How To Access Subconscious Information

conscious-subconscious“Now and again I get these feelings, a sense that something is up, something is brewing underneath. My question is: what is it, where is it coming from and how do I access the incoming information.”

I associate, intuition, precognition, instinct and such, with the outer planets. Each outer planet has it’s own way of sending messages. In the case you’re outlining, the key for me is, “brewing underneath”.

Something coming up from “below” would be a Pluto thing. Subconscious. Your “gut”.  Please note, information from “below”, suggests it’s your gut communicating with your mind, or trying to. If you want the information, open the channel.

When I want access by subconscious, I play dead. I explain this here:

How To Survive A Pluto Transit

You simply want to invite you subconscious to send the “packet” so to speak.  Lie down and wait and I better it surfaces, though you may have to try this a few times.  Signal, you do want to know and you will get the info. I’ve done this all my life. It’s solid.

It’s a good practice to stay connected like this, anyway. Rather than considering your subconscious a “junk drawer”, ideally, it reading everything, always.  Like AI?  You want to be able to tap this wisdom.  After years of doing this, I can pretty much say, “What am I missing?  Hit me with it…”

I’ll have the key within a couple of days.

Good luck!

8 thoughts on “How To Access Subconscious Information”

  1. I too brood. Your advice to clear the “junk drawer” metaphor is rich! When I clear my space (literally) and then nap, the dreams are out of this world and have my name on them🆙 from the depths

  2. Pluto Transit

    like a hurricane
    like a natural disaster
    wind and rain laying waste to my life.
    tossed, torn, left astray and a stranger
    in the way, or at least not the norm.
    a sad wastrel left adrift in the storm.
    sing my wanderers’ song tonight.
    let the wind carry my fading melody
    off onto wind-whipped ports of call.
    my breath’s been carried out to sea
    nothing left to become of me
    once the hurricane has passed into the day
    the foggy, rainy day . . .
    I gaze upon the ragged sea.

  3. I never thought to call it ‘playing dead’ but that describes the process to a T!! Some days I’m trying to get out the door but can’t talk my body into turning the knob – that’s when I have to lie down and listen to the resistant party. Thanks for this!

    1. And I’m a Sag, who’s speed belies my life lived at a turtle’s pace (or I like to call it Plant Time – you can’t even see them move, but they do). Thanks for things to dive into when I play dead.

      1. J J I appreciate hearing from you, a Sag, who operates at a turtle’s pace that you describe as Plant Time. Didn’t the tortoise will that race, anyway?

        And Plant Time, I play with plants for just that reason: practicing faith 😏

        1. @Moki Yes! Sag runs and Gemini asc evaluates, so if I ignore them both and trust (faith), everything works out even though it’s Plant Time, and the turtle can win! <3

  4. This is extremely helpful to me. I have Moon/Pluto conj in my 10th house opp a Pisces IC. I never listen to myself other than grumbling and old negative recordings. I will try this because how many times have I not listened, second guessed myself, gone against my own better judgement and later said “I knew it! Why didn’t I listen?”. I need to slow down and get quiet and ask Pluto, what’s going on? What do I need to know.

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