Full Moon In Leo: January 25, 2024 – Big Bang – Dark Comedy?

leo blue lionThe full moon in Leo will take place at 5 degrees on January 25th, midday. The full moon will aspect Pluto as well as Jupiter in Taurus – we could see a big dramatic blow out here… or blow up, for that matter.  Please check the chart here.  I am not saying, “be afraid”.

I am saying Jupiter enlarges things and Taurus is concerned with finance.

I am saying Pluto intensifies things and tends to be drastic, maybe even more so, in Aquarius.

But Leo is a fun and sunny and creative sign. If you add Jupiter and Pluto, you might get a dark comedy?  I can assure you of this: Whatever happens, someone will be laughing!

I note the Mercury Mars conjunction in Capricorn in the chart but not sure how to take it. It could indicate a timed strike but it could also provide restraint? I wouldn’t bank on the latter, just because Aquarius is rule-breaker, but we’ll see.

We may also see something hidden come to light. As I’ve explained for 25 years, lights are up under a full moon. Jupiter and Pluto… worldwide darkness?  Or lights up on same?

How to you see this full moon manifesting?


32 thoughts on “Full Moon In Leo: January 25, 2024 – Big Bang – Dark Comedy?”

  1. Taurus is my 8th house, should I be worried I’ll encounter a large financial issue? Or will it be something positive? Jupiter is natively in my 4th house of Capricorn.

  2. Pluto. Rulebreaking.

    Dang, that’s a good word to pull from the dictionary in combination with Pluto. If you mash those energies together, it’s pretty certain it will create all sorts of interesting outcomes, but also all sorts of lightbulb moments. Mad scientist creates a Frankenstein’s monster in our society! It’s equal parts genius, equal parts morbid, playing with the dead like that!

    Elsa, you always say “step away from the corpses”… What if the corpses are revived? And you can’t see it because it’s Pluto, playing his game… After all, you coined it rather nicely the other day with “It’s brick season, folks!”
    … Dead bricks? Or deadly bricks? Time will tell! I am mostly playing with words here by the way, but you have activated my brain box now 😉

    *cackles like a madwoman*

  3. The chart has a combination of intensely liberating energy (fire-air), but with elements of restraint (earth), and these sextile to the water. So I think things can be handled well even if it physically feels out of control. It’s like the backup team for a Ferrari driver or something.

  4. Dear Elsa that moon scares the s..t out of me as continuation of all shenanigans I ve been having under heavy transits of Pluto, Saturn and Uranus.
    I have Ascendant 5 Aquarius with Mars 5 Leo squaring Uranus in Scorpio natally.This moon is going to add drama. I am still
    searching for some consolation… and I can’t find a safe space

    1. EVERYONE has been born with some strengths..go to your SUN, the I AM principle.You ARE your Sun.Find the safe place within the qualities energies and gifts of your Sun.My own Sun sign is a part of a grand square but I find a lot of strength in my CANCERIAN nature.. I STUDY IT, I USE IT.I use my Uranus,Mars aspects to DEFY the odds, over and over again, to be a rabble rouser, to forge my own unique path … yes,its’ painful at times (well,my whole LIFE has been filled with unexpected and sometimes chaotic CHANGE..) but a lot of interesting and educational things have come out of most of those changes (and just plain sorrow and sadness out of some of them,too.) but I find my way. Also look to your MOON and the resilience, the ABILITY to shift with the times.. the MOON is change and cycles.. find your soul in your Moon. You can do this!

      1. thank you for these reflections, thatvmight mean coming to the roots ( i have Sun 5 Gem conjunct IC)
        i will contenplate what you wrote here, it is very valuable

  5. I have transit Mars and Mercury going to oppose natal Mercury/Mars in the 10th and then BML. My Neptune in Capricorn is at 7 degrees. Someone told me it would be a tough month. I’ve been clashing in a very dramatic way with a Sun Leo and it might get worse…
    Nevertheless this will be in the 11th house.

      1. That is true about Taurus. Maybe it will be a series of pushing / pulling? But with Pluto, I’d anticipate ‘push’ at a point.

  6. I’m feeling similar energies. Jupiter and Leo have something in common: generosity. Leo are generous in an extravagant but also big-hearted way, and Jupiter is generous in a benevolent and jovial way. So there is “abundance” … But of WHAT? It could be for both good and bad. An abundance of everything good, or everything terrible!

    You could put your wishes out to the universe to manifest, go ahead and give it a shot. But Pluto is in the mix, so a case of being careful for what you wish for! As you say, Pluto intensifies things.

    Furthermore, we have a Finger of God formation from Moon in Leo, to Venus in Capricorn, and to Saturn in Pisces. Causing a rather uncomfortable Mexican stand-off.

    There could be resistance in the form of old Pluto-Capricorn Era debris floating around, with both Saturn and Capricorn highlighted there.

    Maybe there might be those clinging to their old outworn value (Venus) systems (Capricorn), or those who are refusing to let go (Pisces) of the old outworn structures and rules (Saturn) that are dissolving (Pisces).

    Not everyone will be holding hands, waving flowers, and singing, “When the Moon is in the 7th house, and Jupiter aligns with Mars …”. (even though, incidentally, Jupiter does trine Mars!).

    Maybe one or two will though! 😂

  7. To add to my previous comment, it could be highlighting where resources have been “generous” to some, but to the detriment of others.

    A classic example of those higher up, corporate executives, shareholders, the Pluto Capricorn folk, that have had pocketed generous pay packages, who have squandered it on luxuries and extravagances for selfish reasons, offshore accounts, etc, whilst the “little people” are in debt, working all sorts of backbreaking hours, drowning in rising bills, and under threat of losing jobs.

    The greedy ones (Jupiter) may be the ones that are highlighted under Pluto Aquarius, who will set the tone of upheaval, and maybe even a revolutionary feel. Let THEM eat cake!

  8. I will have the Full Moon in my 7th house, with the Sun/Pluto in my 1st

    7th house Full Moon in Leo, with Jupiter and Pluto added to the mix. Big, intense, unexpected relationship drama playing out?

    Nothing new there. My romantic life has resembled the aftermath of a tornado for a long time now. What could possibly go wrong THIS time? 🙄🙄

    Did someone say be careful of the corpses?

  9. The new moon next week will have several markers for me.My natal Pluto , at 2 Leo, 4th house. Natal sun at 12 Leo also 4th house. Plus a progressed Pluto 4 Leo and my
    progressed ASC at 7 Leo. WHEW All will be opposing my 10th house new occupant, Pluto.
    To add “dimension” to the above, currently riding the waves of transiting Uranus conjunct my natal ASC 19 Taurus.

  10. OOPS Realized I misspoke. My progressed planets will be squaring transiting Pluto. My natal planets will be the only ones opposing transiting Pluto.

  11. The full moon will fall in my 10th house Leo.
    Pluto will oppose my Venus Leo 00. Well don’t know what to expect , been grinded by Pluto more than enough.

    My relationship is solid , so hope Pluto will pass that area. But my friendships suffer. Or better said I’m moving on. Learning how not to be someone else’s doormat anymore.
    My so called best friend who always was selfish is dating a rich man , and she changed , being very condescending and feeling superior to me.
    And on New years I finally had enough. After another stinging comment I realized , this is not how I wanted to be treated by anyone.
    My bf pointed out , he said you are so afraid of Pluto opposite your Venus . But I won’t leave you, maybe it’s you leaving the last toxic friendship in your life ?
    Never thought of that .

    I don’t know if Pluto opposite is worse than the square . But I had my fair share of heartache and trauma.
    I’ll stand up again always managed to.
    Jupiter touring my 8th didn’t bring me any windfall but he’s still there until may . So let’s see.
    Hoping that Pluto in Aqua helps me liberate!

  12. Jan 25 is Australia Day, although there is a big push that this should not be the date we celebrate as it is the day Indigenous people starting to deal with colonialism.

    Very big dispute for different people with different views in Australia, so I wonder how this will all shake out with the Leo Full Moon!

  13. My midheaven sits at 0 degees 42 minutes Leo, I have a loose Stellium of 4 natal planets in my 10th house from 12 – 26 degrees. (sun, moon, Mercury and Uranus) transiting Pluto is sitting smack dab on my IC. Transiting Jupiter & Uranus is in my 7th.

    I have to laugh, we have been waiting to hear about a bonus we are supposed to get because work has been pushing everyone extremely hard this last year, because they want to break a record.

    I got an email today telling us they are holding a pizza day as a thank you on Jan 26th….. So far nothing about money, but if they do? I really doubt it will be much.

    I’d say this definitely has something to do with work but how favorable or profitable is up in the air and I have a feeling my hubby ( or maybe a co-worker??) will be all riled up about whatever it is.

    1. Update….I realized the record they are trying to break was set in 2008…..I got an email notifying me they are having plant meetings on Jan 25th. This should be interesting! ( still not expecting anything Hugh….)

  14. This full moon conjoins my natal moon/uranus pairing. It also heralds a long opposition between Pluto in Aqua (house 2) and my Leo Moon&Uranus in house 8.

    I am not at all sure what experiences this will trigger, except they will be intense and transformative. What I do know is that at the ripe age of 66 I’ve fallen in love for the first time in 4 decades. May my soul grow …!

  15. I am commenting because we learn as we see how transits manifest energetically but I can’t say anything too specific on what I have gone through. I have a mercury mars conjunction in aquarius natal. The article about it being a marker for sexual abuse and controlling fathers, dead on. Pluto 12th house, scorpio ascendant and venus in Capricorn, 3rd house. Taurus is my 7th. 1st husband nearly killed me, a violent volatile Taurus. This week I was at a new job helping elderly in their home, a son is a Taurus, he was kind and good to me. ( have daughter taurus btw and we are besties) He was fighting with his girlfriend, I eventually left for safety reasons. As I was driving away, Don’t Fear the Reaper by Blue Oyster Cult was playing on my Spotify. Little did I know, as I was driving away, girl, shot, dead. This is no light energy for me. I try to shine and love on those in need but these dark shadows are everywhere.

  16. Looking at Mars conjunct Mercury in Capricorn, it could go two ways, or both ways. My assumption re the state of the world is that there is a massive imbalance of power. Those in power could get (more) greedy, afraid, and make a crude, overt, aggressive move to grab additional power. It will be noticed. Those pulling the puppet strings are finding it harder and harder to stay hidden. This could be one more bright light in their faces.
    At the same time, the rest of us could finally get angry enough to make real and concrete efforts to take back our power and authority. Mars and Mercury are square the nodes. Mars is the ruler of the North Node (in Aries) which is the direction we may want to head in. Clean anger can be constructive.
    The full Moon in Leo has no good aspects to it. Looks like wounded pride to me. More fuel for the fire.

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