Libra Eclipse Challenge – Overcome Narcissistic Tendencies

libra blind justiceMars will square sun, moon and Mercury in Libra next week. This energy will peak on Wednesday.  Libra rules relationships. Mars agitates.  I expect people to clash, and in fact, I’m already seeing this in consultations. I have Mars and Mercury in Libra and I often mediate things like this and/or try to help people to see the other person’s point of view. This action will often unwind the conflict.

This energy of this eclipse would support a person’s striving (Mars) to see the things from the other person’s angle.  You might be able to unwind your own conflict, but I realized it’s more than that.

If you only consider your thoughts or feelings about a situation – then it’s “all about you”. Sorry, but that is exactly what that is, on it’s face.

Have you ever been in a relationship with someone who thinks it’s all about them?  Gah.


6 thoughts on “Libra Eclipse Challenge – Overcome Narcissistic Tendencies”

  1. I don’t like it. It hits my 3H and I ve been having problems with one of my siblings. Probably we won’t have any contact at all from now on. It’s been tough

  2. The fact that the Moon is in Libra the day of the eclipse will influence the Mars in Cancer energy towards embodying that airey Venusian vibe, so that has the potential for diplomacy and striving for peace. Librans are rather hippies in essence. Although of course they do court conflict in search of the pleasures of balancing energy, so the scales can tip either way as part of the process. Ruler of the lunation and it’s stellium including Lilith and the south node is Venus who is bathing deep in Scorpio, but who is held in a supportive trine with Saturn and Mars. I think this augurs well for some positive/constructive releasing of old psychic material that’s holding us back from seeing the truth of ourselves, the distortions we’ve picked up as it were. A good deep cleansing, in effect.

    Have you looked at the Oct 17th full moon Elsa? I was considering it today. It’s not technically an eclipse, although the nodes are still in sign. It looks a pressurised.

    1. Ha ha! No I had not looked at it, but just did. My instant reaction was “Good God!”

      It hits me and I can work with it… I will have to think about others, but the Venus Uranus opposition at the same time. Ouch.

      1. Pluto direct on the 12th, it’s on its station degree 4th-21st of Oct. By that I mean .39 not 29* itself, so that’s the deep drill period.

      2. Im more intrigued that the full moon will conjoin chiron, and sun will conj both arcturus and spica, exact! Good fortune culminating from tending to core wounds? Would be about time, really… tge ven/ura opposition will be waning already when the FM hits, but could be an interesting prelude, for a change. That mars square is the one thing that’s irritating – “get a life”?

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