Real Life

Relating astrology to real life


How Do You Feel About Uranus Energy?

I miss the Mars Uranus conjunction. As far as outer planets go, I like Uranus energy. I understand the importance of the other transits, but things tend to pop when, Uranus,  is active. Big change, quickly has quite a bit of appeal, especially with Saturn in Pisces.  It’s hard to get traction? Uranus will pick […]


How’s Your Medical Care Going These Days?

This is something I posted in the forum. I think it’s worth discussing this so I’m posting it here so more will see it. Medical? It’s such a complicated situation. While in this situation, your doctor was definitely wrong, in general, I feel sorry for good, feeling people who work in the medical field at

Maria Callas portrait

Chiron – You Can’t Buy Charisma

I wanted to talk about the shadow-side of talent, so I called my friend, Ben. He’s a Scorpio artist who has worked in the arts for decades. We got talking about charisma. Ben mentioned instinctual actors like, Marlon Brando, Warren Beatty and James Dean. He mentioned Maria Callas as examples of people who have that IT


Equal Houses In Real Life

The best way to learn astrology is by paying attention.  House systems came up on the podcast with Shonagh. I ran down my ideas on this. Basically, I use Equal houses, because I worked with, Koch, Placidus and Equal – all three, simultaneously, for about four years until the clear winner emerged.  I am not


The Mushroom’s Apprentice Podcast With Shonagh Home

Shonagh Home is an interesting gal, both pleasant and deep.  She’s naturally caring and attentive to the others, but don’t let the veneer fool you. She’s keeping up at all times. Shonagh invited me to be on her podcast; we recorded this the next day.  She wanted me to talk about my “system” as far

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