Pluto In Early Degrees Of Aquarius: Dates & Details

Pluto ingress into AquariusPluto will ingress into Aquarius on January 21st, 2024. We’re bound to notice as the the planet is conjoined the sun. Basically, this shift is lit! Additionally. Jupiter in Taurus will square this conjunction.

If you have planets or points in early degrees of Fixed signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius, you can probably feel this coming in.

Please note, people with planets in early degrees of Virgo and Cancer are also affected as the signs are inconjunct Aquarius.

User, confusionconfusion came up with this detailed graphic covering Pluto’s movements from 1-3 degrees Aquarius, through July, 2025.  You can click to enlarge.

Pluto early degrees
Pluto visited Aquarius for roughly three months, earlier this year.  The impact was drastic, in my world, not to me personally but to people in my tightest inner circle.  For example, my friend of 40 years, Ben, whom you’ve read about here for 25 years, had a devasting stroke.

I was also called for an emergency consultation by a panicked friend. I took a one-minute look at the situation and told my friend. she did not need an astrologer. She needed to get this person to the emergency room, immediately.

She took my advice and the man’s life was spared… barely.  I know there are other opinions but I feel the Uranus (Aquarius) Pluto combination is drastic, and these minute movements might actually matter.

This is not to say something positive can come from this. It certainly can and some will benefit greatly.  Think. “transformation that liberates”.  I still think this warrants close attention. Keep in mind, Capricorn is plodding… Aquarius is not. A general speeding up of life and times is also dead ahead.

Do you have planets affected by the early movements of Pluto in Aquarius?  How are you doing?

35 thoughts on “Pluto In Early Degrees Of Aquarius: Dates & Details”

  1. Saturn squared my moon (2 degrees Gemini) earlier this year, and it will do so again next month. I don’t think Pluto moving into Aquarius will help any.

  2. This Cancerian is beyond tired of having her moon battered. And it looks like Pluto will stick around longer than Saturn.

  3. Can’t wait for Pluto to leave Cap and move into Aquarius! I’m a cap with Pluto in my Scorpio and it’s been a long and brutal 16 years. I’m 38 and my entire adult life and career has felt like I’ve been moving through quicksand. I get something, and Saturn rips it away from me. Rinse and repeat for 16 years.

    Am I totally wrong for not being worried about this big celestial move?

  4. Metoo I can’t wait for Pluto to leave Cap ! Half of AQ is still my 4th house but it’s the FUN part, as it flows into the 5th where my children live (both AQ Sun) and my Cap Sun grandson who is so serious and adulty at 15 will light up and have some fun !

    No planets 0 to 3 in fixed signs, the nearest will be Neptune in Scorpio at 4 deg – but my progressed Venus was retrograde in AQ for many years, has finally stationed direct at 0 AQ in 2021 and will meet Pluto 5 (!) times at Zero, one and two degrees in 2024/25. And since I watch progressions and know their impact I am curious what will come of this.

  5. My natal Pluto is 2deg in Leo, 4th house. Transiting Pluto in Aquarius will have an early opposition from the 10th house . Also my natal Virgo moon at 0 degs in the 5th house. Plus my natal Cancer Venus at 2degs in the 2nd house.

  6. I remember having a uplift at that time that slowly wheeled back. l have been marking time since then. l am not pushing anything…it does no good.

    On another note, l didnt know Ben had had a stroke, l hope he is recovering steadily.

  7. When Pluto crossed into Aquarius earlier this year, my boss had his store franchise abruptly removed from him (it had been in the family for a long time).

    Pluto headed back into Capricorn as Headquarters took over, jostled everything and everyone, and finally put another, more compliant, puppet in the “owner’s” seat.

    1. Avatar
      the laughing goat

      Something similar just happened this last week at my place of employment! New guy slotted for a management position, bringing in new ideas and improvements to the “old guard” and POOF he’s relocated to a branch that is nearly an hour away from his newly purchased home that is 10 minutes from the original branch he was slotted to take over managing this coming spring…

  8. i resent pluto transiting my 6H in Capricorn and can’t wait for it to get out! unfortunately Pluto in early degrees aquarius is going to lock my natal t square (apex leo asc, sun opp Saturn) which I guess will not be fun at all,a grand cross.. I feel as I grow planatery aspects are getting harsher every year. my life is worst in my 30-40 than it was in my 20s which I thought was painful…

  9. My husband has Mars at 0 taurus and had to have surgery in May when pluto made a Square. I have my ruler Venus at 2 cancer, is inconjuct positive or negative, never sure about that one.

  10. Well, Pluto is moving off my 27Cap Jupiter, finally. At 2Aqu it will be inconjunct my rising sign, as well as hitting my Arabic Part of Sudden Luck. I hopeful for the change, given Pluto has been tearing up my life up since crashing my natal 23Cap Saturn.
    Side note, at this second, I was driving, and maybe made a foolish move, but a guy chased me and crashed into the back of my car on purpose a short distance away. When I got out, he took off, so I did some Speed Racer moves and followed him for 20 minutes through the neighborhood there. Then he pulled to the end of a long dead end, where he jumped out of his car and said into the phone, hurry up, so she can’t leave. I had been sizing up the situation since before he got out of the car and approached me, so I backed it up forthwith, calling him a liar(to see if he was bluffing, but I don’t think he was). He ran back to his piece of shit car to chase me, but I was outta there. I had a woman at the gym mess with me too, striding over to the fan at my side and pushing its face to the wall. When I protested, she told me not to touch it because she was gonna move it back if I did. I told her to just take a different machine further away, where there was zero wind, but she refused and called me fat. I retaliated by calling her ugly, but I did move on to the rest of my workout rather than get physical with her. This has got to be because of the solar flares we are having. Everyone I know has had shouting matches, car crashes, international flights cancelled, close calls in the past 2-3 days. Very unsettled energy.

  11. Pluto has been squatting on my Mars at 28 Cap for years. Hard to define the impact, certainly not spectacular success, more dogged persistence while practising spiritual yoga. But i’ve stayed physically very fit, off the drink (25 years). All appetites blazing as per usual…The real stuff starts with my Saturn at Aqua 3, and then Pluto hitting the rest of my 5 planet Aquastell over the next 15 years or so. Anything could happen and probably will. Matt x

  12. Prog Venus now at 0 deg Aquarius, square natal Vesta conj Venus in Scorpio. I think transiting Pluto will remain conjunct my prog Venus forever – wonder what this new wind will blow my way!

    1. Yeah, let’s find out, @Nora. My progressed Venus stations direct at 0 AQ after many years (since 1978 !) and will stay around the first 3 degrees of AQ for 4 years…
      I wonder too. I’m looking forward to Pluto in AQ though, the Cap transit through my 4th was no fun. (Natal Venus in AQ)

  13. Oh my gosh. When Pluto entered my Aquarius first house, that week was insane. I see similar parallels to your experience. My mom had a psychotic episode and i had to fly across the continent to help tend to her and file disability for her. As soon as i get off the plane back home in LA, i had back to back to back situations of having to help 2 different people as they were ODing o public transit, one guy i (with 2 other people) had to hold this huge guy on his side so his face didn’t turn blue- and lastly a lady ran up to me asking to use my phone and at first i said no. Then i could see the situation was a little more dire than i had thought, she was genuinely trying to escape from this man who was absolutely crazy yelling at her and grabbing her. I ran back up to her, gave her my phone so she could call her sister to pick her up- all the while standing in front of her with my arms out because this random guy was tracked OUT and trying to smack the phone from her hands.
    I felt equipped to help all of these people as i really feel a deep love for humanity. But DANG the amount of times I’ve had to step in and take control of dire situations was more intense than anything else I’ve experienced. It’s nice to at least be out of the 12th house Pluto prison.

  14. I can’t help worrying about Pluto, despite myself. My sun is 5 AQ, my birthday (25th Jan) is exactly on the full moon and I’ve got Leo rising at 1. Feels like a big process is under way but I don’t know what!

  15. My MC- IC is Leo-Aquarius 4 degrees (conjunct upcoming Leo full moon), square Scorpio rising. I’m a bit like Howard… big process yet to be revealed. I hear full moons at the top of the chart are especially culminating. Yet I’m concerned with the sun on my IC- with Pluto there, too…. shedding light on something. I hope I am cool with what i see. I would like to move forward on some things years in the waiting.

  16. My Sun is 27:20 Aries and these past three years have been the hardest in my life as I´ve watched my two beautiful teenage children struggle with mental health issues as a result of the Covid lockdowns and the resulting prolonged social isolation. My daughter is slowly mending but my son is struggling badly, with his confidence undermined ans his school attendance suffering hugely. They were such joyful outgoing kids before the pandemic … and then to see them in this dark place. I hope Pluto´s final departure from Capricorn will help lift the heavy cloud.

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