If You Could Elect Your Baby’s Natal Chart, Would You?

baby“Planned cesarian sections are becoming more common. What are your views about selecting the day and time for this type of birth by looking for good aspects and placements and avoiding tough ones?”

Gal from South Africa

My sister and I got into astrology when we were children.  Her first child was delivered be emergency c-section. We grappled with this in real life, when her doctor told her that her second child should be delivered in the same fashion.

We could both read charts at the time. We both have Capricorn risings and healthy fear of doing the wrong thing. Our Jupiter energy is also very strong, so we approached this philosophically.

On one side of the argument – should you not do everything you can for your child?
On the other side of the argument – do you really want to play God?

This was my sister’s decision, thankfully. I have Libra and I’d have been in hell, trying to call it one way or the other.  If you really consider this (which we did), you may realize, if you elect the chart – you made it happen this way (maybe). If you child does well – fine!  But what if they don’t?  What if you intervene to drive a certain outcome and your kid… I don’t know.  Dies?  Do you want this on you head?

I said “maybe” because in deliberating this question, we both agreed, God, can intervene. You head to the appointment you’ve set and something happens that delays or moves up this time.   Think about how you would feel, headed to the hospital.  Are you so inflated, you feel your judgment is infallible?  Are you feeling in control?  What if you’re delayed?  Do you go into a panic?

Ultimately, my sister chose to not elect her child’s chart. She refused, primarily because they did not want to be responsible for the outcome.

The doctor chose the date and time. Her son was born with her Moon Jupiter conjunction and the family Mercury Mars.  Seems right.

Note, that my sister is a Pisces… she would not have chosen to have a Gemini!  But she’s sure glad she did, because he is great and they are close.  This was another consideration.  She understood, life is for growth and learning, expanding, as opposed to what you want or like,

Bottom line, I feel this is a mother’s choice, but even then, her choice is limited. No doctor is going to come to the hospital at 11:15 pm, to make a cut @ 11:20 pm so your baby can have the moon degree you want.   Weekends are going to be out, and the week days you can choose from will also be limited, as will the time frames on the available days.

This is not as easy as it seems, before you try to actually do it.

Given a choice, would you elect your child’s birth chart? Why or why not?

20 thoughts on “If You Could Elect Your Baby’s Natal Chart, Would You?”

  1. My son was born via emergency c-section and I’m glad I didn’t choose his time of birth, it was more of a surprise that way. Then again, he is an Aquarius, so his birth was just the first thing to surprise me about him! He carries our family signature Jupiter in Leo, Venus-Pluto and 8th house stuff.

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    Shimmering Light

    True story from my extended family: a long time ago one of my cousins – who knows nothing about astrology other than the sun sign variety – elected to have her daughter delivered a bit earlier as she was adamant she didn’t want a Scorpio baby! I don’t know the daughter’s chart but recall joking about it saying “Karma might catch up with her, giving her a baby with the Sun in Libra and 5 planets in Scorpio!” 🙂

  3. A long time after my kids were born I saw clearly that they were conceived in my 8th house and born in my 5th, both of them. Thats just fine, as it is. My daughter has a stressful chart with Saturn on the AC and born at a full moon (Leo/AQ) – and she is doing very well. My son was born with a grand trine in air and Pluto plus a Saturn/Jupiter conjunction in his 1st house Libra – and every Astrologer looking at his chart was raving about his potential. In reality he is suffering from an incurable illness and only found out in his 40s what’s been plaguing him since he was a child.

    So NO – I would never plan a chart for my children. Not even the sun sign. The Universe or God or the Wheels of Life or whatever one may call it should be respected. It takes long enough to know ones own chart and life, stopping to project on my kids is hard enough as they grow up, I do not want to be burdened with extra expectations based on a decision I made without knowing the whole picture.

  4. A bit tangential, but I remember looking up my mum and then my dad’s progressed charts for the day and time I was born and a number of the signatures in those progressed charts are in my natal chart. So that was a bit spooky.

  5. I sure wouldn’t. If you made that child within a true bond/relationship, (and not just for the Fvkks sake) there’s no way God won’t deliver. Even when you consider couples sometimes having a good child vs bad apple, they should know whether they were in good or bad terms with each other at the night of conception. Especially the mother who is the one giving birth. Now I don’t have any kids, and is purely out of instinct that I say this, but that’s how I see it from a long time. May be biased, I have a heavy natal chart, so.

  6. Never chose… per se, re astrology

    Almost died with both of my babies, boys… was advised – no more babies…

    I am Pisces with less than 1* Virgo moon… first boy Gemini moon sq. mine at 1*, second boy, 13 years later, Gemini moon sq. my moon at 3*…

    Neither were “predicted” for either dates… first was overdue by five weeks, 36 hours of labour; head of ob-gyn flipped out when called in for emergency mid-forceps delivery; second, five weeks early, after 7 weeks in hospital, was delayed c-section, by hours… would have been Taurus moon otherwise…

    Sheesh, my first married late degree Gemini moon, who squares my sun… she has cut me out and off, maligned me to everyone in her family, three grand children who only knew me until 2022, will never know their whacky fun Pisces grandmum…

    so yeah, never chose the birth dates… but… life, ya know,

    Fun times

    My sister… says, of my first… “happy wife, happy life” , I know different

    Pluto conjunct south node = trapped

    So… yeah, maybe I wish I could have chosen… or the medical community could have responded in a way that made things more natural and easier, with the astro alignments…

    Astro dynamics… huh… wow

    Love to all, especially those who are or have been estranged <3

    1. That is a tough experience 😕
      I think life,God,the universe plays tricks on all of us. My birthing was also delayed due to nurse negligence, my mom had to suffer a lot and did they delay it a bit more I might not be writing here. I would have sun in the 1H. Instead I get a sun in 12H and ac opposite pluto. All because they didn’t want to wake up the doctor. Life and our need to transcend.

      1. Thank you <3

        Yes, transcendence is key, faith in the universe that all is for the best, move through the pain to learn and grow.

        1. I have an early gem moon conj chiron… hard to communicate the pain though easier to understand another’s. I hope at some point the wheel turns in your favor 🙂 who knows, next eclipse season in rhe pisces/virgo axis? The ones in virgo will be in late degrees but still… all the best 💙

  7. The idea is likely to backfire…what if your kid encounters difficulties anyway? We all have to overcome some problems in life…But you will be blaming yourself for choosing the “wrong” time….

  8. This is becoming more common in cases with surrogate mothers doing the delivery. I would caution that you need an intimate knowledge of a good ninety fixed stars in addition to astrological aspects if you are going to do this for a mother and child. It also helps to have the accurate birth charts of the mom and father. Most of the time, a donor egg is involved, so the parents are really hoping to share some good aspects with the child. I try to be as clear as possible about what can be changed and what can’t be. A mother who wants the surrogate to deliver on Father’s Day may not be taking everything into consideration given the day. C-Section deliveries in the morning placing personal planets at the top of the chart when the parents don’t have that profile – it all needs to be explained. I also always stress that a parent never contradicts the will of the doctor.

  9. My first two children were born in hospital – was hoping for natural births but medical interventions seem the norm mostly. I felt metaphorically bruised/disempowered by the experience. If babies could talk maybe they did too. I met a group of women who had had home births so babies 3 and 4 were naturals. I feel their time of birth was natural too. Getting back to the original question however, in theory , I would like to choose a time of birth to help my babes have an easier life but I believe that we choose our parents (adopted parents too) to work.out karma. They say when the moon is in feminine signs when one conceives that there is a better chance of having a girl and a male if moon sign in Taurus etc. That one might be useful if looking for a boy after 3 girls but I’m moving off topic as usual. Interesting how a lot of astro stuff crops up in the various generations.

  10. These schemes to manipulate circumstance are the worst kind of faux prognostication, it is so selfish in my opinion. Says a lot about the parents, and perhaps they should reconsider having children they aren’t ready for because life will unfold how it unfolds regardless, this is something we do not control. They would be so much better off being good protectors and guides for ANY child they have. To me, it’s arrogant madness, a mentality that will certainly do more harm than good.

  11. Hello everyone. My daughter’s due date was Easter Sunday 2011.
    I was having a planned C, so thought it would be a good idea to schedule it a few days earlier so I would be home for Easter. I did not do a chart, but prob should have at least looked up the date to see if something jumped out at me. I chose my planned C for Wednesday, April 20th 4/20 haha but that isn’t even the worst part. I ran into someone years later who said, “April 20th is Hitler’s birthday”. Seriously? Who would know that off the top???

  12. I tried to aim for certain Sun signs with my babies and failed! But what I found fascinating was that with each of them, on the day I conceived them the Moon was in the sign that ended up being their Sun sign. And their due dates were both cuspy, so there was a 50/50 chance of them being born in the neighbouring sign instead.

    Even more bizarre was that they both have the same Moon sign as me. So I think ‘fate’ plays a much stronger hand than we ever can. And ultimately it’s not about us. We bear and raise them, but they have their own life path to fulfil irrespective of their parents.

  13. No, I wouldn’t elect/plan my baby’s birth chart. I would leave it up to their soul to choose when they’re entering the world.
    I think it would be too stressful trying to orchestrate a birth at a particular golden moment. Many unforeseen occurrences could make that near impossible.
    I like the idea of being surprised and would enjoy looking at the chart that nature bestowed.
    This is a great question!

  14. If in that position I would not make that choice, it will hang above my head forever, a new life with their own destiny, would not interfere. I don’t know people around having a c -section for astrological reasons, only for health and safety reasons. I was due date three days later but I arrived faster, seems my mars in aries heard the doctor, what!? is he telling me when to get out? I think not. 😋

  15. My mother was induced as she was well over 46 and had high blood pressure. I am triple Pisces, sun, moon, Jupiter and my Pisces moon in 29 degrees. I would have been more thick-skinned I’m sure without my fishy moon but that was not to be. Leo rising good for keeping sunny side up! Think most people in favour of letting nature (or the medical team!) take its course!

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