When Will Things Get Better? How About May, 2024?

may 2024For all we’re going through and all the fear out there; well, I admit it’s hairy but I have to tell you: May looks wonderful.  A stellium, supported by Saturn and Neptune in Pisces dominates all month.

This chart section, featured is early May.  Mercury joins the party, mid-month.

may 2024 mid monthThis is the chart, on the 21st.  At this point, Pluto in Aquarius is trining the stellium.

The end of the month, looks brilliant as well.

I did not run through each and every day; but there is a TON of favor here. Unexpected benefit and aside to that it simply looks FUN.

To make the most of this, plan to try new things.  Open the door to happiness and abundance.

I really this may sound stupid with cloud of doom, descending all over the world, but these planets are aligned in very a favorable way. Many will be greatly blessed and keep in mind, a rising tide, lifts all boats!

20 thoughts on “When Will Things Get Better? How About May, 2024?”

    1. July looks normal. Typical. Just a cursory look, but this is when the cluster breaks up. Summertime. You do you, I do me, type deal.

  1. I can’t understand saturn and neptune conjunct. I have it in Libra. I’m hoping that that Pluto trine helps me understand.

    1. For me,also with Saturn and Neptune in Libra (and in my 7th) I have had a life of being a practical romanticist.. my term.. I found my Knight in Shining Armour.. my husband – when I was young, and still have a romantic attraction to him after 50 years… I appreciate the soft dreamy mystical side of life and I also have a need for practicality, good income, a career, and material abundance. I find I rather like the combo of dreamy and mystical with practical and pragmatic and high achieving.I find those qualities very attractive in both myself and in others.

      I don’t want to be a “starving artist..” I prefer to be a prosperous mystic/healer/writer. Oh, I am a Nurse too (retired.)

      While I see “reality” loud and clear,I am usually able to soothe my Soul with art, music,surrounding myself with pretty things and places..I NEED a calm peaceful and beautiful home, so I have one. I play music all the time, no TV in background.

      I have had many LESSONS to learn about relationships. Had awful parents but great spouse.

      Saturn and Neptune can bring about a blend of practicality and hard work with spirituality beauty and mysticism..practical daydreams..

      What are yours??

      1. Thank you Madeline! I never found my “Knight in Shining Armor”. 2 marriages, both ending with their affair with another woman. The first marriage lasted 12 years, the second marriage lasted 28 years. The second one, I definitely stayed too long. I also had awful parents. I made sure that my children had an enjoyable upbringing. I’m a retired teacher. Neptune has always escaped me, but your reply helped, because I do have a lot of the same interests. I am definitely a grounded person. Saturn returns were never hard. I was doing what I was supposed to do. I also need a calm, peaceful, beautiful home and find that in my single life. I am active in my church and am the recording secretary at meetings. Thank you for sharing.

        1. Well,Deborah,we seem to share a lot of the same energy… I have come to terms with my Neptune,early on.. as you are also retired, you have time to explore the dreamy,metaphysical, rather soft around the edges energies,too! It is never too late to meet one’s soul mate..TWO of my good friends went to high school reunions, in these past 2 years.. and they are in their 60’s, and they met classmates from the past and rekindled romances.. one of them recently married her high school sweetheart, the other is living in sin (LOL) I RELATE to your coment about Saturn returns.. I got my best work done during my Saturn returns! I rather ike the combo of Saturn/Neptune!

          1. Your posts have been very helpful and exactly how I feel, but never thought of these things like this. Thank you!!!

      2. I like what you wrote, practicality and hard work w/ spirituality, beauty and mysticism. I have often wondered about how Sat/Neptune together can manifest (an uplifting version that is).

  2. I hope may brings better outlook. Uranus have been transiting my 8th for years . No sudden windfall. I never had debt but money wise things only got worse. Jupiter will move into my 9th. But it will eventually square my 6th house , and I have had enough of the squares to my mars in Gemini. I never considered Neptune a hard planet but after all this time. Yes . Neptune kinda sucks being in my 6th now.

  3. Just wanted to say, thank you for this post. If I survive this month with everything crushing my North Node, I will gladly appreciate a happy May.

  4. Are we allowed to have a good month??? It’s been wild all those years with slow moving planets in earth signs especially Uranus that has hit every single personal planet in my chart multiple times. I really need a break

  5. I love the prospects of May!!

    There are two doors, literally, we could open to share Tutu Art( tutu in Hawaiian means grandparent) with kids in our town. Pete’s been volunteering his fix-it arts around outside, making old stairs safe laying blocks for ease of access. When the pollens have done their thing, I’m hoping to set up ArtStops outside with ideas and hands on sculpture/construction the youth might find fun! Hey they’ll show us something we couldn’t or didn’t imagine!

    You wrote a post about 8th House passing of legacy as Related to this one, and pointed to your Jupiter influences. I’ve Jupiter trine my 8th through the Pluto in 7th House and Saturn-Mars in 8th conjunction that spreads my legacy with dark as well as bright( they are all in Leo!) I began making room in my life for good times a few New Moons ago, it’s a process, so I’ve got to/and get to work it. Life is.

    Thanks for the encouragement and timing factor 🌱👍🏽

  6. It’s been a whirlwind for me. Ever since Jupiter went retrograde last September 2023 I’ve had nothing but bigger debt! I certainly did not plan that out well. But on the brighter side, I found medical that helped me.

    I moved under the Aries stellium lol I have 4th house Aries. Found a great apt in central Illinois but it was the worse move ever, not the apt or geography but very bad movers. And I did this move spur of the moment. I still had 3 months on my current lease and landlord lied! Tough choices!

  7. Avatar
    Kelly Thompson

    How does that Taurus stellium squaring Pluto in Leo affect boomers? The Taurus action squares my 22 Leo Pluto 17 Leo moon in the 8th. AQ Pluto transit in early degrees so also squaring. ?

  8. I’m having a long overdue surgery on May 3rd after a misdiagnosis by a first consult in October 2021 who told me I had a prolapsed rectum. I went home and cried. I’m going to get nitty gritty here so stop reading now if you’re not in to hearing this sort of thing. I feel if i can help one person who may be struggling with my symptoms, I am going to lay it all out there. In January of 2022, I ran in to a gentleman in a gym that I had met 10 years prior in another gym. He confided about a procedure he was having and recommended I go see his colonrectal surgeon. I made an appointment and told this doctor my first diagnosis. I did NOT have a prolapsed rectum. I had a build up of scar tissue from 3 episiotomies that tore from delivering three 10# large headed babies. My last one got stuck, slipped the forceps and vacuum and was in distress. There was not time for a C section so my doctor, who delivered me, put his arm in and pulled out my son. Although he sewed me up good, 20 years later, my sphincter muscle started losing strength (despite my being a gym rat and going to a pelvic floor specialist). I’m to the point that I can’t even hold in a fart. And most people in my age group want to go out to eat or over each other’s houses and eat. I eat and everything wants out. So after 5 years from the first initial symptoms, I’m going to have a sphinctoplasty which I truly believe will be 100% successful with no complcations. The prep is going to suck. It’s the same as for a colonoscopy and I’ll be camping out in the bathroom with a box of my 95 year old mother’s adult diapers …. you get the idea 🤣🤣🤣🤣
    but after the area is reconstructed muscle layer by muscle layer, I’ll only have 2 weeks of down time while the sutures heal. I have the best colonrectal surgeon in my area.

    I am so excited!

  9. Hey Elsa, Applied for a new job, I work remote and it’s not at all conducive to my mental health. For the last few years I kept fighting as to why I didn’t like this job, people were like, what??? Why not?? this a perfect job, you never have to leave your house but that’s JUST IT!! I’ve gotten way too Weird for my own good here 😂😂
    Im grateful for it but I just can’t do it any longer And this Job would be a great opportunity!! It has everything to do with what I’m most passionate about!! Knowing we’re in that retrograde I’m also being a bit cautious, not wanting to put all my eggs in one basket ykwim My Aries Rising is in full swing……Wishing all Love to You and Everyone!! Be Well!!!

  10. i cant wait! April is proving to be very stressful (eclipse squaring my Asc), retrograde and that Mars/Aries …too much! I just want to quit work and runaway!

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