Pluto Transit The 12th House: Spiritual Communion

I am reading my book that was first published in the 1500’s. I came across it via another book, where I read that someone kept this book  with them for two decades.  They thought it was grand and I became curious.

Now I’m reading the book. I was putting it down for the night, wondering how many people have read this book before me?

I feel “in” with them. I’ve entered a realm of wisdom, where some of the people in this particular realm have passed.

When I pass, I will be in this realm too, because I already am.

Pluto in Capricorn transiting the 12th.

It’s infinitely (12th) deep (Pluto) and it’s real (Capricorn).

12 thoughts on “Pluto Transit The 12th House: Spiritual Communion”

  1. I feel “in” with the deep and the real through reading on this blog…everyday…. Pluto in Cap transiting the 6th.

  2. Now I’m curious what book your reading. I feel the same when I read Rumi. Pluto in 8th creating a mid life crisis to put it midly. Working on changing patterns and habits.

  3. Pluto is transiting my first house. I’m making changes. Huge changes. Went back to college to finish that degree after a 20+ year spring break (took time off to follow a soldier around the world and raise our kids). I will graduate in the fall. Quit smoking since the start of this transit and it’s been three years. I’ve noticed lately I seem to have more presence. Whereas, before this transit I wanted to fall into the background and most people didn’t pay attention to me —much to my relief. However, now I’m more assertive and very direct and focused on my goals. I like Pluto though. Uranus has been kind to me as well. Saturn is the pain in the behind for me.

  4. Pluto in capricorn Refusing to leave 4th house… :/ Im tired of getting punched on my face! When on earth will it cross the border and I get some 5th house fun??

  5. Pluto in Leo sits on the cusp 5th 6th house. Taking it all as it comes, moment to moment. Have nothing to loose~bring it on!! Namaste

  6. What book?! Pluto just crawled in my 12th house… i don’t know who did it, my progressed Moon that swam into Scorpio (and conjuncted Uranus rightaway) or Pluto in the 12th, but I Am So Moody! Will it last some months, or will it be the status quo for the nex 8 years?! 🙂

  7. Pluto is transiting my 12th house and just conjunct my north node. At that exact time the back problems of 25 years came to the forefront and I ended up on my back for five weeks now. Lots of time to think and have realizations that were always there but that I never saw before this time. A couple of people have refused their help while new people have come in to become a big part of my life. While a Pluto transit is tough we are always better for having had the experience. Even now as I lay here in pain I know I am better off in my life.

  8. I did not like when Pluto was transiting my 12th…. it was reclusive, depressive and disruptive. But you cannot compare apples to oranges. It was in Scorpio… with Neptune and Venus there. Also when Pluto squared my moon and then Sun it was most definitely felt. I would say out of all the outer planet transits… Pluto was the most powerful and hit me hardest.

  9. Yes i agree. Without doubt theres nothing like pluto. Although i’ve noted neptune can put you through quite a different sort of ringer too. But still, nothing like the dreaded pluto.

    I’m very happy to hear about your book and moreso your train of thought Elsa. Yes, your right. Congratulations. Perfect. Just, simply, perfect. Right mind. Clear sight. Endless depth of wisdom.

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