9 thoughts on “How A Young Woman Can Get An Authority Figure To Take Her Seriously”

  1. smiles @ Cassie I just came by to post that exact same thing.

    This video made my day too. I just loved it “Secrets dont make friends”. Thanks Elsa, you made me laugh too when you looked back over your shoulder as if you reenacting looking back at the lady in elevator.
    I like that. P.S you look fabulous in yellow

  2. Great story!

    I recently met a fellow Pisces who is 14 years younger than me. She owns a business and is just so incredibly dynamic, it was just great to experience her energy and drive.


  3. Argh. . .. I hate to be nitpicky, E, but it’s FORT like the building (the e has no accent, therefore no syllable). And I wouldn’t point it out but I’ve always been impressed with ur-AH-nuss, ah-PLIC-able, and PRIM-er. *blush*
    So there’s my little grammar geekiness for the day.

  4. ha ha ha, SaDiablo is no FAN. That’s what I was thinking too. TRUMP! I am a pinochle player from way back and I got that hand covered by God.

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