Free Astro Forecast With Heart & Quirk – update!

metaboy planetsIt’s been a long time since I was able to write newsletters in advance. This is some of what’s coming up this week:

  • “Trouble” Enters The Chat
  • Free Bird, Lit, (Satisfied & Tickled Too!)
  • Whatever I think of next.

My letter is sent about five times a week.  The letters are designed to inform, entertain and help you in the one or two minutes it takes to read them.

Please subscribe here – Heads Up From Elsa!

Update – please note, I just signed on to my account and found a number of people who subbed, but are “pending”. This is because it’s a double opt-in. You have to click the link in the confirmation email in order to finalize your subscription. If you didn’t get it, please check your spam and/or try again.


43 thoughts on “Free Astro Forecast With Heart & Quirk – update!”

  1. The line in your No Hopscotch newsletter, “Unless you really, really like being a dour, depressed, stodgy curmudgeon… and even that can be done with flair!” made me think of my uncle who has this persona but without the stodginess and who does it with wit and charisma. And then I remembered he’s a Leo!

  2. About 44 minutes ago I arrived home from shooting some hoops, which I did after a dentist appointment in which I was told TMJ is affecting me. A “soft” dinner followed, as does reading when eating, and your e-mail was first.
    You’re dead on. Scary. I have Venus in Cap, conj. Pluto transit, and an Acs in Cancer. Every damn word echos my situation, and probably others. You will definitely be requested for further evaluation, dear Elsa. Thanks.

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    The Laughing Goat

    Just have to say… I have had several other astrological reports done through other sites, and the one that I recently purchased and received from you is BY FAR THE BEST one yet. Blew my mind how quickly I received it! I will continue to purchase from you without any hesitation – thank you Elsa!!

  4. I was just checking Aquarius girls names online and ‘Elsa’ came up. Greek origins – means ‘wise counsellor’. Pretty apt I’d say.

  5. Glad to hear you are doing well, sending more warmest well wishes.

    I really like the colors that have been added to the newsletter, it also makes it easier for me to read, for whatever reason :). I’ve always loved the free newsletter, and I enjoy supporting the site when I can. It’s such a helpful way to start my week, I just make quick mental notes of what to watch for or plan for on what days and I’m off & running :).

    Thanks Elsa for having integrity and sticking to it!

  6. It’s not uncommon for me to fall off this list. I don’t know why, but I will suddenly just stop receiving this newsletter. I think you’re just taking a break, then come here and see that’s not the case. I know we’ve talked about this before, just bringing it up as others might notice the same thing. Is the easiest remedy just to sign back up again?

    1. Yes, please re-sub.
      Sometimes the email provider sends notice to aweber to stop sending emails to lists of people. If you’re on it, they delete you.
      You might be able to stop this by adding the letter to your “important” mail.. or always mark “not spam” or something.

      I’m sorry. I am really happy with my recent letters. 🙂

  7. Yea the new moon, full moon heads up or all Rx alerts in your newsletter catch my attention. Then i remember to go check my chart at all the houses and numerous possibilities. Ha!

  8. I like your newsletter. Even when I think “This has absolutely no relevance to my particular circumstances”, I like the voice and I like the style.

    It’s like having a check in from an old pal.

  9. You’re now the only astrology blog I follow and you tell it like it is. Thank you for all the great content you provide Elsa!

  10. The Newsletter is great!
    Always gives food for thought, as well as astro context – what to expect, what to look forward to, what to watch out for.
    All this in grand style!
    It’s very vivid and energetic – just like Elsa.
    No-nonsense stuff.

  11. I always catch your newsletter and come to your page to check the new posts and also the forum topics even though I still haven’t posted anything. Very interesting, I really like your writing style and all the topics. Thanks a lot!!! ?

  12. Loooove your letter Elsa!! and your site is very helpful and entertaining…very interesting voices keep me from freaking out many days!!

  13. I looove your newsletters. But I hope you’re going to post them here since your blog (for whatever reason) won’t send to my email!. PLEASE don’t stress about this! If you post them here i can still read them every morning.. Maybe just not as early.

  14. Thanks Elsa. I am not sure what the issue is. I always received your newsletters, until, i think, January when you updated your site. They just stopped. I tried resubbing and it said i couldn’t use that email (so its still in the system) but i never received anything after that.

    1. I am afraid a lot of people are having this issue. I changed email servers. I’m assuming you checked your spam? Please let me know the details because if I can discover many have the problem, I can move to a new server.

      Please check your spam and whitelist [email protected] and also [email protected]

      I have no written tomorrow letter yet, but expect to send one. For sure, by Tuesday. If you have not gotten something by then, please let me know.

      If we can’t work it out, you can access the letters here:

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