Equal Houses In Real Life

houseThe best way to learn astrology is by paying attention.  House systems came up on the podcast with Shonagh. I ran down my ideas on this.

Basically, I use Equal houses, because I worked with, Koch, Placidus and Equal – all three, simultaneously, for about four years until the clear winner emerged.  I am not suggesting anyone else use Equal houses. I am saying only what I am saying and nothing more. I don’t care what other people do!  But this was interesting because, I had worked with, Shonagh before.

During the consultation, I said something, like, “your sun in the 7th house..”  She said it was in the 8th. I said I use Equal houses, so that would explain the discrepancy.

I also told her I thought I was right. She was curious about that, so I explained, our entire conversation was about working one on one, reciprocity, kindness and such. Sociability.  That was it. My opinion. She could take it or leave it. I forgot the whole exchange, as it’s usual for me.  Telling someone what I see in their chart or observe in a consultation, that is.

Months passed.  Shonagh invited me on her podcast. I signed onto zoom to record and there she was, looking VERY pretty.  The picture on the other post does not do her justice.  She is seriously, lovely and I mean this.  I told her this… and told her why. It was the colors she was wearing… and the design of her zoom environment. “Libra!” I said. “You really know how to decorate.”

Turns out I was right.  Because, to my great shock, she turned the camera to pan the room the she was in. I was STUNNED.  Place was beautiful of course.  Please note, my camera was OFF.

I told her my environment wasn’t like hers. I don’t have the talent… this is true.

So we did the show and later it hit me. LIBRA.  7th house sun.  And what am I? 8th house sun.  It’s a bit beauty/beast lol.

But the point I want to make: if you pay attention, your chart will reveal itself. You just can’t hide items like this… at all.

9 thoughts on “Equal Houses In Real Life”

  1. I changed my chart to equal houses and (house cusps now all at 7 degrees of each sign) checked how the transits of slow movers and progressed moon changed on the timeline. The most pivotal times in terms of change turned out to be the time between ingress of a planet into the new sign and reaching the cusp of the next house. Looks like a prep ? Obviously that’s different if your AC is at the end of a sign but even then, a pattern might emerge.

    If sign ingress of a big player like Pluto forces adjustment I have about 2 years to get used to it before Pluto moves into the next house and yes, it happened.

    I didn’t expect the result over 66years of life to be so obvious but it is. I’ll learn some more from this, Pluto, Neptune and Uranus changing signs and approaching my 5th,7th and 9th in the next years. Thank you, Elsa.

  2. Is it equal ou equal (midheaven)? It change a lot for my son. His moon, focal point of a yod, is moving from 8th to 9th house.

    1. The most commonly used method of Equal Houses is drawn from the Ascendant, that’s what Elsa and most Equal House practitioners use. There’s a different one drawn from the Midheaven. I have no experience with it.

      In normal Equal Houses, all my houses would be at 17 degrees of a sign because that’s where my Ascendant is. In Midheaven based EH, all the houses would be at 3 degrees because that’s where my Midheaven is.

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    Cynthia D Willette

    My mother was an astrologer. I taught myself from my mom’s books on how to erect charts and read them. My mother believed in the Equal house system and because I knew she was brilliant, I also used it since I was a teenager. That’s about 55 years. That house system just makes sense and it works every time….. I also had an astrology idea pop into my head years ago when I was in my 20s. I was doing the usual graph drawing for aspects in a person’s chart underneath the wheel. Writing down the Sun, Moon, and planets in order. Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. And I realized that 4 of them were in the signs of their exaltation. Sun in Aries, Moon in Taurus, Saturn in Libra and Uranus in Scorpio. I thought, why not make the exaltations go right in order around the wheel. Mercury, being the go between planet in the Zodiac would be best in it’s own sign. Venus in Cancer- What’s more perfect than a mother’s love and nurturing. Mars in Leo- the Knight in Shining armour. Jupiter in Virgo bringing bountiful health to people, Neptune in Sagittarius – true spirituality without walls and dogma, Pluto in Capricorn- Transforming world government for the good of all. And I didn’t have any idea of what to do with Aquarius and Pisces!! Hahaha!

  4. I tried Equal and it doesn’t resonate with me at all. Some of the placements just don’t fit my experiences. And that’s OK.

    I’m not going to tell someone else don’t use that. I’ll stick to Whole Sign or Placidius. Whole Sign also has 30 degree houses. but they start at 0° of the sign of the ASC.

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