Personality Types By The Planets

I told the soldier about my idea/memory last night and he listened intently.   “What do you make of that?” I asked.

He told me an intensely violent story, explaining this is what it conjured up for him and I said, “Hmm.”

“Sorry, P.”

“No need. I understand why you’d think that but I was thinking along a different track. I am not sure how this happened but if I could figure it out I may really be on to something.  What if I could come up with stuff like this all the time due my unusual experience? It is my experience which means it is my legacy and what if I could tap it like this? LOOK OUT. I might find ways to draw lines all over the place, do you see what I mean?”

“P, I think that I am like a terrestrial planet. I’m dense.  And I think you are more like a jovian planet. They’re bigger.  The jovian planets are the outer planets and they big, less dense and they are less put together.”

“I see.”

“Yeah, I am rhino,” he explained. “I am one. Dense Son-of-a-bitch. You’re not dense, P. You’re out there. You are a bigger thinker than I am. You are more creative and you’re just not compact like I am.”

I let it go at that. I realize my scheme is harebrained however I bet something comes of it.

Are you primarily Terrestrial or Jovian?

12 thoughts on “Personality Types By The Planets”

  1. Wow. For some reason, TS is surprising me on that one, in a very good way.

    I think he gives himself enough credit: people that are dense don’t use words like “jovial” and “terrestrial” correctly as applied to celestial bodies.

    I don’t know what I am. It bears some thinking.

  2. I am thinking he means earthbound, compact in mindframe (solid, little room for movement but packs a punch), grounded….moves on instinct rather than ideas that pop into his head…moves on a solid line.

    Chinese astrology says I am an Ox and I definitely can relate to the dense planet.

  3. I don’t know what I am. I’m going to pick Jovian so that I can be Uranus because it’s rings are ass backward. Fitting. LOL

  4. Even though i have a jupiterian influence im definitely dense more… terrestrial due to heavy earth chart although they sit all in water houses.muddy for sure.

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