Saturn In Pisces: Controlling The Collective Perception

handCertainly, we are being sold ’round the clock.  Political candidates, must-have shoes, the freshest lipstick, supplements of all kinds. We’re also sold ideas, attitudes and opinions.

It’s well known, the majority of people are followers.  This is why we have influencers. They influence the masses.

I was going to write this, anyway.  But today, I was watching one of these influencers, mostly because the piece was a minute long and posted by someone I respect.  When I saw his hand there, I laughed out loud.  Good thing I wasn’t taking this dude seriously. What I thinking, as he spoke, is what would I do if my daughter brought the guy home? Shut my mouth, right?

Thankfully, I won’t have to deal with this as the man does not exist, even if he has 100K followers, who may also be fake, you know?  Nothing can make something fake, real. Even if people believe it’s real, it’s still fake. Fake like a $300 bill.  That said, entities like this can and do skew the collective perception, all day, every day.

Perception matters.   You’re far more likely to buy something if you think everyone is buying it.  It’s more than that. We’re taught to go along, to get along.  Everyone holds a certain perception, you can perceive it that way too!

But what if you’re being led into the abyss? Or some other type of “full stop” situation which Saturn in Aries may turn out to be?  I’m sorry, but we’re talking, Mars Saturn with this. I doubt it’s squishy!

Who is controlling or helping to “shape” your perception? I call your attention to this, because I see people citing sources with “magic hand fingers” and similar, all day, every day.

It’s easy to be captivated, to lose yourself in the talking head. But how would feel if the head were not attached to a body, or attached to the wrong body, or CGI or whatever. Ask yourself why someone would go to the trouble to put this thing in front of you.  Could it be your attention is valuable?  Maybe.

Or maybe the money is made, while you’re preoccupied with the fake thing. I suspect it’s both.

17 thoughts on “Saturn In Pisces: Controlling The Collective Perception”

  1. “Nothing can make something fake, real.” A refreshing reminder! Thank you. Reading this piece gave me the creeps, but you give the antidote at the same time that you make us aware of the poison. I had the first experience of this kind the other day when my husband put on a recently made video, of a person we had not seen any content from since probably 2015 or so, and I said, “I wonder if it’s really him.”

      1. What I sent you I posted on my timeline, it has the URL of the article. People can click the link to get around the takedown.

  2. I’ve learned that if you post the link in your own comments under your post (and direct people to it), it’s not usually flagged.

    1. A pretend person. Until Ai gets better, a big giveaway that what you are looking at is computer-generated is that Ai creates warped hands.

    2. I don’t know the person. He is called, “Nicki”, the clip is a minute long but I could not listen that long.

      From what I gathered, he a conservative against trump and it’s about trump losing the election. He has an audience, I think. It may be quite large.

      Again, this person is not interesting to me. I saw it, because a person who has interesting content posted it and it was 1 minute long. The person posted it was discrediting this person on another front. I just happened to see the hand, because I see things.

      Whether he is a head on another body or entirely CGI, I don’t know and I don’t care, because I know it’s fake on all sides. He’s a psyop, just like the others.

      Listen to this thing, if you’re needing to ingest rat poison. That’s what I have to say.

      edit to add.. I see his name is, Nick (Fuentes). The person was calling him Nicki, to mock. Sorry!

      1. Ah, he’s notorious! Yes, the two pairs of arms/hands on one audience member a few weeks back, heads too big, lighting from wrong direction, too many fingers, etc. AI is infested with Bugz!

        1. Well I avoid this stuff like the plague, so I didn’t know. I just know he is not an earnest real person, like I am. He’s leading people to a bad place, as are all of them, on both sides.

  3. I love this comment, Elsa: Or maybe the money is made, while you’re preoccupied with the fake thing.”
    Too true! Someone is always making money by altering our perceptions or offering something “free.”

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