Have Faith? How? I Don’t Have Any!!

faith angelElsa, You often, lately, refer to ‘faith’. Have faith. I think of faith in the religious context. But since we don’t do religion here how exactly do you mean faith? I think of faith as just a dream or a hope. Worthless basically. Something to pacify ourselves with. And I’m not being cynical. I just don’t see the point. It’s like deluding yourself. So given my thoughts on that how do you mean it when you say we should have faith?


Cindy, this is a good question for Saturn in Pisces. I’ve addressed this before so I’m pulling up the old post, but I will add to it.

I say, Saturn’s transit through Pisces is about learning to have faith. It’s also about defining such things, which is what you’re trying to do here.

It’s also about lack of faith, which is what you’re expressing as well.

You say people who have faith are deluding themselves, but feel the confusion is on your end.  YOU HAVE FAITH!

It takes faith to send me this note!  Somewhere inside you, you feel this internet stranger, entity, may be able to assist you in some way.  That’s faith!

Now if that is too esoteric for you, here’s the old post:


Sometimes a person will tell me they have no faith, they do not know what faith is, etc.  I understand this, because I thought it myself at one time.

You actually do have faith and I can easily prove it to you.  Do you drive?

Driving requires faith. Faith is what allows you to pull your car onto the road or the highway.  To pull onto the highway, you must have faith the other drivers won’t drive right into you, killing your kids and whatnot.  That’s a pretty big risk, ya think?

These drivers are the same “others” you think are stupid and whatnot.  Clearly you have faith to put your safety; your families safely, the safety of your property (your car), in these people you don’t know.  You believe (for no good reason), the other drivers will stay in their lane…

Now if you can have faith in all those idiots, then why not yourself?

Bottom line, you do have faith. Without it, you’re not getting very far. To check that, consider, if you don’t put your faith in the other drivers, you will be disabled from driving.

“Hey, Elsa! Can you run to the store and get us some ice cream?”

“No, I can’t. I have no faith.”

You do have faith. Why not bring this capacity to the front and consciously put it into use, so you can suffer less?

I did not know I had faith until I was thirty years old or so.  This, in spite of leaving home at fifteen, expecting to make it in the world.  What is that, if not faith? I had faith, unbeknownst to me… and so do you.

You have faith and most likely, you have abundant faith, so please think about this.  Find you faith and allow it to support you.

This is entirely free, by the way. How cool is that?


Back to your specific post:

I think of faith as just a dream or a hope. Worthless basically. Something to pacify ourselves with.

Faith has nothing to do with hopes and dreams.  Those things are tied to the ego.  It’s invisible, but not worthless.  It has nothing to do with pacification. It’s about being strong and fortified.

Faith is about the idea that things happen for a reason and also, that they work out for the best over time.  You can see this proven throughout your life and I’ll explain.

Let’s say, you and I are each put through an ordeal. The same ordeal!  I am going to go through the ordeal, supported by faith. I believe there is a reason for the ordeal. I also believe I will get through it. I believe there is some meaning to my experience, even if I can’t discern what it is, in the moment.

Now you.  The bad thing happens and you suffer.

In the end, it comes out the same for both us. Chances are we see, at some point, how our experience helped us or helps us help someone else. The difference here, is one of us suffered far less than the other. This is why I recommend faith.  It’s real; it’s free, it cures fear and once you have it, it can’t be taken from you.

Bottom line, unless you think the sky is going to fall, all day, every day, you have faith.  To lie down, close your eyes and sleep at night is another example of faith.  You have faith you can shut down like that; when you wake up, everything will still be there.  You’re a dog person, yes? You go to sleep, with faith your dogs will be okay.

Your faith is there, you just don’t see it.

21 thoughts on “Have Faith? How? I Don’t Have Any!!”

  1. Faith vs expectations… Is it faith or expectation? I think faith requires an aspect of hopelessless. I don’t have that much experience with faith but it’s usually in timed of feeling very hopeless that I’ve found what I came to call faith. I think in my case, that’s where it’s born. Then I’m trying to take it to other parts of my existence, which is a big work in progress.

  2. I am the eternal optimist, but even I’m dragging. I guess I tend to be more forward thinking; present difficulties aren’t what trouble me, I know personal problems tend to unravel. It’s more about what it all portends for the future. At present, it’s all very concerning. I confess it keeps me up at night at times. We can’t continue this way forever.

  3. i wonder if the difference is in the nuance. Myabe its not lack of faith but lack of meaning?
    Yes existing is an act of faith, but it’s based on some kind of experience. It being rationally optimistic. Meaning on the other hand, you have to choose it with no evidence or possible confirmation. It the extreme version of faith—no evidence.

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    Shimmering Light

    Thank you Elsa and everyone who comments on this topic. I have been/am struggling with this right now. Just looked back as to the last time Saturn was in Pisces (and in my 9th/10th houses): I was deeply involved in a Buddhist community as in living, working and studying there. It started off well but turned sour and I left when Saturn entered Aries (though I didn’t know that then).

    This time around I am on my own, i.e. not involved in a group/community but struggling with a sense of hopelessness as to my future (and future of my country/world). I have become aware that in these turbulent times I have looked outside myself to try and make sense of what is happening, when the anchor needs to be dropped right inside me. The anchor as a symbol of hope. And meaning, as Elena said, is crucial. I’d add purpose also.

    Yep, faith + meaning + purpose. Thank you all, this is so very helpful. I shall focus on my inner anchor as I won’t find safety, stability and hope in the outside world. And hopefully then my depression will lift and I can be whole again.

  5. Well timed article. Venus opposing Neptune and Mars square Neptune is creating a very particular atmosphere. This is a moment in time where we can perhaps only grasp morsels of awareness about the path ahead, so there’s a great need for relaxing into the unknown…not colouring the experience of not knowing with negativity, perhaps becoming anxious, depressed, angry, hopeless (sounds like grief doesn’t it, yes), but instead seeing it more as a fertile space by staying neutral, feeling everything but not judging or resisting if it feels weird. Uncomfortable to do, yes, we like to know and feel in charge, but it’s in these gaps of letting go that faith arises..it’s definitely found moment to moment in relation to self and compassion. Thanks for the reminder Elsa <3

    1. All eyes on Mercury today, who is currently ruling both Venus and Mars (in Virgo and Gemini, respectively) and about to turn direct in Leo. He will square Uranus for a 3rd time as he moves forward. By then Venus (who is in charge of Uranus right now) will be in Libra, so double Venus energy, and Mars will then be ruled by the Moon. Scene change!!

    2. You’re welcome!

      I am going to drive to the grocery store this morning. I have faith to make it there and back, without an issue. I also expect to get along with everyone I may encounter on the way or on the way back. I have faith this will be the case.

      If it not the case; and someone attacks me in some way, I have faith I will be able to hand the situation. I also have faith the store will have what I need and if not, I will find a substitute for what I need, or have another, better idea…

      This is faith-based living. It’s worry free and completely real. I personally, would have to venture into FAKE to see this in another way. Dream up boogie men and such.

      Good luck, everyone!

  6. we can strengthen our faith muscle no matter
    what age by seeing that every “situation is guru.”
    We know the teacher comes in many forms,
    from the checkout line to a health crisis.
    Persistence and practice bring WINS which reinforce
    faith, not only in ourselves, but in the universe/god,
    which we can one day realize–has our back.

    It’s fun to remember to play with this realm,
    especially when facing life changing events.
    8 months ago had a triangulation between myself,
    mountain bike, and the pavement. While in
    the emergency room this experiment came to me:

    “Let’s say every person you meet during your stay
    in this hospital is a representation of an aspect of you, 24/7.
    Their energy is a reflection of your thoughts, feelings,
    behaviors…past, present, and … Every encounter teaches
    you about how ‘you show up’ & handle the energy of
    this space/time.”

    Well, happy to say during a thirty day stay,
    98.6% of the people treated me in varying degrees of: SWELL.
    Only one abandoned me (night sweats soaked clothes,
    sheets, they sang a weird song, and never returned).
    We all survived, except one leg.

    Last week mowed the backyard lawn.

    Faith it til’ya make it…

    (pluto in first for a long while)

  7. Perfect timing I do believe so many right now. Need to know they do have faith have faith that the day will offer you time to do something if you have a list or if you don’t make a list ,have faith that the night will come and offer you time to rest, if you don’t think you’re finding deep sleep ,believe when your feet have left the planet your restive state ,Know that you are seen when you’re out there with respect and admiration , because you little fish are part of the scream the flow the big wild world!We treat others as we would hope to be treated. This is having faith in human nature have faith in yourself That you can get through the storm and have the power to repair what the storm Did .The body is amazing. The mind is amazing , beneath the skin. It’s like a library at Disney World. There’s so much possibility in your thoughts. Try to dispel any anxiety and disbelief and don’t be afraid of tomorrow or tonight We will do all right friend get smarter and adopt a little bit of an attitude ;like it’s OK it doesn’t matter. It’s not being apathetic. It’s just being flexible adaptive and understanding. We never know all we don’t know what’s under the cover. We can’t begin to understand everybody’s story you are important to you ,& that you enjoy your life That you listen to the little birds that you find good healthy food and you have a plan to stay healthy in your mind and your heart that’s faith and maybe you can whisper to yourself , Dear Lord. Please hear my prayer ,you are heard your seen it’s gonna be all right ,adopt more positivity that’s faith just drop and run from the negative stuff. It doesn’t describe you. It’s the storm. It’s the weather. It’s a lot of things ,have faith in yourself the sky still blue and we’re just a keyboard away.

  8. Can never get enough on this topic from you, Elsa! Every time you write about it, a new layer seems to be revealed. I was the faithless non-driver until recently, so all of this feels so succinctly personal. Now I’m zippin and zoomin and new doors are opening. Now planning an out of state move, practical shift toward becoming a mother. It’s no coincidence all this is happening at once. ‘Faith it til you make it’ from guy’s comment, has gotta be my new slogan.

  9. There is a quote from Albert Einstein: “The most important decision we make is, do we believe we live in a friendly or a hostile universe?”

    If faith in a friendly, intelligent universe is a comforting delusion, how is delusional faith in a hostile, chaotic universe any better?

    1. ‘This or that’ renders as a binary. Dropping the
      qualifier (the word delusion) leaves the essential points open
      and clear to experiment. We know binaries, though expedient, are
      often traps which can collapse idea exploration to mere contentions;
      thwarting possibilities.

      yeS, nO, maYbe
      can be a chore,
      but “Either / Or”
      leaves Eeyore sore…

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