
Advice on anything and everything under the sun!

Libra shirt

How do you stay prosocial during war and times of crisis?

“A lot of Americans aren’t used to crisis, lack of water or food or war on their soil. How do we not fold into ourselves, but stay prosocial and aid our fellow citizens during war, crisis or revolutionary times? (For instance, there was some pressure to take a boat to a war-torn country to deliver

hen eggs

Allowing Your Thoughts To Unfold

The other day, I was talking to a client about allowing something to incubate inside her. Like an idea? You sit on it like an egg. I came across this idea in a weird book I read in the 80’s. It was stressing the importance of patience and downtime.  You have to let your ideas


Natural Healing Of The Body, Mind & Spirit

Many have become interested in natural or alternative healing in recent years. My grandfather, Henry, became a vegetarian in the 1950’s.  He started jogging around the city, for exercise, in the same time frame. This was unheard of at the time. Henry was also into raw food. If you doubt me, consider he built his

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tiny home

Cost Of Reducing Your Social Interaction

Recently, I was thinking about how people rarely argue anymore. I’ve noticed this since Saturn went into Pisces. It’s too draining? It is draining, so this seems a reasonable response.  Put your own gas mask on, blah, blah, blah.  But then I started noticing a downside. This prompted me to start a thread in the forum to

fire hose

Hey, Non-Crazy Women Who Want A Man!

I’m in a situation where I talk to men and women of all ages, all the time. I’m just off the phone with yet another man who would like to be in a relationship. Problem is, women hate men?  Women think men are horrible? Meantime, we’ve got “Phoenix” around here, commenting about this same issue. 

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