Full Moon In Libra: April 5-6th, 2023 – Asymmetrical Risk

superman costumeThe full moon in Libra at 16 degrees, will take place right around midnight on April 5th or early in the morning on the 6th, depending on your location.  Libra moon enjoys peace, balance, even-handedness and harmony.  The sun, Chiron, Jupiter conjunction in Aries, opposing the moon, actively seeks challenge, risk and and even danger.  It’s quite a clash.

It’s like your mom telling you to have a cup of tea and behave. You want to jump off the roof in your superman costume. Can we get some blood pumping here?

How about, please, Libra mom?

Jupiter in Aries conjures up the phrases, “asymmetrical risk” and “winner takes all”.  Balance, fairness, people-pleasing? Pshaw!

I expect to tension in relationships and just people clashing in every conceivable scenario. Not that it won’t work out.  Buyers and Sellers, exchange energy. That’s what this is about.  Different ways of approaching some commonality.

Both sides want to control the other. It’s just one that one side pretends to be nice while the other doesn’t bother.

If you have planets in the mid-degrees of Cardinal signs, you’ll be affected by this for sure. Whatever comes up should happen fast.

Do you have planets in Cardinal signs near 16 degrees? How do you feel about this full moon?

16 thoughts on “Full Moon In Libra: April 5-6th, 2023 – Asymmetrical Risk”

  1. My No Node is 12Libra in the 6th house. My natal Sun is 12Leo in the 4th house. Dealing with some health issues, so would like to have some resolution/s.

  2. My Aries Jupiter is at 12 degrees in the 6th, Full Moon in 12th. Hoping for some behind-the-scenes work happenings to come to light. But, maybe it’ll be some kind of insight via rest.

  3. Mars Libra 14 degrees
    Saturn Libra 17 degrees
    Both 2nd house natal.
    Never have understood the meaning. Wonder what’s up?
    With Moon in Libra coming in
    Coming in to make a sandwich?
    Help me.

    1. Let me take a stab at this without knowing the rest of your chart. I’ll bet you’re good with a budget. Mars in Libra is more of a military strategist than soldier, and Saturn exalted in 2nd holds tight on the purse strings. With Jupiter and Sun transiting your 8th, shared resources, you may be in a dilemma about some expenditure. The moon sandwich makes it particularly emotional and, Water baby, if you are Cancer, it may be a T-square FM, and arguments may erupt.
      If I’m way off base, throw this away. We don’t know each other. Good wishes!

  4. Avatar
    James Slattery

    My North Node is in Libra (7H) opp Aries South Node(1H) so I have learned to be more diplomatic in making joint decisions and not just making it by myself to save time. I often have partners who can’t make up their minds or are just plain submissive when it comes to the hard choices in life. No planets in these 2 houses.

  5. It hits a midpoint between my Venus and Uranus, opposing the Chiron transit. I’ve been addressing wounds that don’t seem to want to heal. Maybe I will get some unexpected clarity.

  6. How I feel about full moon,oh cardinal one here 17,18?! I want that moon birth me
    Some miracles!for the strong the brave
    The ones who surf the biggies ready
    To lick my wounds when finding the roll
    Amidst the rocky bottom, little more
    Wax on the board! Or perhaps some
    Well built applause!!!ready set
    Geronimo!!this little Indian is ready
    Super hero, why not, maybe a helmet?
    Anything but sugary Easter candy!

  7. My 17Libra sun has me in a hostel 6 1/2 hours from my home, sitting in front of our rented out house while the builders completely redo the parts in the exterior that they did not originally make leakproof. The renters already had 2 major leaks in the first 2 weeks which required cutting into the flooring and replacing walls and appliances, so they couldn’t let the workers in, so I had to. 2 weeks into a 3 week stint, last Friday, the woman in charge finally showed up to tell me they were going to take 4 weeks, not 3, and we didn’t “deserve” them replacing the lawn because it was already dead. I countered that they replace the lawn anyway for my inconvenience and didn’t get anywhere so I wrote their chief over the weekend. I expect a hard slog on this one.

  8. Susan get them out sooner than later
    Grass seed cheap, rent rototller
    Get raking , enjoy this part ,as grass seed mixes can vary giving carpets of life with inexpensive seed overseed!!look for moon chart ONLY plant with Scorpio, Pisces or Cancer moon ,lite hand watering
    As heavy doses of water impacts seed too deep, you got this girl!don’t fight, play with this one have a raking party!BBQ
    You got this.

  9. Love this: “Both sides want to control the other. It’s just one that one side pretends to be nice while the other doesn’t bother” 😂

  10. I only found out recently that 15 degrees of Aries is my Sun Mars midpoint, and to me, perhaps the most important point in my chart, since my Mars is “unaspected”(sequiquadrate my moon in Scorpio, actually), and therefore has massive implications for my health an happiness…I studied astrology but hadn’t gotten as far as midpoints…🤔

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