Jupiter in Virgo – Lots Of Work!

Virgo black and whiteMy husband starts his new job tomorrow. He was hired for 2nd shift but is starting on 1st shift which is 6 AM-4:30 PM. He’s got a commute on top of that. However, they work half-days on Fridays, we think. Presumably have weekends off?  So maybe it’s a 45 hour week? I think 2nd shift might be 2-12:30 am.  And the commute…Virgo / Mercury.

This will leave me a lot of time to work as well. Expanded hours.

I feel okay about this. This last year has been something else, with the move and all. I’ve had to juggle all kinds of things. House buying, selling, fixing, furnishing, garden pests, fungus, truck buying, mower shopping and the constant unpredictability of trucking.

I see simplicity in my future.  Lots of thinking, writing, helping and such. An open field.

What’s happening with you, with Jupiter in Virgo?

16 thoughts on “Jupiter in Virgo – Lots Of Work!”

  1. Thanks for pulling my attention to Jupiter. Since he will be in my 8th and then 9th House for the next year, I see how the work and writing related legacy (8th House) builds on the new frame I’m creating as Saturn moves more firmly into Sag (where my natal Jupiter and Venus is). Time to work on stories for the future generation (my family, and other young people) is what is happening. I can no longer do this (because I am old, and my health is different), but, I can be old and different and tell a story that grows FROM that. Like the ‘nurse log’ in a forest.

  2. “What’s happening with you, with Jupiter in Virgo?”

    A lot of writing, a lot of research, a lot of progress in my manual skills. And an almost compulsive urge to buy books!

  3. I love the work ethic of Jupiter in Virgo, I was much too performance focused when Jup was in Leo, I was making errors (didn’t see it that way then, of course!) because of a saggy routine and I’m now enjoying the pace and ‘check-list’ of Virgo season. Things are running much more smoothly. My youngst son – my U-Pl baby(Uranus square pluto – born during square season, has pluto conjunct sun in capricorn) has taken over nursery school (or at least he’s trying)so that’s freed up some time to get my serious projects off the ground, a lot of effort required as the opposition team aren’t backing off, so lots of energy, time and effort going into behind the scene ‘fighting’ and getting ahead. I have to pull this project off the ground, there are certain people who will benefit. Tomorrow a few new people will be on the scene – one of them I know (by chance) has Saturn in Sagitarrius so…… I’m hoping Jup in Virgo will spin some of his magic my way.

  4. I’m doing a lot of work around the house. I repotted my plants, I’m washing curtains, etc., domestic things. Even my husband is doing it, which is strange because he usually doesn’t care.

  5. I swear the moment Jupiter entered Virgo, my schedule went apesh*t. But it’s good work- the best kind of work. The last time I felt this focused and productive was when Jupiter transited my 6th. Even with Mercury in retro, things are in full swing.

  6. Just read this good work poem –

    To Be of Use
    by Marge Piercy

    The people I love the best
    jump into work head first
    without dallying in the shallows
    and swim off with sure strokes almost out of sight.
    They seem to become natives of that element,
    the black sleek heads of seals
    bouncing like half-submerged balls.

    I love people who harness themselves, an ox to a heavy cart,
    who pull like water buffalo, with massive patience,
    who strain in the mud and the muck to move things forward,
    who do what has to be done, again and again.

    I want to be with people who submerge
    in the task, who go into the fields to harvest
    and work in a row and pass the bags along,
    who are not parlor generals and field deserters
    but move in a common rhythm
    when the food must come in or the fire be put out.

    The work of the world is common as mud.
    Botched, it smears the hands, crumbles to dust.
    But the thing worth doing well done
    has a shape that satisfies, clean and evident.
    Greek amphoras for wine or oil,
    Hopi vases that held corn, are put in museums
    but you know they were made to be used.
    The pitcher cries for water to carry
    and a person for work that is real.

  7. There are so many great aspect affecting my chart right now it is hard to know which one to give credit for what. This is such a welcome change. I have back to back stelliums in Virgo and Libra I have 7 planets lined up from 12 degrees Virgo through 16 degrees Libra When Saturn was transiting through conjuncting my Virgo and Libra planets Uranus was slowly opposing so at the lowest points Saturn was pressing down as Uranus was pressing up. It was the darkest hardest time of my life and any one of the awful things that transpired would have been enough to bring anyone to their knees but I got them all back to back to back.Having weathered the storm while standing in the eye of it I am super jazzed about the awesome potential of the current and near future astrological aspects. Jupiter will kiss me through my ninth house while I learn a whole new career and through my 10th house where I implement what I have learned and cultivate success. Jupiter will conjunct my Sun and Jupiter for the finale. I have 10th house Sun conjunct Jupiter Libra in my natal chart. Everything seems to be falling into place as if by magic and I could not be more grateful.

  8. Jupiter is transiting my 12th house and will cross over my ASC not till a bit later. Major shifts started to happen right around November 2014 and still continues. I don’t suspect this will stop for the next 2-3 years. Between home and work responsibilities, it’s been non-stop.

    My husband and I took the kids for our first family vacation since we’ve been together. It’s always been to visit the family back east, but this year we decided, let’s go and have fun on a beach. We took one of their cousins and just had a blast. BUT, my husband and I had no idea how to vacation! It took us day 4 until we relaxed.

    Husband is a double Virgo (sun & ASC) and we are both DO-ers. We do multiple jobs to diversify our income and ultimately find the best path to generate revenue that won’t kill us.

    Our attitude is “Let’s DO This”

  9. I’m trying to get one last transfer in my current company. Something straight up my alley came along. If this won’t work out, I’ll give up.

  10. Jupiter on my ascendant and moon in my first house has brought me new friends and a beautiful new teacher and lover. This is the happiest and healthiest I have been in years. ♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡

  11. Huh. Juggling… yielding, and adjusting – accommodating, for the bigger best – for me, too. Happy stuff to be doing, when taking time to look at the big picture. (Big picture: what really matters, more than the piddling matters?) 🙂

  12. Helpful people, to whom I have and still do offer my help, are acting in helpful ways (real help: Saturn, always, for me, in all my contacts with others). Hoohaaa, hooray! 🙂

  13. Jupiter in Virgo, work work work. This old Nurse has to be at SLU for a scan at 0900 hours. It’s about me, this time. I have a lot of days, hours, years logged in behind me taking care of others as a Registered Professional Nurse. Now it’s my turn, and what will the triple phase CT scan tell me about my life?

  14. Working harder at an actual job-job than I have in many years. It’s good for me even when it’s frustrating. Good work, in my field, is often frustrating.

    With Merc Rx the house hunting is on pause, except I’m doing some work behind the scenes to enable a quick move when Merc goes direct. Jupiter is in my 4th – seems like a good time to find a new home.

    House placements I tend to overlook. This is all good stuff in the form of opportunity if I work it.

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