Weekly Forecast: January 22-26, 2024 – Leo Full Moon Square Jupiter

boy heliosMonday morning, the Mercury-ruled Gemini Moon moves through the end of the sign in a t-square with Pisces Neptune and final-degree Sagittarius Venus. Mercury spends the week chasing a conjunction with Mars in cardinal Capricorn as both square Chiron and trine retro Uranus.

So while the mood is wavy and theoretically frustrating or fairy-fanning, ultimately its real world impact is minimal or positive. We may need to noodle some fantasy backroads in service to finding a new way.

Afternoon takes the Moon into its own rule in Cancer as it heads into trine with Saturn and sextile to Jupiter overnight: lovely, vibrant dreams of substance. Also overnight, Venus leaves Jupiter-ruled Sadge for Saturn-ruled Capricorn.

The trend goes from wanting more (wanting A LOT) to working toward what we want and realistic gains.

Tuesday’s Cancer Moon also starts out in a t-square, with an opposition to Mercury-Mars and a square to Chiron. Again, there’s the definite possibility of a frustrated mood. However, this one also rides a fine line separating success and failure. There’s an influx of demands this week and they’re all just outside our comfort zone. On Tuesday they’re personally challenging. Emotional maturity is key to a great outcome. Also, we’re aided by the Mercury-Mars trine to Uranus once again as answers and action surprise us in beneficial ways.

Overnight, the Cancer Moon perfects a sextile to retro Uranus: lean in to the unknown and make the most of new (old) leads. See things with fresh eyes and act accordingly.

On Wednesday, the Moon moves from its sextile to retro Uranus into trine with Neptune. Fresh or frazzled, we wake up ready to go. Imagination goes well with a Cancer Moon mood, and so does compassion. With all the earthy energy in the background, we’ve got some serious (possibly spiritual) networking going on. Wednesday is perfect for adding in personal networking, really enjoying the synchronicities as they come. It’s an emotional oasis in overlay to the mundane.

Overnight, the Moon moves to fiery, sunny Leo and an opposition to Pluto at zero Aquarius: a first thrill of many to come. Zippy, full of fuel… outside excitement and a flicker of genius. Someone has an impact, us or them; but the impact feels like an improvement. Not all improvements feel particularly pleasant in the moment tho.

Thursday morning, Capricorn Venus moves into orb of sextile to Saturn in Pisces. Desire is tempered but not squashed. Control is pleasurable and beneficial. Self control is best. Mars perfects its square to Chiron; and while literal control is challenging, oh do we learn well from it.

The Leo Moon makes its full moon opposition to the Aquarius Sun in close square to Jupiter in Taurus, fixed and supercharged. The Sun didn’t conjoin Pluto in Aquarius (the Sun got there first), but the Moon holds its nighttime encounter deep in its fiery heart. It’s a new game, the old game is gone. The new game is on HIGH, with passion.

Venus and Saturn form a yod with the full moon. They also ameliorate the impact of Jupiter’s square. Venus setiles Saturn and trines Jupiter. Saturn sextiles Jupiter. If you can bank your desires with wisdom and faith, all things are possible with this change… in time. Chase MEANING over acclaim.

Friday morning, Mercury perfects its square to Chiron as the post-full Leo Moon quincunxes Mercury and trines Chiron. Learning doesn’t just happen. But when you stick with the things that make your brain itch, you DO improve. And it feels like winning!

The Leo Moon goes on to square Uranus at the end of its retrograde. Uranus slows to station direct in the night as the Aqua Sun perfects its square to Jupiter. Exciting! Cool (a combo of hot and cold), dramatic fireworks are like an aftershock to Thursday’s full moon. This can be either fun or challenging depending on your emotional maturity. That’s not an insult… it’s merely the ability to slow your roll and keep going.

Mercury-Mars and Uranus trining in earth lead the way with solid attitude and follow through. Ignoring whatever doesn’t work for the situation is a simple way to achieve transcendence. Venus-Saturn is solid pleasure in initiating and modulating control.

The full moon takes place morning/midday Thursday at 5 degrees Leo. If we expand our capacity for compassion, seeing others for their intrinsic value overall, we find our own place and our own value. Opening our ego focus to include others expands the value we see in ourselves. Where does the full moon hit your chart?

5 thoughts on “Weekly Forecast: January 22-26, 2024 – Leo Full Moon Square Jupiter”

  1. The energy shift from Capricorn to Aquarius has been shockingly good for this Leo. I just love “slow your roll” because I am savoring every moment of how much better I feel. I wondered how I might be impacted by Pluto and thought why not harness the oppositional energy? It’s out there…so tap into it. Nothing to lose because my life has been hell for the last 15 years. Arrivefuckingderci Capricorn!

  2. Oh I hear you, Diane!!
    No idea how all this is impacting Pisces (technically I shouldn’t even be commenting here, as I’m a D-minus on astrospeak, but at some point my cells should osmose enough to somewhat comprehend, or so I believe…)
    But back to the last 15? years… hell on toast. Burnt toast, at that. Good to hear these transits are working for you, I’m a great believer in contagion 😂
    Here’s to happy days for all; may 2024 be kinder to everybody, Mama Gaia and the oceans and critters included.

  3. If you are a D- then I am an F. I know nothing but I usually can strongly feel elements. Earth Wind Fire Air. I know Water puts out my fire, makes me simmer or boil. I hope life gets better for you. ❤️

  4. Spot on,Elsa. At least it feels so, so far.It will be in my 6th and will sq.my Merc. and Nept and Pluto opps. Sun 24 Taurus. Uranus will be direct soon on that degree.
    I keep getting an image of ‘a seed releasing’ hope it falls on fertile ground…and isnt a weed.

    I have had no desire to mingle much with the dusty world except for essential shopping . There is some hosititly in the streets. Sometimes subtle.

    And thanks, for getting the site up and running.

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