I was talking to my hairdresser; she’s extremely smart and what used to be called, “quick on he uptake”.
Whatever subject I broach, she grasps the meaning almost immediately. Further, when she can’t, she’ll tell you. “I don’t understand.” Hearing this, I can clarify what I’m saying. Invariably, the problem is on my end. I’ve slipped and spoke in code.
Provided I speak English, this gal will to understand what I’m saying, two-thirds the way through. So much can be said to a person like this – quickly.
Compare this to someone who can’t understand anything you might tell them, ever, under any circumstances. I really like my hairdresser!
“What are you going to do, Elsa?” she asked.
“Nothing more,” I said. “What else can I do? If you take a person who is super-intelligent and they’re to be evaluated by a person who is moderately intelligent, the second person is not going to come up with a correct answer. The super-intelligent person is going run circles around the other every time. It will take an act of God for this to be figured out.”
I brought up this old post because Mercury is currently squaring Saturn. The mind has limits and the lines are in different places for different people.
My sister told me once
You never see one idiot in conversation
, not trying to be assumative
That my add in applies to your story,
This just makes me remember:
You always see 2 idiots in conversation ,because one must talk idiot for an idiot to understand lol
After reading this, I have decided that my poor Mercury is limited.
(Also, how does one ‘try to be assumative’?)
Sorry my English bad assume
I apologize. I am in a really TERRIBLE mood today.
I’m quite dyslexic so I’m quick to understand the big picture but not the greatest with articulation- conversation can be difficult for me sometimes. I don’t understand why people typically start with the miniscule- most people think from the bottom up and get bogged down in details along the way. So many pitfalls along the way….i see this bottom up thinking as a major flaw in society and the systems built therein. But then thinking from the big picture down can have its flaws as well… a truly brilliant mind can hold both the bog picture and the miniscule simultaniously and with ease.
Sorry, I had social systems on my mind, like policies and power structures and how these structures are formed. I am knee deep in school *uhmmm* lol. But about social systems…they for sure are not currently worked out in a holistic way, with the bigger picture in mind.
I wonder what sign the hairdresser is!
Sun, mercury, Saturn and Pluto in Scorpio. Aries moon. All this with ruler mars in Capricorn.
All that Mars energy. I bet she’s a firestorm!
She has no uranus aspects then? I believed uranus makes the mind quick to grasp things?
I don’t know. I don’t have a birth time. She might have Uranus in the 3rd house? Based on what I know, Uranus in Sagittarius, possibly trine her moon in Aries?
I dont like the word idiot or stupid. I try to always remember that simply because Im in a particular emotional/spiritual timezone on my path doesnt mean other people are in the same time zone on theirs.so they might not be able to feel or understand you where they are at the moment because they might be walking slower, got held up at some point on their path or are having difficulty walking it because of a lame leg or the heavy load they carry.
I was in Vietnam and the people there are like this.. they are very emotionally intelligent and grasp what you want immediately and tell you everything you need to know and didn’t realize yoU wanted to know. However they speak fast…
I love dealing with people like that. They’re few and far in-between though. ?
I have definitely learned this lesson this year! Since the lockdown, it’s just been me and one other co-worker at the restaurant where I work. She’s not stupid by any means but she thinks….well, more slowly than I do. I find that if there is anything that needs explaining or communicated (say a customer is picking up a free order for a previous mistake) I have to be very detailed and specific with her on what exactly is happening or be inundated with confused questions later. I’ll say “This order for Michael is no charge, we made a mistake last time.” And yet, STILL I will get “So, this order for Michael, it’s already paid?” For me, I just deduce what’s happening by looking at the information presented but she needs clear explanations. We just think differently! Working in a close, largely quiet space with just one other person has been interesting for me as I’ve always worked either completely alone or with a large ensemble. Once I figured out that’s how to communicate it’s been much smoother!
This is a very interesting topic. Elsa, do you think that Mercury phase in the synodic cycle, at birth, has something to do with the intelligence? Morning star and evening star? Prometheus and Epimetheus. Could you emphasize on this? Thanks.
‘If you take a person who is super-intelligent and they’re to be evaluated by a person who is moderately intelligent, the second person is not going to come up with a correct answer. The super-intelligent person is going run circles around the other every time. It will take an act of God for this to be figured out.’
Wow. So true.
Its even more annoying when the ‘slow’ person is in a position of power and has a say in your affairs – which almost invariably is the case.
As Einstein said – the stupid are in control, it will always be this way as the stupid will always be the majority, they do lack consistency!
On consistent theory: