July 2015

8th House – Goods Of The Dead

Death was swept under the rug in Colorado, unless it could be sensationalized. It’s a lot different here. Obituaries are published prominently and respectfully. The names of the dead are also read on the radio, along with their funeral date, time and place.  This has had a big (good) effect on me. I’ve also been doing […]


Jeanne Guyon – One Woman’s Saturn Return, circa 1664

From Wiki.. “…In 1664, when she was 15 years old, after turning down many other proposals, she was forced into an arranged marriage to a wealthy gentleman of Montargis, Jacques Guyon, aged thirty eight. During her twelve years of marriage, Guyon suffered terribly at the hands of her mother-in-law and maidservant. Adding to her misery were

Suffering Saturn’s Transit Through Scorpio In The 4th House

Hi, Elsa. I have a Scorpio sun, moon, Venus, and Pluto. Moon, Venus, and Pluto are all in the 4th house. Last year or so maybe two, I have been battling the worst depression thinkable to the point where I can’t go a few hours without crying. Almost feel like I’m bleeding inside or depleting somehow. I have tried

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Man standing on his head on top a mountain

What It’s Like To Be Crippled

Recently, I’ve not been able to walk.  It’s happened really quickly. It happened so quickly, my reaction has been stunned, shock. At this point, I’ve had enough time to research, I don’t think this is going to unresolvable for me, at least in the near term. But boy is it eye-opening.

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