Playing To Your Strengths To Attract A Man

Peter-Paul-Rubens-Venus-and-AdonisMany are trying hard to solve their relationship problems. It’s common people don’t know how to play to their strengths or their strong points when it comes to attraction.

As an example, consider a woman with a lot of Scorpio which is a magnetic sign. She can pull in anything she wants (yin) but instead she puts on galoshes goes out hunting a man. This is akin to putting your make-up on the back of your head instead of your face.  This is just not how it’s done!

I argue all day about how it got this way but it’s irrelevant. What’s important for the woman who wants to fare well with men is that she play to her strengths. If she can learn to do this, she will quickly move through the hoards of women who can’t and won’t be successful.

Do you feel you have command of your power to attract what you want? I emphasize the last because if you can attract 7000 men who leave you when you want a man who stays, that doesn’t count does it?

Your thoughts?

63 thoughts on “Playing To Your Strengths To Attract A Man”

  1. Okay, well, I’ve mostly had weird crappy relationships so maybe this is kind of idiosyncratic to me but — Right, you’re Venus in Leo. You end up getting wooed and convinced by a guy who’s got money, cares about you generally, makes you feel safe, has a deep abiding interest in your well-being…good provider, good father ( like to meet one of those one day, a good father) etc…but he hates to see his wife out in the middle of the room showing off like that. He wants her to quit dying her hair, take off her earrings and her boots, put on some nursey shoes and learn how to clean toilets *really well*.

    See what I mean? You’re stuck then, you either have to compromise yourself or the relationship.

  2. “. You end up getting wooed and convinced by a guy who’s got money, cares about you generally, makes you feel safe, has a deep abiding interest in your well-being…good provider, good father ( like to meet one of those one day, a good father) etc…but he hates to see his wife out in the middle of the room showing off like that. He wants her to quit dying her hair, take off her earrings and her boots, put on some nursey shoes and learn how to clean toilets *really well*. “

    @eva – I think a situation like this would show in a chart… Venus sq Mars for example. I have Venus sextile Mars and no such problems.

  3. I think that I can use my energy very efficently and draw in what I want. The problem for me is that sometimes what I want and what I need are two completely different things. So I’m attracting what I want when what I need is different. With my chart at odds with itself and the internal conflict present, it can be difficult to see.

    Maybe like me more people aren’t actually inefficient at attracting what they want, as much as just unclear on what that is (attracting the wrong thing)?

  4. I have mars/venus in the 7th. Generally, it has worked out. I am very lucky. I don’t like to waste other people’s time, and I don’t like my own wasted.

  5. Elsa, would a Pluto on DSC (square Sun) qualify for a Scorpio energy in attracting things/ partnerhips? I am asking because I really can’t tell for sure but I think I am in the situation you described in your post, although I don’t have Scorpio Venus and am not Scorpio.

  6. Elsa you once told me in a consult that “super yin” was a very effective play for me given all the Scorpio in my chart and you were right! Thanks!

  7. This is a really interesting topic, and I feel you know what you are talking about, I just wish I could zone in on what you are talking about and get your wisdom.

    You used scorpio as an example of ‘attracting’ the man w/out being too yang about it. It seems funny but that’s exactly how I seem to get men! Despite all the fire I have in my chart, I don’t pursue men, ever! When it comes to playing your strengths, in this way, I’m really not utilizing all my Leo strengths am I eh.

  8. Debie says:
    No! I have been on for months with no hits! I know I’m over 40′ but c’mon! I’m a Libra. Ok ok Cap rising doesn’t help I’m sure.

  9. Ya, after I embraced my Plutonian-ness, it was easy to see how to draw men. I basically just sat at home and thought about him and he would come seeking me. It’s crazy how powerful it is once you learn to use it the right way.

  10. I think I had a bit of a Eureka moment the other day.. I feel like I initially had a sub conscious recognition of my strengths … now one of them has come back into conscious light of day..
    It has been easy for me to get swept up in everyday details like laundry, groceries and work to-dos to forget … but it feels good to know that people like me coz of xyz, or abc reason 🙂
    I feel I’m better of than I was all through the last two years… Blame a lot of it on saturn in libra

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    Hildegardes girl

    Elsa..double virgo with sun pluto uranus in 12th, libra mercury in 1st, venus scorpio in 2nd, taurus moon in 8th, jupiter piscies. North node in leo..I feel so lucky
    The thing is I become who I am with. I have so many me’s…Im a chameleon.. mirroring in order to connect.
    My problem is I cant put my finger on my authentic self. I keep jabbing at the pile of me’s saying…no..Im that no…THAT one…no no

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