Jupiter In Libra: Teaching Love & Marriage

My husband and I going to start teaching a class in September. This is not something we planned or even considered doing.  All the sudden this gal was telling us, we’d be teaching teenagers. In fact, I interrupted her.

“Excuse me just a minute, I’m a little confused. I don’t want to interrupt you but we did not volunteer to do this. No one has talked to us about this, the least little bit,” I explained. “What is going on? Where did this come from?”

She answered that by telling us our class would meet once a week. I realized at that time, our class would meet once a week. So I started listening carefully, to find out what our class would be about. I was curious.

It’s a few days later and I don’t know this has all sunken in. But I have had flashes of insight.

“One thing we can both say, convincingly, is there is a soul for every soul. For most people, there is someone out there, who is meant for you. We’re an example of this. We demonstrate it, where it can’t be denied.”

“A soul for your soul? That’s true…”

That was last night. Today I realized these kids would be taught something that’s very important (and lacking) in typical childhood education. The idea that you may meet your soulmate when you’re very young. You may even be a teenager. My husband and I met as teens.

I write about this from time to time. I certainly talk to clients about it.

How Rare Is A Happy Marriage?

Last night, I checked the local statistics. 80% of the babies born here are born to single mothers.  It’s about 37% nationwide. I mentioned this to my husband. He said, “I’ll tell ’em, eight out of ten of you girls are going have babies by yourself…”

It’s powerful isn’t it?  If I was sitting in that class, fifteen years old, I would immediately want to beat those odds.

Our society really is a mess. My husband and I are getting involved. Here’s my question:

What were you taught about love and marriage and having children?  Where is Jupiter in your chart?

52 thoughts on “Jupiter In Libra: Teaching Love & Marriage”

  1. I love that you’re doing this. I really think it needs to be done. I think love is that important. Wish I someone would have told me, but then I don’t know if it would have done any good if the other person hadn’t been taught too.

  2. Virgo Sun, Libra Rising with Moon and Venus conjunct ascendant. I have Jupiter in Pisces in the 5th house. My mom was married but left my dad when I was 2 and I was raised by my grandfather. I was taught to love and respect children, and to treat them as blessings. I was raised to be independent and I should never to count on marriage to be my ticket to security. I’ve lived all over the world, I have been married twice and I have a very successful career. I’m single but I live with my partner. I have one son, who I raised on my own and left his father when he was two. Rinse, cycle, and repeat.

    1. Excuse me, I don’t understand this, you are single but you live with your partner? Are you single or partnered? Or did you mean you are not married but live with someone? Or is this a new relationships status I don’t know (another one, LOL).

  3. I have Jupiter in 2nd house leo..mom was an astrology reader and always told me to stay away from the aries and was always pushing the Capricorn boyfriends …I have Capricorn 7th house. every boyfriend I brough home she would have their birth info before introductions complete.I ended up with a cancer husband .

  4. I have Jupiter in Libra in in the 10th trine Mars in the 7th square moon on the second. I grew up in a household where my father was pretty absent most if the time or there was a lot of fighting. My parents never slept in bed with each other. I don’t think they taught me squat about love or marriage. There was always turmoil. I am divorced and living with my boyfriend and we have a child together. I’m starting to think my boyfriend just wants to live unmarried and I’ll never expierence marriage again. Ever day I try to be a better partner but I’m starting to give up. Sorry for the sob story.

  5. I have Jupiter in Capricorn in the fifth. Trines my Taurus MC. Squares my Uranus in Libra. My mother and maternal grandmother taught me that it’s as easy to marry a rich man as a poor man. I was taught to marry for money. I obviously rebelled. 😉

  6. Where is Jupiter in your chart?

    Virgo 11th.

    What were you taught about love and marriage and having children?

    Not much.

    [‘I did know not to follow my mother as an example.’]

  7. I have Aries Jupiter in the 7th house oppose Libra Mars in the 1st. Born in the early 1950’s my parents had what at that time was an unusual marriage. My father married young and had 4 children, at some point he lived apart from his wife and supported her and the children. He was 37 and my mother was 19 when they met. He was driving a taxi and picked her up from her job as a cashier at a grocery store, they spoke very little but the next night he was waiting for her and every night after until he divorced and married her a year later. They had 5 children, making me the youngest of 9. Our family got along with the first family. When wife number had a hysterectomy, she and all the kids came to our house for her recuperation.

    I learned that marriage means family. I married young and divorced young but have stayed friendly with my ex and with my first mother-in-law until she died. I’ve been married for 26 years to a wonderful man but he is not my soul mate. I’m actively building a friendship with him so that if we part, we part well.

  8. Jupiter in Taurus, 9th house, trines Uranus, Pluto, moon; opposite Neptune.

    My mother told me that if you want something from a man, you plant the seed in a man’s mind and let him think things were his idea. I thought that was the stupidest thing I’d ever heard. I guess it was her Libra Mars’ way of negotiating.

    My father either traveled a lot for work, or he was on several sport teams, or he was passed out, so I learned that information control was vital for keeping things running smoothly. My father adored my mother even if he did get aggravated by her talkative and feisty manner (he was Cancer, she is Aries). My mother always seemed irritated by everything. Now that she has early dementia, she misses him a lot.

    I guess I learned some mixed messages about needing a man but not needing them.

  9. 5th house Jupiter in Leo. My parents never really discussed marriage with me. My mom met my dad when she was 21, they are still married and he has been her only love. Since you bring this up I will have a talk about love and marriage with my kids in a few years because I love to talk about these things. I met my husband when I was 20 and we are still together 16 years later with 2 kids.

  10. I’m part of the Pluto in Libra generation (divorced parents) and I have Pluto opposite Venus in Aries with Venus receiving Pluto by domicile. I also have Saturn in Scorpio with Pluto receiving Saturn by domicile. I have Saturn and Venus contraparallel as well. I have a heavy Venus/Saturn signature. So I mostly learned that love is worth (Venus) fighting (Aries) for and it’s worth persevering (Saturn/Pluto) for. I feel that love is the most precious gift on earth. I remember feeling while and unbroken before my parents divorced and I remember believing in true love from a very young age- maybe 3 or 4. That belief never went away. I have Venus trine Neptune. I can’t stop believing in love. My Jupiter is conjunct my 7th house ruler which is Uranus. I have experienced the love at first sight thing. Unfortunately I did not know how to handle the intensity in my chart because the love was just too intense plus I had much to learn about myself. The Saturn/Venus made me doubt myself and I had low self esteem. The Neptune made me keep things all at a distance so I could stay “out of reach”- safe inside my ethereal cocoon.

    Right now t.Saturn is conjunct my 7th ruler and I’m learning about everything I have done wrong which is less painful than I would have imagined. I needed to know this. If anything so I can wake up and see all the beauty outside of my ideals and appreciate what’s in front of me. It’s not a fairy tale but it is not as bad as I thought.

  11. I was taught about teaching 😉

    Jupiter is in my 9th house, making a conjunction to my Venus. I know that’s the lucky aspect. But oh, they are connected to my sun in Scorpio by a stellium, and this stellium is opposite Chiron. There are HUGE lessons for me in this life about relationships. Huge scars to be resolved. Huge assignments for helping people learn about relationships.

  12. My jupiter in Virgo is in my 9th house. Looks more like 10th house. Lots of struggle to be successful. Funny thats what my parents taught me “get your own being in the music buisness” Seems like they took mine. I’m finding out now how Dad used his or My music talent to meet as many singers famous ones to almost to marry even if he is married many times. I mean young ones too. I’m gonna look up his jupiter now.

    1. correction he wasn’t married many times if it looks like I meant that. Lo and behold dads Jupiter is in his 5th house ..good times.. even if he lived married to one. His career needed that to be reminded of over and over.

  13. I have Jupiter on my Ascendent in Scorpio. Chiron in 5th house Pisces. Moon in 8th house Gemini. My parents did not set a great example of how to love in a relationship nor how to raise kids. I have 3 beautiful children, raised with minimal help from their fathers. I learned how to be a parent from reading books, getting involved in parenting programs (Parents as Teachers was wonderful when they were little), and watching other parents parent their kids (what to do and what not to do). The relationship I have with my kids is a 180 from the relationship I had with my parents. I am thankful for Jupiter and Chiron for their placement, allowing me to create a healthy dynamic for my children.

    Now I’m going to brag…the oldest is on his way to graduate school. My middle is on his way to starting a family. My youngest is sooo dang smart, emotionally and intellectually, and on his way into high school. I am very proud of the young men they have become.

  14. Virgo Sun, Jupiter in Libra with mars and venus, and cancer rising. My folks never spoke of sex or marriage to me. I had to stumble thru life (but had good angels), and managed to recognize my soul mate who i met on a blind date at 21. Somehow it worked out despite many obstacles because we do communicate easily, love and respect each other and shared dreams and challenges. Best of luck with your class Elsa; I’m sure you can help some young ones. Life is complex these days and good advice has real value.

  15. Moon (chart ruler) conjunct Jupiter (precise to the minute) in Scorpio in the 5th house.
    Unmarried but all 4 children with the same father (Saturn opposite stellium in Scorpio especially Venus, but Mars in Libra). The father has Saturn right on his Ascendant, and it feels like it.
    I thank whatever powers exist that we didn’t marry.
    What was I taught? That marriage can be hell to watch. That society judges and punishes women who are strong enough to break free from abuse. Maybe check how many women suffer physical and emotional abuse but draw the line at that directly impacting on their children? …Only to become a negative statistic.
    Which label fits best in these cases I wonder…? ‘Unmarried’, ‘single’, or unbowed? Whatever you call it, it’s not always a bad thing.

  16. Yes. Jupiter on the descendant. I take family seriously. Saturn within 8 degrees of the descendant in the sixth house.

  17. They know a good teacher when they meet one. You are so dear to my heart Miss Elsa! I cant think of anyone better to teach this.

  18. Kind of like competing on a team! What was it, together you two are unstoppable? There’s no question that you are going to do a great job! Good luck!

  19. Jupiter in Libra conjunct my Sun 10th house. My marriage and my relationship with my husband is hands down the most important in my life. It is clear to anyone who knows me that my position as wife to my husband is my top priority. I did manage to find a good solid family man very much like my father (who also has Libra Jupiter and shares my same birthday), deserving of such commitment. We are partners and function very much as a unit. My parents loved each other I grew up learning to be loyal to your mate. My father was an excellent example of a good husband both my sister and I married well. My husbands Jupiter is in Cancer he is big on family and home.

  20. Jupiter in Leo in 12th. About love/marriage/children I was repeatedly told: “get an education and a job so as to not need a man” (mother and grandmother), and “you can be a teacher or a nurse only, because you’re a woman and soon after you’ll have to leave your job to raise a family” (father).

    Father and mother have always been hopeless cases, both, nasty people, their marriage ruined, their behaviour to their children horrible. So I took the first advice, because my grandmother who also supported it was sane and lovely, so I became financially independent. Never really wanted children (although I adore children in general), never had any. Marriage, I would have liked it, but it never happened.

    Elsa – I’m not so sure there’s a soulmate for everyone. I know a lot of people who have ended up alone, even though they’re worthwhile, confident, flexible enough to compromise, etc. Why?

  21. I have Jupiter in Libra, conjunct Uranus and square my cap sun. I’m catholic, traditional, two sons, married 22 years. I married a foreigner and live abroad however so there was room for Uranus to have his say. I highly recommend marriage as the model for a healthy, happy and secure society. My youngest son has leukemia and the whole family are pulling together to help. Think about it, we all need extended support. The family provides this the best!

  22. By my father, I was taught marriage is disposable (he’s been married 4x) and by my mother to never put all my eggs into another’s unreliable basket. By example, I’ve seen one grandmother be widowed twice and the third husband abandon her in her late years and I’ve seen the other grandmother get married twice but badly abused and all her retirement funds siphoned.

    Despite this, I bought into many of the media-perpetuated romantic ideals as a child and budding adult (Venus-Neptune) but trust that a Saturn-Venus square taught me otherwise.

    Do I believe in romantic love now? No.
    Marriage is a lot of responsibility and work with very little time or energy left to feed the romance that started it all, which is where many of the cracks start. That’s the reality of it. It’s like a house. You can custom-build a new beautiful house but if you don’t take the time to lay the foundation right nor to maintain it not to have pride of ownership right from the get-go, it falls into disarray early on. And before you know it, you find out the foundation is cracked, the drainage is poor, and there are nail-pops in every wall.

    So for me, marriage and love shouldn’t be a hasty thing. Slow. Let it build with integrity. Understand the consequences of love and know the other person isn’t there to serve you but you to serve the other.

    I have Jupiter rising in the 12th.

    1. Primrose: By my father, I was taught marriage is disposable (he’s been married 4x) and by my mother to never put all my eggs into another’s unreliable basket.

      My mother was with 5 different men, starting with my father. Boy did that not work out – until she got to #5 who is a good guy. They’ve stayed together for 25+ years now. Oddly enough that was exactly the same pattern as my grandmother (5 men, stuck with the last). My father, on the other hand, bugged out because he couldn’t put up with my mother (according to my mother), and married another woman. I cannot say if he stuck with her, or he’s on his third because I haven’t seen him since I was six. I don’t know what lesson to take from that other than ‘wow, those Boomers were kind of screwy!’

      Do I believe in romantic love now? No.

      Not even making out in Paris in the rain? {sniff}

      So for me, marriage and love shouldn’t be a hasty thing. Slow. Let it build with integrity. Understand the consequences of love and know the other person isn’t there to serve you but you to serve the other.

      That’s completely sensible. I’m not sure how that knocks out romantic love. But then I’m patient.

      [‘Right, enough with the break, back to work.’]

  23. First, Elsa: those stats are staggering. Having raised 2 kids as a single mom, I feel horrified by the fact that mothers have to take all this on– of course, most of them work full time, too… the stress is just terrible. I realize that lots of single parent kids turn out fine- one of mine has her Doctorate– but she has a huge hole in her heart because her father walked away from her and never looked back.
    I have Jupiter tightly conjunct Neptune in Scorpio in the 7th. The only aspect is a sextile to Pluto in the 5th. I have been married twice, the first time to someone I left because he showed no interest at all in my daughter (and never did) and the second because he was mentally ill, and he died 10 years after we divorced.
    My parents told me (and I’m not looking for pity here, I am just relaying the facts) that I was fat, ugly and unloveable and would never be happy. Dissect that all you will, but they dispensed that information with the kind of dispassion that I read as very authoritative. I rebelled against that, of course (hence 2 marriages) but sometimes I wonder if they knew something I didn’t. They themselves modeled a very dysfunctional marriage: married in their teens, dad was a self-made millionaire who took to cheating (relentlessly); they divorced and then remarried many years later and stayed married until he died. Mom was a doormat out of necessity. She never even finished high school, never worked outside the home, so she relied on him financially and had to put up with everything. I suppose I am afraid of being forced into that situation where I have choice but to stay married; I rebel against that and want to be in a relationship where I wake up every morning and know that I choose to continue being with this person because I want to, not because I HAVE to. I don’t believe in romantic love, I believe there may be romantic moments, but companionship and friendship is much more important to me. I am almost 58 years old. Oh hell, now I’m crying.

    1. And you are about to have the life you have been waiting for! You are entering your second Saturn return. Now it is your turn to grab the life you have always wanted. Your parents said a very cruel thing to you, probably more reflective of their own misery. You have been amazing! Things are about to change. Go for it!! And many blessings to you.

    2. dog8818: I have Jupiter tightly conjunct Neptune in Scorpio in the 7th.

      That could leave you chasing mirages, yes, but what aspects does your Sun make?

      I rebelled against that, of course (hence 2 marriages) but sometimes I wonder if they knew something I didn’t.

      They knew you were a child and they weren’t, so they could beat up on you at will, and they weren’t happy and could take it out on you. Not everyone is the most beautiful or the most brilliant (how could they be) but I very much doubt you are unlovable. Unlovable people don’t manage to raise two kids.

      I rebel against that and want to be in a relationship where I wake up every morning and know that I choose to continue being with this person because I want to, not because I HAVE to.

      If what you’re worried about is you CAN’T leave, that’s a hint that maybe you should leave.

      I don’t believe in romantic love, I believe there may be romantic moments, but companionship and friendship is much more important to me. I am almost 58 years old. Oh hell, now I’m crying.

      I’m sorry. You have two kids, so you have got that. So hang on, the game is not over yet.

      [‘Or, what Kathy said. 😉 ‘]

  24. My mother gave me this great advice: “Never marry a man who really, really loves his mother or really, really hates his mother.”

    And another gem I picked up somewhere: “Never marry someone you wouldn’t want to be divorced from.” (As in, avoid assholes even if you fall in love with one!)

    Of course, my mother’s life has been a cautionary tale. If I meet someone, her first comment is, “be careful”. She’s been in three abusive marriages. I just turned 40 and though I’ve wanted to get married for 15 years, it still seems like an impossibility in this lifetime. My imprint of what’s normal is so twisted and so I’m terrified of making the same mistakes…but normal nice men don’t inspire much passion in me. So I’ve been single for 8 years, aside from frequently meeting people and brief dalliances that I usually wish would turn into more. (I have Venus opposite Pluto, (I attract stalker creeps) both squaring Mars, Venus square Saturn, empty 7th house,Venus in Aries, Mars in cancer (fear!!)…and to answer your question, Jupiter in Taurus in the 10th.)

  25. I have Jupiter in Aries, fourth house. Sounds ok, large family, prosperous, large house…but, not so much for me. My Jupiter squares my Moon and Pluto and opposes Saturn.

    My Virgo mother wanted to have the “traditional” family; get married, the woman stays at home and cooks and raises the children, does some volunteer work. Typical of her 1950s-60s deep south upbringing. She married my Sagittarius, wanting to be an entrepreneur father. She had to work because he never made enough money to be the sole supporter. But, true to the way she was raised, she tried to stick it out. Her parents stayed married even though her father was an alcoholic. She stuck it out for 15 years before filing for divorce. She never remarried. My father remarried twice. The first one lasted a little over a year. The second one may have been his “soul mate” and died in her 50s after about 13 years of marriage. He’s now in a relationship with a woman I actually like, but they will not marry at their ages.

    What was I taught by them? More what not to do than what TO do. I am 41 and not married and my brother is 36 and not married. I would like very much to be married. I’m not sure if I understood Elsa’s post correctly but I do not think I met my soulmate in my teens. I have little if any contact with any guys I would’ve met at that age and I lived in different states then. The only person I’ve met who I really think could be a soul mate, moved away four years ago. I was 33 and he 23 when we met. We will have periodic contact via text. I think of him often and have a photo of us I keep out among my other framed photos. I can’t imagine a scenario whereby he would move back to where I am, or I to where he is.

    I would like to believe that there’s a soul for every soul but how does one explain all the lonely people in this world? All the unmarried people? Did we just miss the boat and not recognize our person? And now they’ve moved away, or married someone else? It’s very easy to say there’s a soul mate for everyone when one is happily coupled up. It sounds very self-congratulatory, “look at our success in finding our soul mates”. I’ve been looking for mine to show up, and stick around for the duration, since I was probably 14 years old. Where the f*ck is he? I honestly sometimes think it’s just a matter of dumb luck and timing. Sorry, but the soul mate conversation gets my dander up.

    1. LA Lagniappe: It sounds very self-congratulatory, “look at our success in finding our soul mates”.

      Maybe they did, and maybe they’re just making the best of it. As long as they’re happy and doing well.

      I would like to believe that there’s a soul for every soul but how does one explain all the lonely people in this world? All the unmarried people? Did we just miss the boat and not recognize our person? And now they’ve moved away, or married someone else?

      Quite possibly they just didn’t find them, or they didn’t want to, or perhaps they would have been bad for the other person.

      I’ve been looking for mine to show up, and stick around for the duration, since I was probably 14 years old. Where the f*ck is he?

      Was that the princess thing, or did you dream about someone in particular. I used to dream about a certain girl (I thought of her because I was a boy) when I was 12-13-14. I know what she looks like, kept expecting to bump into her, couldn’t find her. So as you say, ‘where the fuck are they?’

      [‘My dreams tend to be precognitive, so…’]

      1. Princess thing?? Um, no, it is the desire to find this perfect soul-for-a-soul that’s being discussed here. If, as this post suggest there is a certain person for everyone, I have not found mine, so I’m asking, where is he. If I have already met him, then he’s one of two men. One is the one I mentioned above, he lives thousands of miles away now. Is it possible somehow in the future we’ll be brought back together? I guess, but I’m 41. I want to get married, I’m tired of being alone. I’ve wanted to be married (to the right person) my entire life. If he is another man who does live in my same city, he married someone else after dating me and telling me at the breaking up that his girlfriends he consulted with before doing so, told him to give us more time before calling it quits. I remember thinking at the time “ignoring that advice is going to potentially bite you in the ass down the road.” But, married he still is, so…Neither of these people are from my childhood.

        1. LA Lagniappe: Princess thing?? Um, no, it is the desire to find this perfect soul-for-a-soul that’s being discussed here.

          Sorry. The way I usually hear this framed is little girls are taught to look for Princes, which could be taken as a form of soulmate. (I don’t think boys get taught anything, which is a little weird if you think about it.)

          If, as this post suggest there is a certain person for everyone, I have not found mine, so I’m asking, where is he.

          I’m entirely agnostic on the notion. It’s a nice idea. But I’m not entirely clear that that’s a soul mate, so much as a person that fits you really well. (The former descriptor implies something and the latter does not. And while I’m thinking about it – the studies suggest a lot of successful marriages consist of people from the same culture and economic class. But that might be the money talking.)

          I guess, but I’m 41. I want to get married, I’m tired of being alone.

          Don’t blame you.

          I remember thinking at the time “ignoring that advice is going to potentially bite you in the ass down the road.” But, married he still is, so…Neither of these people are from my childhood.

          He may very well have missed out. Or not. Impossible to say – you might be able to do better and perhaps he did not.

          [‘If I have one (seems doubtful), I didn’t meet her in my many childhoods.’]

  26. Jupiter in Aries in 7th house. Venus in Virgo in 11th house. Saturn in Virgo in 12th house. Cancer Sun, Libra rising. Born in 1951. Parents had a stormy marriage. Mom an Aries, Dad a Virgo. Never been married. Engaged at 23. Broke it off after I found out about his several affairs. Lived for several years with a guy who split.
    Thank God for not giving me what I thought I wanted! Have dated a lot. Have had periods of not dating. Elsa, I signed up for your Love class a while back, but have had various health issues come up that were significant enough to require my attention. I’m pretty sure I have a handle on them now. Moon in Sagittarius. Aging gracefully & loving the wisdom that aging brings! Open to & wanting a man to share life with til the end of this lifetime!

  27. When I was in high school, I developed my domino soul mate theory and I think it’s still logical.

    Everyone has a soul mate. But maybe one person pressures another person who is NOT their soul mate to marry. So the leftover soul mate eventually “settles” for someone else who has not yet met THEIR soul mate, so now there is another gap…on and on, people not waiting long enough or being too weak to wait for their soul mates — domino effect, one soul mate pair disrupted, then the next and the next. So it is seems rare and hard to find what we could have had, had we been strong and waited.

    Every “I just wanted to marry” or “I wanted to make so and so jealous” or “I was afraid to be alone” or “I wanted money/prestige” or “everyone was getting married so I did” or “we weren’t in love but we were friends…” ..is why one more soul mate pair evaporates.

    1. I like that theory, VillageGirl.
      My mother married my father because she was 26, God forbid, and wasn’t yet married and all her friends were getting married.

    2. Avatar

      Your theory makes a lot of sense. What about those who settle yet while married encounter their soul mates and are compelled to end the marriages they settled for to be with them?

  28. I was taught marriage is a trap and people leave. I don’t believe that marriage is a trap and I really wanted mine to work, but after a while it became clear that I married a mirage when he came into focus, I saw that he was a liar and a cheat. I think I missed my opportunity with my soul mate, but I am hoping that I can find someone decent and caring to finish out life. Life is easier when you have people to care about that care about you.

  29. This is sad, but my mother always told me and my 5 sisters not to have kids because it was horrible. I was 27 when I had my daughter, and I was pissed off at her because it was the most wonderful thing in the world!
    I have Jupiter in Capricorn in the 5th, conjunct Saturn. I have pretty bad luck with men romantically, except I have incredible luck with men in high places who favor me in work. I have had more than a few chances to get married very young (I was engaged very seriously more than a few times) for love, and with wonderful people, but I would break it off at the first whiff of anything I didn’t like. I really really did not believe you could trust a young man at that age. Little did I realize you were better off trying to work through it.
    I have had some horrible experiences in love. Horrific. I suffer through a little or a lot, then walk away.
    I grew up in an idillic childhood- my dad an aerospace engineer, my mom a homemaker, and excellent seamstress, with a lot of taste. He was chased from the home in the early 70’s, and my mom remarried asap to the best suitor. We had to start over from scratch. All of our values out the window and no faith in the old system. My mom did not prepare us for the future, and tried to prevent us from reaching our potential (moon conjunct mars exact in scorpio).

  30. A few seconds past my 9th house cusp of Scorpio. Not sure what means other than parents and kids help educate each other, it’s good to discuss what is happening in the world around us and that travel and other languages broaden the outlook for everyone!

  31. Avatar

    I was taught that motherhood is a miserable burden you have to pretend to enjoy much more than you actually do because it looks good. And that children who don’t make good sources of narcissistic supply deserve all the sadistic contempt their parents have spew at them for not serving their purposes. Oh, and that all romantic partners eventually become a source of bitter disappointment as well. Sagittarius 11th house sun, Scorpio moon opposing Saturn in Gemini.

  32. Avatar

    Jupiter in Sagittarius. I never wanted or had my own children, didn’t feel the responsibility was worth the sacrifice and a deep gut instinct (Scorp moon conjunct Neptune) warned me from a young age to not EVER have kids. Glad I heeded it.

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