron at 21 and MC at 26 degrees. I had an astrologer warn me about the January month and possible this December leading into it.

    Yesterday someone posted they got Covid and now lots of people are sick. And I work with kids so they are always sick.

    1. I tested positive for Covid today. On the mend now. But while it shouldn’t have been surprising, I was indeed surprised. I’m the 3 years of pandemic was ongoing, I never got it.

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