Are You A Loner?

Recently someone characterized me as a loner. The remark was not judgmental.  This was the conclusion the gal came to when considering what makes me tick.

I don’t feel like a loner. I feel like an individual. I feel like a happy, social, individual for that matter. But my perspective may be skewed.

As for an astrological signature, people with Pluto conjunct the ascendant are seen as loners in the world.  You could extend this to Pluto in the first house. Perhaps Pluto transiting the first house would manifest this condition as well.

Are you a loner? How do you see this in your chart?

83 thoughts on “Are You A Loner?”

  1. @Renee, I’ve become very close to someone in the last six months with a 12th house Sun. How I would characterize him is that his private life is just so very private that few get to peek in. Perhaps this is just the flip side of the loner coin?

    Generally speaking, I’d posit that it could have something to do with personal planets, especially the sun or moon, in the watery houses. Just a theory, I’d be curious to know what others think. I have an 8th house sun (one of five planets there) and a 4th house moon, and I do relate to the loner theme a bit. I can be very social but I do require more than most people (I think) some time to recharge alone.

  2. I would say Pluto opposite ASC as well because it is a lot similar to death of close relationships and any form of intimacy.
    The people I met with Pluto in 1st house may be loners at heart but not on the outside, many are drawn to them, they seem to enjoy social situations and they are quite charismatic.

  3. A person who thinks deeply can be mistaken for a loner when they are simply absorbed in their own thoughts. I don’t know of anything in my chart other than Virgo rising which might make me appear more standoffish at first. I sometimes see myself as a loner but maybe that’s just because I like being left in peace.

  4. I have an aquarius sun in the 12th house and I definitely need time alone to think. I enjoy going out and socializing, I do make friends easy but its hard for me to balance my huge need for solitude.

  5. Saturn’s transit of my 12th house has made me feel like a loner. It’s actually been good for me, it sure allows for some creative fantasy time, I’ll say that.

    As it inches closer to my AC, I’m feeling less like being alone and ready to be more social. Maybe I should throw myself a ‘coming out’ party? 😉

  6. I wonder if an alternative, more appropriate term, would be individualist? That’s how I would think of you.

    To me, loner indicates lack of social skills or interest in social things. And you don’t seem to have that. You are very much an individual though. I knew someone with a Pluto in 1st and they are also an individualist, not a loner.

  7. Hi Elsa, strangely planets in the 11th house of friends and groups can indicate someone who is a ‘loner’. My 12th Cancer Sun does need time alone but more than that I need to ‘submerge’ myself by close contact with others, so maybe someone with an 11th emphasis needs the reverse! (I also have Pluto in the 1st)

  8. pluto in the 1st house Libra – don’t necessarily want to be a loner but I am by myself a lot of the, esp with Saturn in my natal first and transiting my 1st.

  9. 12th house Sun square Saturn and Moon opposite Saturn. I have always been a loner with just a couple good friends. I’m too serious. I need to remind myself to lighten up. To this end I seem to collect friends that bring out the social in me. As a branch off from my previous relationship I have started doing some acting and singing – something my ex encouraged me to do that makes my formerly shy persona cringe, but I really enjoy. Saturn will pass over my descendent soon and I expect this will bring me even further out of my shell.

  10. I’m definitely a loner at times,and have always been. I retreat to recover and recharge. 1st House Saturn may be why.

    Can’t say I see Elsa as a loner at all, self-sufficient yes, but not the same thing. How exposed and social is this website! Maybe some people see strong boundaries and privacy as being antisocial and aloof. If you google my name on the Internet you won’t find me, and I’m hoping I can keep it that way. Touch wood.

  11. @Maria
    We must share a similar DOB. My sun, in Aquarian, is in the 12th house as well. I KNOW I require time to reflect and plan.

  12. I’m saturn opp moon too, and have close friends who are good at and like holding the stage. They tell me they enjoy having someone like me in their lives so they can withdraw from the limelight and be themselves and more vulnerable at times, rather than always having to be entertaining others and keeping them happy. And they seem proud to support my more social side too.

  13. Yeah, I am a loner in the sense I need a lot of time to myself. I prefer being alone and independent. But when I connect with people I am flexible – I can be deep or just fun and frivolous.

    Saturn in Scorpio in the 12th
    Pluto in Libra in the 11th
    Scorpio rising

  14. Yes, Pluto in 1st house, Saturn in 11th, and lots of Uranus and Neptune influences.
    I need time alone like I need oxygen.

  15. My 12th house Saturn sextiles my 4th house Capricorn Sun, Jupiter, Mercury. Mars also occupies my 4th house. I love my company, I find myself most entertaining. I am also a performer. :-)! There is usually surprise when I say I am a loner. I’ve had my second Saturn return, so being a loner is a work of art at this point in time.

  16. I have saturn oppose moon. I feel myself as a loner, but my Libra mercury makes me to talk talk and talk to people, but yea, I don’t have any close friends. I’m a loner.

  17. Avatar

    My Taurus daughter has Pluto in the first but her sun is conjunct her 7th cusp. She needs to be alone to recharge to be able to be with her friends with out getting irritated.

  18. I have a lot of Libra but all in the 8th house, so definitely a loner sometimes. I get bored of superficial interaction and so easily drained. I also have a pisces sun and venus in the 12th, so being very open to energies and atmospheres means I need time to recharge.

  19. First house Gemini sun is a serious extrovert. But 12H chart ruler needs some solo time, too. It’s a balancing act, but an enjoyable one.

  20. Pluto in my 1H, I’m seen as a loner. I like to be in peace. My grand trine water is a-okay with being alone, I actually prefer it most times. My Saturn Aquarius in the 4H makes me stand out as an individual and free spirit. I have that extra amount of quirk lol.

  21. I think I am, but then I’m not. Chart ruler in 11th house.

    I guess I agree with some of the above in that you can be very social, but be wholly your own self (an individual), and as such have tendencies of straying away from the pack, recharging or reflecting on your own. That’s often me.

  22. Also Korellyn, the 11th house sun/chiron in gemini alone wouldn’t point to loner tendencies methinks? However, I get what you’re saying about the 12th house…

  23. Definitely. But I’ve taken it to the extreme in recent years and I really need to get out more. It’s my goal in my life right now…to start being more of a “joiner”.

  24. I would say yes. I am definitely a loner. I get out and about and when in a crowd or party I can mingle with the best of em,but I truly need a lot of alone time to regenerate. As long as I have books, music and my little family around me all safe I am happiest and honestly do not “need” a lot of people around me. I could safely live in a cabin in the woods away from society and be in bliss. 🙂

  25. Elsa, anyone who begins and continues a forum and blog like this is not a loner. Trust yourself.

    I pretty much am a loner. My chart, Leo, 11th house, stellium in Leo and in Virgo. Pluto is in the 11th house. Libra rising. I have to take in information, process it, and then integrate into what I already know, never want to take things at face value. I avoid crowds, and when I am in one, feel very unnoticed and lost. Even when I have family and friends over to our house, acting as a hostess, I may hide out for a while to recharge.

  26. I’m totally a loner, I mean I could go for days submerged by myself and still feel like it wasn’t enough time by myself. I don’t have pluto in my first, but tones of pluto aspects (to all my personal planets) and a 12th house sun.

  27. Saturn conjunct my cancer ASC and my moon, and a 5 planets stelium in my 4th house..i am definetly a loner, many i feel alone ….for example when i am with friends somewhere having fun, i have moments when i need to be alone to recharge…sometimes i think i was a monk in a previuse life 🙂

  28. I often think self sufficiency and being a capable person is mistaken as being a loner. If you are capable, people think you don’t need help and are aloof. Never quite got that one right I sometimes need help but usually work it out before any offers lol
    Rather a loner than a codependent loser 😉

  29. Aha I have Pluto transiting the first – forever…I vant to be alone…yet not.

    Strong opinionated individuals often end up as “loners” whether they are alone are not, they do not follow a can be lonely.

    If you choose to support or speak out where others do not then you can be alone…think of the whistle blower who everyone eggs on to reveal when they turn around everyone has ducked for cover.

    I do not like being a loner but I am and to flock is boredom to me, I love people, am sociable but end of the day….

  30. I don’t think I have same signatures as other posters, but I think Uranus in my chart (Sco, 10th house) may be one reason as it trines to my Sun, Moon, Jupiter in Cancer and I am always described as independent (one person’s independance is another person’s loner?).
    We crabs love to hibernate as it is, but I believe the Uranus aspects in my chart lifts the cancerian tendency to be needy and I’m very happy in my own company.

  31. Like many here I am a 12th house Sun. Yes I am a liner…but not always by choice. I do prefer intense (and it can be intensely joyful) or deep one on one. I always feel like the odd one out in groups. Like I fade into the background. But then something always happens where I am thrust into being the center of attention. My Virgo/Moon Pluto no likely!…lol

  32. Pluto in the first natally and in my solar return too. I am a loner and I’m proud of it. I like my time where I get to surf the net and talk to a whole group of people about things that interest me as well as talk to my friends even at a distance. Aquarius mars in the 5th too wouldn’t have it any other way either, I need time to tinker.

  33. It’s funny you would bring this up, Elsa. I came across my North Node/South Node info and boy is it me to a T. Leo south Aquarius north. It’s not that I’m stuck-up it’s just that my whole life there was always something to do provided by other people. Now. My life is me. Noone calls to do stuff, to go along with whatever happens to be happening and I find I actually must make the effort to connect. I LOVE my alone time, I feel I’m a bit weird and that’s cool. But when I get to connect…I find out I’m actually not that weird and people respond to me. Maybe I’m just selfish. Maybe I don’t want any responsibility. blah, blah, blah…

  34. The kids call me the unibomber and say I’m a hermit. 12th house sun, South node Pisces. Alone feels safe and comfortable.

    But every now and then Uranus in Leo wants to be showoff. I’ll dress to the nines to go to a holiday party or…

  35. I have become completely isolated as Pluto is transiting my first house. I didn’t even know it was POSSIBLE to be this isolated! And seeing as it will be there for quite awhile, I don’t know what it bodes for me.

  36. Pluto in 1st here 🙂 Also, every planet in my chart apart from Moon are below horizon.

    With Libra ASC I can be very charming and nice and social, but nevertheless a loner. Actually I’ve heard myself being described as rather scary and weird. With a Sun/Uranus conjunction I obviously take that as a compliment 😀 Even as a child I was rather alone than in a group. I always travel alone, I live alone, my hobbies are such that don’t involve other people etc. Of course I have a lot of friends, and in my own group I’m funnily enough considered as an extrovert and definitely very individualistic, smart and funny.

    People who don’t know me often have a very different view of me though. Some have even thought I’m somehow retarded compared to my sister (she has Leo Sun conj. ASC). So not true haha 😀

  37. I don’t think you’re a loner Elsa. Now Pluto is going through your 12th house, but you have your own way of being sociable.

    When I was a teenager, I was a loner, but my 7th house planets have been activated since 2004, and I can’t imagine myself being a loner. In fact, I’m great when it comes to working in teams. Yes, reconciling my individuality while dealing with other people can be a challenge, but I’m definitely not a loner. I like being around people, if they’re good company.

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