Mercury Retrograde: August 4, 2024 – Cinderella’s Slipper

mercury retrogradeMercury will turn retrograde in Virgo near midnight on August 4th/5th, depending on your time zone.  Some of these shifts are barely perceptible. This one looks interesting and may be particularly significant.

It’s a matter of the way Mercury is aspected when the planet reverses course. What occurs as a result of the backward motion is also notable.

We’ve got the new moon in Leo, early morning on, August 4th.  Venus enters Virgo later in the evening, where it meets up Mercury, which turns retrograde, just a couple hours later.  Granted, I have an imagination.  But Cinderella exists on the Virgo/Pisces axis.  We’ve got the Leo party.  Venus enters Virgo, Cinderella, is allowed out to have her evening, but then midnight strikes!

It will be interesting to see if scenarios like this pop up.  Note that Mercury will be right on the edge of escaping the Uranus square. The retrograde motion will keep that square in tact, for weeks longer. I personally like this, but hey!  Timing will be disrupted it.

mercury rxIt’s really no big deal, if not for Saturn in Pisces which is causing legions of people to suffer anxiety.   Change causes people stress as does delay.  Faith is tested when progress is delayed, etc.

Bottom line, all things, Mercury-ruled (Gemini, Virgo, timing, communications, short trips, siblings, small pets, etc.) can bring surprises during this period.

Personally, I will use Jupiter in Gemini to cope. Specifically, see the overview or the big picture.  None of us are number one in this world.  Sometimes, life allows other to go first, or go in front of you, in some way.  It’s probably for your own benefit.  This is a perfect time to think in new ways. I’m sorry, if you don’t want to do this and you certainly don’t have to.  But those who are willing, are looking at creative breakouts of different types.

Are you looking forward to this period?  Even if you aren’t, do you have any ideas around how you might benefit?

5 thoughts on “Mercury Retrograde: August 4, 2024 – Cinderella’s Slipper”

  1. Bar in the Sky

    Short trip with sibling!

    Change is happening, big picture stuff, at a snail’s pace…. Faith being tested by delays.

  2. With Pluto at 28 Leo, and moon/uranus at 2 leo, I look forward to a deep cleanse revealing,(already happened), accepting, and ultimately releasing heretofore hidden blockages/tramas/fears..

  3. During this mercury retrograde period Jupiter conjuncts Mars in Gemini which conjuncts my natal sun and mercury rx in Gemini…. these planets will square the Saturn Pisces opposition to Venus Virgo (which will conjunct my moon Virgo). All within 0-1 degree orb….Wow, two weeks later I travel to Hawaii for vacation. I may really need it. I’m well versed in earthing, meditation, setting healthy personal boundaries, self-care. And, I’m sure my skills will be put to the test 🙂

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