
Free Daily Astrology Forecast

metaboy planets

Free Astro Forecast With Heart & Quirk

I’m working in this week’s newsletters.  This is some of what’s coming up this week: Slip-ups, Crossovers & Reversals (With Leo Hair) Wary, Wily Coyote, Having A Nervous & Jerky Beer Sensitivity Takes A Vacay – Cut & Run! My letter is sent about five times a week.  The letters are designed to inform, entertain […]

mercury retrograde

Mercury Retrograde: August 4, 2024 – Cinderella’s Slipper

Mercury will turn retrograde in Virgo near midnight on August 4th/5th, depending on your time zone.  Some of these shifts are barely perceptible. This one looks interesting and may be particularly significant. It’s a matter of the way Mercury is aspected when the planet reverses course. What occurs as a result of the backward motion


Weekend Love Forecast – Full Moon in Capricorn

Friday night, the Saturn-ruled Capricorn Moon highlights the ongoing Leo Venus, Gemini Jupiter sextile, opposing their midpoint in a yod. Collectively we want more and better – better choices, more meaning, and it’s all caught up in the off-kilter desire for self-esteem and popularity.

Uranus abstract

Monday, Monday – Can’t Trust That Day

Yes, Monday is looking hairy scary! But you have a lot to say about how your day goes, so long as you maintain control of yourself, which is something adults do anyway, as a matter of course. Mars Uranus will be exact on Monday.  This is good, as you already know how to use this

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