Adapting To Life In The Now (A.I. & Various Other Sundries)

chaosI had a client looking at dates today. It was like, “back away from September”. Also back away from October, etc. with the Mars Pluto opposition coming in. Seriously, it’s busy out there, and slippery.   Life is tumultuous for many. I’m one of them as my husband has a serious diagnosis and does not look well.

Looking at the chaotic sky ahead… so many changes and switchbacks, I’ve decided to throw my energy into adapting.  It takes a lot of energy to stay in denial, though I can understand why people do it, when the see or sense, the future is scary.  Well, here are the mundane events that grabbed my attention…

Really, it was two phone calls. One was to the IRS. They found a $3000 check from 2022 and intend to return the funds. I needed to change my banking info, because they said it would take 1-2 months. I want to close the attached account.

71 minutes later, I learned they cannot change the info for me. It too me 6 minutes of AI stuff, before I could even get in queue and start waiting.

Today, I called the bank about closing my account… wait was 25 minutes and I could not get that resolved either.  But here’s the point: There are very few employees You can’t get help, because, everyone, everywhere is laying people off.  *This* is the real new normal. I don’t see this changing anytime soon, if ever.  Tasks are hard to complete!

We’ve also got the medical stuff.  It difficult to get care and time consuming.

How’s Your Medical Care Going These Days?

Mars is definitely active right now. You can get yourself hopped up and stressed or you can hop up and do things that simplify and de-stress your life; possibly with the idea, you can ride this out.

Ride what out?  Whatever comes your way.  It’s like playing tennis.  The ball comes at you, you want to be able to respond.  Less is more right now, from what I can see.

It could be this is personal to me, but I doubt it.  Looking ahead at the sky weather, things will be popping left and right.  It’s mostly out of your hands, but I think we’re beyond the point where it’s helpful to pretend this is life as usual.

That doesn’t mean, panic. It means I told a couple nearing 80 to marry right away so their partner could benefit; have a bit more security, if/when something happens to one of them.  Honestly, I think she was relieved to hear me say that and it’s one of the reasons I’m writing this.  Act (Mars) smartly (Gemini), rather than acting like there’s nothing up. You’ll feel better.

The frenetic energy is good for moving things around… do it now, before it takes even longer or become next to impossible.  The focus is on the intellect right now.  Tap yours and make the moves you know you should make. I think you’ll be glad you did!

Is your life looking like a cyclone right now?  How are you doing?

21 thoughts on “Adapting To Life In The Now (A.I. & Various Other Sundries)”

  1. Wishing your husband all the best and I’m sorry to hear he’s got something. He’s always sounded like a very interesting person all these years!

    I did $5k worth of damage to my car by bumping the U-thing at the gas station, so that’s my current stupid. I feel SO STUPID to have done that. This is the second time I’ve had to get my bumper replaced this year from being stupid and insurance is gonna kill me, as it should. I was going to keep it off insurance, but the car repair place basically wouldn’t let me do it.
    I had a clean record before this and now I’m trashing my car left and right.

    Last two weeks of drama was finally getting covid and immediately passing it to my friend and her husband (who’s dying) after she gave me a ride for another car issue, for ten minutes. I didn’t even know I had it and I feel guilty as hell. I didn’t have a bad time of it at all, but I kept testing positive and I had to go into work anyway (I masked, was very careful, nobody else caught it off me) because I’m not allowed out of the office for “free” for six months.

  2. Elsa, as usual you are on target. Chaos has occurred. People are easily fired up. And things are almost as though folks are waiting for you to take the bait and become part of the problem. So, I cooled my jets, and hung with someone more grounded to indirectly affect my mood. Thank you for the affirming post…

  3. Elsa, I’m so sorry to hear your husband is having health difficulties. That is a “major suck”. I hope he can recover quickly. Sending y’all lots of strength.

  4. Blessings and prayers to your husband and you! I was wondering.

    Lots going on here, and much of it reveals the cold reality of fakery and yes, we aren’t getting any younger, and yes we need real community.

    We sat and talked with a young woman BIPOC friend about the arson and surrounding background stories in our world. The entanglements will take my husband and me a little more time to digest. But the essence of the discovery = recognizing the difference between “good intentions “ and “damaging impact.”

    It makes sense to adapt to know with multigenerational support of real folks! And a connection to a power greater than myself.

  5. Well, that says just about sums it all up…

    Praying for you and your husband

    Today (this year??) was an example of exactly feeling at ropes end…

    Tying a knot and hanging on… for dear life!

    Have to stick around to see how it comes together (based on your? Or someone else’s statement!!!

    Meeting with investigative journalist tomorrow, so there is that…

    Thanks, Elsa, you.are.great.

  6. Bar in the Sky

    Sending light and love to you and your family, Elsa.

    Bogged down in the suck for sure.

    Reminds me of a dream I had . I was looking into a well and at the very bottom it was me as a young girl in a white Easter dress. She looked up at me and asked “why is this so hard?”

  7. Wishing the best for your husband,. Elsa.

    There’s a big fight brewing between my youngest, the baby Scorpio, and my husband. It’s all over supporting her in college. He wants her to transfer back to the local college and she won’t do it. Meanwhile, I have no income to spare and I have a SSDI eligibility call on the 23rd.

    It would have been easier for me to help support her if money and jobs weren’t so erratic. Uranus is in my 2nd with Whole Signs, and my Solar Return has this asshole right on the Rising. The Jupiter-Saturn square is affecting my 6th. I’m tired. I never thought I’d say this, but some stability and boring mundane things would be nice right now.

    1. I so often think of you, especially since you mentioned having that disorder that makes you bluntly honest as I think I was like that until I had to learn to squelch it in work situations to survive. Have you considered work at home customer service jobs, or driving/shopping/delivery gigs? Just a thought.

      1. Hi Warped. Thanks for all your good thoughts. I did consider WFH, and I tried applying for that a number of times. I’d have better luck if the job market wasn’t so over saturated. So I’m continuing work at my little dog care job, putting the brakes on spending and trying to make the best of things.

  8. Tough to hear bad news from the medical industry. I keep hope that alternative natural practioners are accessible to everyone and they will keep emerging to help. My partner had bladder cancer 20 years ago, stage 4 ” the most aggressive type”. The medical industry did help coinciding with someone mentioning Essiac Formula. He took the herbal medicine ( 4 herbs in a tincture) for six months and has been clear since. Burdock, turkey rhubarb, slippery elm and sheep sorrel . I’ve adapted my gardening to growing the herbs I know are useful.

  9. Praying for you and your husband, Elsa. I hope he takes enough time for himself for pure enjoyment. I remember how author Norman Cousins wrote in his book, Anatomy of an Illness, of curing himself of something serious with intense laughter. He spent two weeks in a hotel room watching old Marx Brothers comedies and more all day every day. His doctors were astonished. He was cured and went on to enjoy a long healthy life. 🙏❤️

  10. Elsa, I’m so sorry to hear about your husband. I totally understand the choas you’re feeling. I hope it settles..

    We also had choas here the last 2 weeks. It involved my sons ex narcissist wife..(yep..used that word because she is) and his now 11 year old daughter (they have lived with me since she was just turned 4) and we were totally panicked. Long story, but we kept our cool, let things play out (as per your advice), did what we had to do… i think it feels settled. The 11 year old would have been the one most hurt. So we’ll see what happens..

    Thoughts and prayers to you and your husband, to get through this..

  11. Elsa, not a big poster here. I have been gone back to this article numerous times in the past week. I wanted to say, the “right thing.” But maybe there is no right thing to say, except I am really sorry you are going thru this situation with your husband!
    As others have said, please tell us if you need anything.

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