People Born 1980-81 With Jupiter Conjunct Saturn In Libra

libra erteJupiter joined Saturn in Libra at the end of October, 1980.  These planets maintained a conjunction for about a year, due to the timing of the retrograde periods.

I’ve worked with a number of clients with this conjunction lately. They’re largely unaware of the power of this conjunction in their chart. They also don’t realize the Jupiter Saturn conjunction in Aquarius is going to benefit them, greatly.

The current transits of a planet activate the planets in your natal chart.  In this case, we’re talking about a pair planets working in tandem to support the the natal pair of planets.  If you have this Libra conjunction in your chart, you’re about to come into your own. Doors open allowing you to manifest your potential.

You’ll want to consider the houses involved but here are some ideas:

  • Professional opportunities
  • Beneficial committed partnerships (romantic or business)
  • Teaching / setting an example of fairness
  • New beliefs in Libra realms – partnership, manners, what is really beautiful.

Just be on the look out for a solid chance – a real opening that will allow you to work with others or teach people to interact with others in a way that’s fair and mutually beneficially.

If you’re well developed in this area, great!  You’ll expand and flourish.
If you’re underdeveloped in this area, this is your chance to change your life.

That’s not an overstatement. I can’t believe how many people are sitting around with this conjunction in their chart, not realizing the value of it. It’s sort like having a million dollar painting, stashed in your garage. Watch this population over the next six months. It’s going to be something to see.

54 thoughts on “People Born 1980-81 With Jupiter Conjunct Saturn In Libra”

  1. Carrie McDougall
    Carrie McDougall

    Thank you for this! My Son (born 3/13/81) has Saturn & Jupiter exact at 7 degrees in his 4th House. He’s been doing some teaching on the side for a few years now and with so much remote learning happening, I wonder if he’ll start to do more of that ‘from home’?

    1. Cool… I am 3/11/81 with this conjunction one degree from my Libra Ascendant. It’s very powerful. Sometimes I come across as intimidating. My Pisces sun, Venus, and mars help bring softness to string Saturn ? energy (it is exalted in Libra).

    2. Love this. I am also 3/13/81!! How have the last 3 years been for your son. My life has expanded in beautiful mystical ways.

  2. I love this! My oldest son has this conjunction – March 29, 1981. His Sat-Jup conjunction is Libra 7th H. They oppose Venus, Sun, & Mars 6, 8, 9 degrees Aries, 1st H. Did I mention that he has a lot of natural intensity, lol? But he can also be sensitive to people’s moods and needs in surprising ways. All but Jupiter (for some reason) square his 11th H Cap moon. Neptune on his MC.

    I watched him struggle for years, putting out 100% and it never working out. So often, he knew what needed to happen, but would not get the respect. He’d be the one to call the team and say we need extra practice, I’ve got the gym lined up… Had him in a private Christian school and some of the “powers that be” decided to get rid of him. Had him up to 35 D-halls one year. I remember him tearing up in the rec room and saying, “Mom, I can’t do it”. I said, it’s okay. You don’t have to. It’s okay to leave, but if you want to stay, I can tell you how to do it. You trick your mind. You tell yourself you only have one and you do them one at a time…and get your homework done. The kids knew it was a setup. They made the entire senior skit about him and everyone had to sit there and watch the whole thing, and laugh, and applaud. It helped some through his Pluto-Moon transit to be able to tell him his difficulties would pass. Just hang on.

    He has married well and first baby due February 18th, a boy. His work is going well. He’s pretty fearless. He maintains loyal friendships throughout life. One year we had a post graduate prep school basketball team – mostly inner city kids that could play, but the grades were not there – that migrated from school to our home for most of the year. He was not a low-impact kid to raise, but it’s never been boring. Nothing would surprise me now.

  3. Thank the Lawd!! Finally!! I had gotten a lucky streak a few years ago with the solar eclipse in Aquarius. But this is so much more my time to shine with all that Libra / Aquarius in my chart and my big Taurus Venus heart. My new husband and I have gone digital nomad and are currently globe trotting to start creating new communities worldwide for freethinkers and mindful people. We plan to have many locations to offer as sacred spaces for families and individuals to connect and support each other who share similar values. Let’s do this 2021. ???

    1. Avatar
      Christian B. Pando

      In retrospect I’m not sure where I went wrong. I was born on Feb 22 1981 and my Asc is Aquarius. The year 2021 was calm and cheerful but when 2022 came around my life was turned upside down when I received news that January. 2022 has been one of the most challenging years of my life. It’s left me feeling purposeless, fatigued and a bit traumatized. 2023 has me feeling nervous with Saturn crossing over my 27° Aquarius Asc and 3° Pisces Sun, plus Pluto is entering Aquarius. Once Saturn enters Aries it will start its opposition on my natal Jupiter, Saturn, Moon and Pluto and last time that happened it was really bad.

  4. Wow that’s exciting! I was born a few months too soon haha. But I know a lot of people born during this time. I can’t wait to start hearing their good news.

  5. A good friend of mine has this placement in its 6th house (plus a libra venus, moon and pluto). He is very grounded, he values hard work but when he gets too overwhelmed or feel that he is being pushed to do something he feels uncomfortable doing, he tends to drift away. He is successful at what he does for a living, altough he’s too stubborn sometimes. He is the kind of person that gives a good and partial advice. He usually avoids getting involved emotionally with people and he attempts to get what he wants by making compliments and “enchanting” people.

  6. In February 1981, I secured my first out-of-state job when Tr Jupiter and Tr Saturn were exactly conjunct in Libra and widely conjunct my Libra Sun. The planets were also conjunct my natal asteroids Siwa and Osiris (Plutonian asteroids) in my Libra 8H. I also met my future husband in July 1981. This potent time period did shape my entire future.

  7. My son has this conjunction in his first house Libra, he’s an Aquarius sun with a grand trine in air between this conjunction, a Gemini moon and a venus in Aquarius. No planets in earth signs whatsoever. Everyone who’s seen his chart (has a kite too, on top of the grand trine) was gushing how beautiful and extraordinary it is…At the July 2020 eclipse on 13 cancer/capricorn he was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and we know now that he’d been living with the symptoms since he is a teenager, not knowing what it causing these strange sensations and pains. It is good to have the diagnosis but it will never go away.
    I like to believe and hope that he will benefit from the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius and these planets transit of his sun sign (his 5th house) but can it not just as well aggravate an already difficult situation?

    1. Su, your son’s birthday is on 2/13/81? In my case, the conjunction is in my 6th house. It’s been a hard year, health-wise for me, too. But I feel optimistic. It’s so interesting to come across the experience of someone with the same birthday.

  8. My friend has the ’81 libra conjunction. She lost her father very suddenly last week. Their relationship was complex, painful, strained. It has shaped her whole life and made it very difficult, especially relationships (to herself and men). Just a month or so before this she got engaged. I believe the events are related. I feel that the Aqua conjunction will be a watershed and her life will gradually improve. She will have to grieve the traumatic ‘never there’ relationship with dad but it will bring her freedom from this shadow. I was glad to read this post. As I have observed, this conjunction in libra is a hard one to live with.

      1. Thanks Elsa, my brother has this conjunction too. I read somewhere that it brings ‘gravitas’ to the personality. But perhaps also gravitas in life.

  9. Thanks for this article Elsa – my reaction was ‘ooh, I think this is about me!’ Born with Jupiter and Saturn at 8 Libra (in December 1980). I’d only read rather depressing stuff about this combo – implying that I would only do well in traditional, conservative careers… I’m almost allergic to that kind of work, so I’d kind of forgotten about this aspect. It’s food for thought to see it framed as a valuable artwork ignored in the garage…

    I’m about to turn 40, and have had an unusual year due to Covid, had two recent bereavements in my close family, and I’ve spent the year quietly doing something very different to my ‘official’ career path (I’ve been illustrating, co-editing and publishing a friend’s book, and it’s due to go to print any day now – due to be released early next year). I’d absolutely love ‘a solid chance’ to manifest my potential. I see my books (not yet published) as my way of teaching people to treat each other better by seeing life from the perspectives of others. Not in an obvious way – I prefer to weave it into the story so the reader/audience feels they were invited to consider things, not told what to think. For me, that is what art can do that social sciences (my old area of expertise) often fail to.

    Secretly, I’d love to be a leader in what I do, to teach in the broadest sense of the word, and to be understood/appreciated for my deep-thinking take on what are considered very ‘lightweight’ ‘fun’ art forms. Maybe it’s time to be a bit less secretive about this… (just remembered my conjunction is in my 12th house so perhaps that explains a lot…?!).

  10. Wow, I have been curious about this, as I was born 3/24/81 and only recently realized that was just a window of air for Saturn and Jupiter. I’m so grateful for this article which is encouraging my excitement about what this next phase could bring. Thank you!!

  11. Hello! I am a little confused. In Midara’s post, she says that the last time Saturn and Jupiter were together in an air sign was 800 years ago. “For the last 200 years, Saturn and Jupiter have only met each other in earth signs.” But if they were conjunct in Libra in 1980, how can this be true?

    Just want to know how this works!

    1. I’m happy to explain! At the beginning of a new cycle, there’s a little bit of a wobble or back and forth. So there was the Libra conjunction in ’81, but then the conjunctions went right back into earth. Just like how Saturn entered Aquarius earlier this year and then retrograded back into Capricorn before entering Aquarius for real. This conjunction marks entering the age of air for real. 🙂

  12. Thank you Elsa, for this very optimistic post!
    My son was born in December 1980 and has the “Great Conjunction” in his 5th house. It’s also in a Golden Yod with Neptune in the 7th and Chiron in the 12th.
    He was diagnosed with Aspergers when he was 30. He’s not made much of his life (yet!) but is a talented writer and can draw very well.
    I am quite often in awe of him because he can be so strong and level-headed (Moon and Mars in Capricorn in the 8th), making a nice energising square with his conjunction.

  13. Omg! I was born May 16 1981 and my best friend born 18 May 1981, just dawned on me that we meet 20 years ago just before the last great conjunction in 2000, and we just started living in the same town again after years of life in between for this conjunction, our connections are strong and our charts are very similar, even our ascendants match, hopefully we will flourish together in the years ahead. This is so magic, I love the planets and the stars, thanks for sharing your beautiful words.

  14. Hi! Thanks for the post.

    I was born on February 11, 1981 and have Jupiter rx conjunct Saturn rx, conjunct my ascendant in Libra. Have always been curious about this aspect.

    I’ve come to suspect this about the aspect – I have the general sense that I’m on a “short leash”… like if I take a risk or action hoping/assuming things will simply “work out” – they won’t. Also – I’ve never won anything! I mean – I’m blessed with so many things, I don’t mean to say that I’m not, or that I haven’t received anything simply from others’ kindness – I definitely have. I just mean – this is what I’ve observed in myself relative to others in my life. Some people take action and say “we’ll figure it out” if something goes wrong. I always want to plan ahead.
    When I hear the phrase “I never thought it could happen to me” I can’t relate… I know the worst outcomes are possible. I’d say I have a cautious approach to life now.

    Hope for the best / plan for the worst!

  15. Hi! Thanks for the post.

    I was born on February 11, 1981 and have Jupiter rx conjunct Saturn rx, conjunct my ascendant in Libra. Have always been curious about this aspect.

    I’ve come to suspect this about the aspect – I have the general sense that I’m on a “short leash”… like if I take a risk or action hoping/assuming things will simply “work out” – they won’t. Also – I’ve never won anything! I mean – I’m blessed with so many things, I don’t mean to say that I’m not, or that I haven’t received anything simply from others’ kindness – I definitely have. I just mean – this is what I’ve observed in myself relative to others in my life. Some people take action and say “we’ll figure it out” if something goes wrong. I always want to plan ahead.
    When I hear the phrase “I never thought it could happen to me” I can’t relate… I know the worst outcomes are possible. I’d say I have a cautious approach to life.

    Hope for the best / plan for the worst!

  16. Holy crap! this is so helpful and true. I have struggled for years to be listened to and SEEN. My ascendance is Libra Nov.1981. at 4:24 am. I WAH with an insurance company and have been selected to be a co-leader for Male allies. This is totally what this means. the current conjunction in Aquarius, innovation and collectivism trining Libra jupiter, saturn and mercury in my natal chart is making this happen for me now. I am 39 and I feel like my degree in Communications is finally going somewhere.

  17. Hi! I’m finding this article a couple years late but wanted to comment because it’s very interesting & coincidental that you used that art analogy! First though, i was born December 1980 and I have this grand conjunction in my 11th house (Virgo) and Pluto is there as well. I’ve worried about this for years and felt that saturn was stalling my life progressing. I’ve been on a massive healing journey since 2019 and some amazing things have happened. Many magical synchronicities that seem to be pointing me in a certain direction. I’m literally taking notes as they happen because it’s a lot coming at me. It’s like my path is opening up. I feel something big occurring.
    All of this was triggered because in the fall of 2018 I discovered that in 2005 my family sold a painting from my Grandfather’s house and it was a Da Vinci that was eventually auctioned off at Christie’s for $450 million. My family had no idea what we had and had been totally in the dark!
    I was completely devastated. A few month later my life changed and I began a new journey, which i’m still navigating. Just thought I’d share my story:)

  18. I have my sun, saturn, pluto, and Jupiter all conjunction libra my birthday is October 5th 1981 sun Jupiter and Saturn in 12th house Pluto 1st house

  19. Hi all my birthday is 10/5/1981 I have my Jupiter Saturn Sun and Pluto all in libra. Sun Jupiter Saturn 12th house, pluto mercury in my 1st house ❤️ peace and love

  20. Very interested in this jupiter saturn conjunction in libra. As far I observed they have amazing social skills. Diplomatic and disciplined. Serious as far as business is business but knows how to laugh and look out at the future with a hopeful and balanced vision. Can spot opportunity but they also work for it (quite intensely I might add) to make it fruitful. They are not pollyanna. They are fun- fun. Gosh oh golly, what a good aspect!

    1. My brother has this aspect, he’s a social worker. He is open and friendly in a positive way to anyone he meets, he gives everyone a fair chance and believes in equality. I think he struggles to define himself due to the overwhelming need to bring balance and fairness in relating. What I mean is, sometimes his relating values are to his ‘self’ detriment but I’m unsure he could be another way as the ‘other’ and these values are so intrinsic. However, Saturn is exalted in Libra, so i’m sure the life process is to find balance so that the Saturn/Jupiter in Libra person is not swallowed up and finds a way to put themselves first in order to be of benefit to others.

      I’ve known quite a few people with this aspect, including a man who had Venus sandwiched in between them – that was a bit of a mess relating wise tbh!

        1. Sounds like how this aspect would manifest. It was insightful to read, thanks for sharing! And for sure jupiter in libra cohort are very attractive. 😊

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