How Psychopaths Are Able To Hide In Plain Sight

toilet“…Some people can apparently see the energetic field surrounding and powering a human (aura, chakras). I can’t and although I wish I could, I have my doubts that it it could ever become a “learned” skill. I’ve often wondered if they can “see” who is a psychopath/sociopath based on their energetic signature…”

Juli on Psychopaths and Hard Aspects in their Natal Chart

Really interesting thoughts.  Click the link to real Juli’s entire comment. I wanted to address this part.

I can definitely spot a psychopath, and I believe it’s learned, at least in my case. I was raised by a psychopath, without a doubt. He chose me as his running buddy, so I spent a lot of time with him, watching him operate, but also watching the people he interacted with.  Their utter cluelessness, in every case. Every case.

I don’t think a single person outside our family had an inkling…, well maybe his bosses, knew.  I say, “bosses” because he had one job, my entire life, but he methodically got his bosses fired, at least ten of them.  And trophies? Near the end of my father’s reign of terror in the workplace, the company was redoing the executive office.  In this process, they replaced the toilet. My father brought the old toilet home, and set it in the corner of our patio, with each of their names spraypainted on it.  He thought he was the shit with this.

So there was a difference between him and the people he interacted with. He had some peers around, over the years, but the overwhelming percentage of people he interacted with, were utterly confused by him.

In some cases, they were bowled over with his charisma.  In other cases, they just couldn’t crack him, to save their life.  The “Juvie Guy” story in my book is a perfect example of this phenomena.

I feel people were tripped up due primarily to their projection.  They simply assumed my father was the same as them, internally. He was not.  If a person could get around that…which, why would they?  But if they could, they would see he was not like them… really, not like them.  Then the veil drops.

The reason I think spotting them comes from experience and education – well, I just told you the main block.  But later in my life, I encountered child psychopaths.  In this area, I was the blind one. I had no experience with this. I suppose I thought, all children were terrific and anything that went wrong was the parent’s fault.  Yeah, I know, I know.  Stupid.  But this is how it works.  A person’s beliefs can block actual knowledge.

Today, I can spot a child psychopath as easy as an adult, because they have the same quality.  There’s no telling how the child might evolve. My point is, when my father was chatting someone up, in any capacity, I would be listening for clues as to what he was going to do them, or with them. When I see a kid like this, I think the same thing, but in regards to the parents, or perhaps the teacher(s).  I certainly know they’re in big trouble, and in almost all cases, have no earthly idea.

This is why I am always writing about learning to spot or ID your enemy. Our whole world is jacked because of people just like my father – just like him.  And frankly, my life today is like it was then, in that people get played, all day long and they just can’t believe it.  It’s discouraging.

It’s discouraging to grow up and have it be same-o!

7 thoughts on “How Psychopaths Are Able To Hide In Plain Sight”

  1. Thats my first Husband, Leo sun with almost all his planets in Leo except his moon which is Gemini. I am not sure of his house as I don’t know his rising. He could be so charming. I had people so surprised that he was so abusive. I rushed in and accepted his marriage proposal and married him 3 weeks later. It’s very common for an abuser to try to marry quickly, I learned later in a domestic violence support group. I was only married a month the first time he hit me. Shortly after found out I was pregnant. He had insisted I not used birth control for fear of me getting cancer. Another trap. During the pregnancy he became very emotionally, verbally abusive, which is another trait of an abuser. Even though I am not a psychopath, it’s obvious I had my own mental health issues.

  2. I can see auras around people. especially around the head area. I doubt that the aura will show who’s a psychopath. It shows health of the individual.

  3. “I suppose I thought, all children were terrific and anything that went wrong was the parent’s fault.”

    What made you change your mind?

  4. inspired by the word charm…this showed up

    Why can charm be so often disparaged and villified as
    some kind of propaganda?

    “Propaganda does not deceive people. It merely
    helps them to deceive themselves.” ~Eric Hoffer

    Seems a cultural equation these days is that charm = deception = female
    victiimhood. Know what I mean?
    The energy of true charm is a quality, a power of pleasing or attracting,
    as through personality or beauty. It may be captured as in a bracelet,
    or taught in a finishing school, but real charm is an essence that breathes “flow”
    largely absent in people, and maybe envied, as well?

    A nice warm campfire is charming and enjoyable, a bonfire maybe not;
    but, it depends on what we’re looking for and what we’re willing to risk
    to have it. A spell, on the other hand, is a course of a different pallor,
    which denotes a purposeful and deliberate casting upon. Methinks the two
    words and their energy are NOT synonymous; and therefore, respectively, can
    be utilized in understanding motive and outcomes of people.

    the difference that makes the difference…
    they are charming VS. they are spell casting.

    Reading this makes you a reader.
    Denying reading this, makes you a reader.
    Any questions?

  5. i can be pretty decent at face reading. I also really like that Lie to Me microexpression tv show, so ive come to gather various personality templates—For example a prominent lower lip and a chin dimple- sex maniac. Lots of serial rapist killers have them. I dont really know what psychos look in real life, but on tv even when their face is smiling, their eyes look kinda dead. P Diddy is a great example.

  6. My first wife’s dad fit this to a T. He was an abusive bastard, but he was so charming and so good at business his associates outside of his family would never know. Nevertheless, he played ‘fun’ tricks on his kids like telling them to brush their teeth until their mouths bled, kicking them in the shins under the table hard enough to break them, making them sleep with the vacuum cleaner if they failed expectations, all of which he thought were very funny. He tried to kill me once when he couldn’t hide his true colors. And yet, He owned a successful business in town.

    I also see children with these traits, and I don’t know what a parent with even the best of intentions does when their child is born this way, though often, it seems to me, there is usually plenty of history there in the family, too.

    Probably something not strictly delineated by a chart, but well worth trusting one’s gut over. A kid that gleefully kills things or hurts others without remorse is likely going to be the same kind of adult. And mind, this is about a true non-existent conscience, not just being an aloof or less emotional person. We throw terms like ‘psychopath’ around far too loosely these days – if you encounter someone like this, trust me, you’ll know. It would behoove one not to pretend they can ‘fix’ it. Run like hell.

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