Retired Pisces Man Struggles With Depression: Saturn and Pluto Transits

piscesdalismDear Elsa,

I have recently retired after 32 years. I did not cultivate healthy interests and have no friends. I feel that I made a serious mistake and have minor depression. My wife offers no real support. I have tried to volunteer but have not been successful. Is there respite on the way?

United States

Dear Retired,

I am sorry you are hurting and I wish I had better news. I think things will get worse before they get better, but there are still some things you can do. For one, adjust your sights.

You’re heading into a Saturn transit which will be hanging around until mid-2008. Depression is common during Saturn transits but it is something that will run its course – like winter. And if frame it this way it may help you to deal. This is a season not the rest of your life and it will end.

It is also common to reflect on your life and to come up with things you feel you could have or should have done differently… but don’t stop there. Use these things to motivate yourself towards positive change.

So with this model, you are now slugging through the snow in winter, thinking… why did I create these circumstances? But if you keep yourself moving and moving though, you will eventually be moving away – albeit with some hard lessons learned.

I think the volunteering is a good shot. You’re a Pisces with Venus in Pisces and for you it is “serve or suffer”. And on your marriage, time will tell. You have Pluto transiting Venus (relationship) and it may end. If this happens, you can be sure it is for the best so the bottom line is this:

You are going to be in very rough water for the next year, so you do what you need to do. You may need an anti-depressant for example but if you do, don’t worry about it. It will be short term. This may be prolonged but it going to pass.

Much love and good luck.

9 thoughts on “Retired Pisces Man Struggles With Depression: Saturn and Pluto Transits”

  1. Good luck!

    Do pluto/venus aspects always indicate separation? Can’t things just grow, change and manifest still as togetherness?

  2. Gem – no they don’t indicate separation but something does die… so that something else can be born (or re-born).

  3. Perhaps his idea of what love really is will die…and he’ll discover that what appears now as “non-supportiveness” by his partner is actually a refusal to enable him to hang onto an illusion/pattern that doesn’t (and hasn’t) been serving him. That seeming refusal may be exactly BECAUSE of the very real love on offer.

    I’ve been through Pluto transiting opposite my Venus…and although some crumbled, many of my relationships grew stronger because of that little (little? lol!) dose of reality and the consequent new perspective gained… And even better than that, I now appreciate them in a way I never had, and see them for what they are.

  4. Dear Retired,I would like to suggest a good yoga class before you head off to the pharmacy.The best thing to do in times of transition and change is taking good care of your body and mind.It’s really all you have.If the class is good,really traditional stuff(none of this yoga/pilates/tai bo fusion crap),just learning how to breathe properly will in itself readjust the brain waves(your moods)and you can learn a whole new way of being in the world.Saturn transits reward discipline.Yoga is discipline.Trust me.With all that Pisces you’ll fit right in.

  5. My Dad had a really hard time after retiring, and as a result started working out at a gym. It gives him somewhere to go every day, he sees the same people without having to commit to a friendship (he’s a loner). I would suggest finding something similar–similar in that you could find somewhere to go every day.
    Was your volunteer place somewhere you went regularily?
    As an aside, I have done a lot of volunteer work, and the best times I had were places that were creative. Check out your local volunteer bureau and see who needs you. And in the meantime, I’m sending you some love and good vibes.

  6. dear friend
    we are sailing in the same boat pisces
    i m 5th march born,but i look for better life in 2nd innings as i m 52
    best luck to u too

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