Saturn In Pisces: “I’m Terrible & Nobody Likes Me!”

fun house mirrorWith Saturn in Pisces, it’s common people feel rejected.  The problem with this, is the rejection is often imagined.  A call or a text or an email is not responded to immediately, means the person hates me, right?  The suffering caused by scenarios like these is endless, in spite of the fact the rejection is an illusion.

This is the most common thing I run into and I experience it myself.  I am a Saturn Neptune type. It takes an effort to guard against negative assumptions, which you can easily dream into reality.  How?  Well, I’ve been on both sides of this, countless times. I’ll explain.

If you come to believe someone doesn’t like you or favor you or if you think they’re out to get you or they hate you, or even it they might be any of these things, it will tend affect how you deal with them. You may be more reserved, for example.  You may actually “catch” the rejection from the other person. They seem to be changing their attitude towards you, right?  From here, you can pass the hologram back and forth until both people are near crazy from it and someone cuts and runs.

If you take on or take in the imagined rejection; especially, if you nurse it, the resulting damage can be freakish.  It can literally harden off, to be set in stone, when it was never real in the first place.

I happen to be put in this situation, frequently, because of this blog. Dreamed up, or dreamed down, it’s equally problematic.  And when someone gets a weird bead on you, almost anything you say makes it worse.  It’s magical to observe, on some level.

I’ve written about this many times.  It’s like someone telling someone else you’re an alcoholic or something. You can be a non-drinker… if someone does this to you, the people they have reached and been able to influence, are very unlikely to ever see you in the same way based on ????

I’m thinking most people recognize what I am describing.

This is somewhat related… right now I am communicating with someone who thinks the progressed chart I claim is mine, is not.   This discussion reaches back, months. I say it is mine and they say, it can’t be.

I say, IT IS my progressed chart.  They tell me I am wrong.

Now I can’t do anything more.  But this person thinks I am wrong so I am either a liar or an idiot, not sure which.

The idea someone would think I would lie about my progressed chart, and then stack lies on top of lies when confronted, is hard to grasp.

The idea I would not be able to calculate a progressed chart is as hard to grasp.  As the kids say, “Wut do”?

Well what can I do?  I have published the chart, and affirmed that’s it’s correct. I’m known to be honest (I think).  Time passes. Months.

Now there is another email; this person is emphatic; my progressed chart is not my progressed chart.
But it is!

But it doesn’t work out on this person’s end, I’m told.
Works out my end, I say.

Then we’re counting days. Day for a year. It emerges, this person has the wrong birthday for me.  They have had the wrong chart for… twenty years or more?

I say, “you’re using the wrong date.”

Can’t be.  I’ve got to have this wrong.

I say it again.   You have the wrong birth date!


This has not been accepted, yet. It’s possible this person thinks I am gaslighting them, as if they would know my birth date and I wouldn’t.

It seems as if I’ve gone off track here, but I haven’t. This person can easily come to believe I am psychopath, toying with them, because of this. Know how I know?

I know because it’s happened to me so many times! I’m not saying it happened this time (I don’t know), but I hope you see how these things happen and readily.

I miss the days when a person would and could be taken at their word.  I can be taken at my word. This is true, whether you believe it or not.

This tracks back to this:

The Advantage Goes To The Liar

I am telling this person the truth and I literally have no further cards to play!

Have you imagined rejection?  Does it happen frequently? What’s the astrology?

17 thoughts on “Saturn In Pisces: “I’m Terrible & Nobody Likes Me!””

  1. I have Saturn retrograde natally in Pisces 7th house.
    I hope I can learn more to navigate through my Saturn return, I’ve heard if you have it natally retrograde – your return is easier to handle

  2. Ive suffered from ‘5th house Chiron issues’ of rejection and stuff with men much of my life. People say it’s childish. I have plenty of conflict with strangers. Never get to ‘shine.’ Am brittle and not adaptable. These teenage issues continue. In relationships the way I manage time and do things in daily life hinder me. I have plenty of blind spots. What would it like to be beautiful and loveable or talented for a day. I thought that today. Childish? I am very much an adult, but I still starve for attention and wonder this. It’s nuts. Why I persist in wanting this, I’m not sure.. but I can’t be distracted from the pain when Im arojnd people. The love of one person would not seal the wound. But in little ways I get rejected every day. I want to protect myself and be left alone to work, but am not doing my work at this moment. My brain feels full of shit emotions. Friends are convincing me to try equanimity and that I am blinded and dont see people or life accurately. There’s a lot I don’t know and plenty I do wrong. And I don’t feel that certain interpersonal things are enough. Maybe Jupiter is a bane in relationships too.

  3. Oh yes. All the time. People tell me directly they like me, enjoy my company, think I’m great to work with, etc. I believe them.. and then I don’t and spiral into my dark hole.. and then realize what’s happening again and climb back out to realize it was all me in my head. I’ve gotten pretty good at recognizing this pattern I think. I have Saturn in Pisces, Neptune in Capricorn.

    1. Classic. Thank you!

      Personally, I do the same, but in a lot of cases, they do hate me, in which case, I allow it! Meaning, I let their hate flow, but I step out of the stream, which spares me for the most part. Close enough.

  4. In group settings I try not to speak unless it’s detrimental I don’t. The fickleness of humans, along with transient hurtful emotions is something we all have to learn to let pass like water. I was told a long time ago – the Earth needs all our stress and angst back. That it came from the Earthly plane – our spirits should not hold it within our soul, but to release it back to the Earth. For me, meditation and praying to Christ for support always serves me. No one is perfect – yet we seek our perfection to uphold – and we have to be strong when we do stand. It’s not easy. and these are the strangest of times.

  5. Every Scorpio on the planet shaking their head yes right now… we know.
    People: If you are a Scorpio, you are (fill in the blank, everything from a nut to a murderer)
    People: If you are a Scorpio, you ARE. You are! (fill in the blank because that one time I had that one experience with a Scorpio)
    People: From the looks of your birth chart = YOU ARE!
    I’ve written about this many times. It’s like someone telling someone else you’re an alcoholic or something. You can be a non-drinker… if someone does this to you, the people they have reached and been able to influence, are very unlikely to ever see you in the same way based on????
    Oh, I know.
    Reality, they don’t know a real thing about you.

    1. Applies to me (Scorpio rising) as well. Especially the people at my old job that decided I was just awful and wanted to see me that way, no matter what.

  6. Chiron is in 1st house at 2 degrees Pisces. This 1st house encompasses 23 Aquarius to 8 Aries. Now combine that with 15 degrees Pisces Moon. “Woe, woe, misery is me”…

  7. Yes. It’s so bizarre. My Chiron in the 7th is conjunct her Sun (not sure her rising). I live on a property owned by the resident proprietor who married 7 years ago. I’m trying to engage. I try to bring her veggies from the garden at wrong times. I pick a nice basketful, rinse, walk over and she’s gone. They are jet setters. The yaught club and high society take precedence over the day to day land relations. I just feel like the human level of our arrangement is precarious because we are both women and she doesn’t try to relate to me and I her. Different world I guess. I always believe food is a good reason to relate but it’s not so easy.

  8. Just had an experience with this energy yesterday. 20 years ago I was in the wrong place at the wrong time and found myself in the middle of a very heated argument between my MIL and BIL’s wife. The argument was caused by my MIL as she said something really cruel about her oldest son, that she thought no one would hear, and his wife heard her and jumped down her throat immediately. That whole trip to see my husband’s family was a disaster bc of the dysfunction of my MIL and FIL. I feel like I was labeled as a villain in that story bc I was literally standing there when it all went down. First time I had met the BIL and his wife, btw. I was just the poor unfortunate fool who was standing too close to the problem (my MIL) and got caught in the blowback of her bullsh*t. This family dynamic had been happening for a long time before I came along and I was completely unaware of it. For years after that, my husband and I tried to have relationship with his brother and his wife. There were always excuses why we couldn’t come visit. We finally stopped trying. Fast forward to this last weekend and one of my husband’s uncles (MIL’s brother) passed away. My husband traveled out of town for the funeral but I did not go bc I have no desire to be around his family. 20 years of dealing with his toxic mother and their dysfunctional family stuff is enough for me. My husband tells me that his brother and wife want to plan a joint vacation with us sometime! Huh?!? The same people who have pretty much acted like I didn’t exist from the first time I met them and NOW they want to get to know me?!? Hard pass. They’ve had 20 years to decide I was worth knowing and they rebuffed every effort to build a relationship with them and now they want to get to know me. I don’t think that’s ok. I recognize that what I felt as a result of that whole mess 20 years ago had nothing to do with me but I also feel valid in saying – they had 20 years to try to get to know me or even to address what happened all those years ago and ….nada! It brought all of those feelings of rejection to the surface! I was genuinely angry when I read my husband’s message and immediately told him – no thanks but you can of course make plans to see your family whenever you like!

    Maybe I am imagining all of this and they had no issues with me at all?!? Seems like they would have responded to one of the many attempts we made to fly out to see them and spend time with them but there were always reasons why it wasn’t a good time. His brother was in town a couple of years ago and we had dinner with him and my MIL and the brother would barely speak to me or look at me and made some snarky remarks about something I said. My husband said it wasn’t me he was grumpy about, it was their mother, but again why am I the one getting the poor treatment?!? I have no relationship with this woman, just like the brother’s wife has no relationship with her – because she’s toxic and unhealed. Do they think I’m best buds with her or something? I have literally been painted with the same brush simply because I am part of the family too?!? Idk, I guess real or imagined, here we are and I still feel the way I feel about it all.

    I have Chiron in Aries in my 4th house and Saturn is currently transiting my 3rd house Pisces. My MIL is a Cancer, btw. I REALLY dislike a toxic, emotionally manipulative cancer. As a Cap rising, I’ve know MANY in my life.

  9. It has definitely happened to me with Saturn in Pieces. Twice! First time it led to divorce. So yeah, this is as serious as a heart attack!

  10. I also have Saturn in Pisces as part of a kite formation with Saturn at the top of my chart. People often insist things about me or events in my life that are patently false. I’ve also heard numerous times, “You are nothing like I first thought you were,” after they’ve gotten to know me. Admittedly, I do have trouble with separating myself mentally from other’s projection at times. All that water just flows.

    That kite formation is the main feature of my chart and I am curious about how others handle this. So, thanks to Elsa and everyone for sharing their experiences.

  11. Who ever this is harassing you like that sounds crazy, and hates being wrong. There are people like that – I have known them – would rather cut off their own nose than to ever be wrong. Whoever it is sounds really weird to me.

    1. It seems like this, but I don’t really think they are bad or crazy. Giant brain fart, yes.

      I have not heard back, though, so who knows. It’s a phenomenon and has been, all my life.

  12. I have this whole “catch the rejection” thing go on with me. They have a name for it these days–Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria. It tends to happen to ADHD types when we’re told we’re awful all the time.

    It’s certainly gone on with that crush guy. We are tentatively still friends, I guess (it’d be awkward socially if we were not given how many people we mutually know), but I’ve really dialed down how much contact I have with him after his rejection of me, trying to get over it, trying to remind myself he doesn’t like me like that. I’m really deliberately weakening what friendship there was between us because I don’t want to care about him more than he cares about me. I’m trying to make it an equal amount of caring between us and if he doesn’t care about me like that, I should do the same. I tell myself the story that he doesn’t so I will learn to stop caring. I’m trying.

    Our lives are pretty separate these days since we’re no longer in shows together, and I run into him about once a month and I don’t contact him very much. He’s the sort where you need to initiate with him and I hardly ever do any more. Dwelling in the hurt. It’s not good, but also it feels necessary, and it also feels shitty.

    I wish I’d meet someone else to think about, but so far the universe seems disinclined on that one.

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