Uranus Square Pluto – What Happened In Your Life

whirlwind2Most know we are trying to buy a house. The sale has been hung up on the appraisal, which was ordered in early February but not delivered until today, two full weeks past date it was promised…

Here’s the shocker. The appraisal came in low. REAL low. Try 20% below the sales price…which the seller thought was low as it is and we thought was fair.

I don’t know if the sale is going to close. We’ve offered to pay (significantly) above the appraisal but the seller may want keep his house at this price. It’s totally up to him.

However, we are so committed to moving, we really have to move at this point. So if the seller does not accept our offer, we’re going to hurtle ahead and rent a house. I will start putting in rental applications tomorrow.

I was told (by my agent here) that no one on the planet would offer so much above an appraisal. It’s generous. I don’t know what to say about that. What can be said about that?

What happened in your life today?

98 thoughts on “Uranus Square Pluto – What Happened In Your Life”

  1. PS – I took down my consult page (email) until I can get this resolved. I am too distracted.

    HOWEVER, if you have an emergency, email me.

    1. My experience tells me if this was signed or initiated during the recent Mercury retrograde it will resolve simply at the next Merc Retro.
      God Bless & good luck.

  2. My dog graduated obedience training today! It was one bright spot in my otherwise craptacular life. With no planets in cardinal signs, I probably got off easy, but I have to say the last 6 months were the worst ever for me. As I told a friend yesterday, the square could point to some cataclysmic world event that we won’t recognize for what it is until much later, like when Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the church door. That seemingly small act precipitated the Reformation.

  3. Oh Elsa WOW the only thing I can say is that it is worth what you are willing to put into it I am keeping good thought for you that the seller will take your offer and the rest will fall into place . sending you best wishes and this will come together how its suppose to many hugs

  4. This has happened many times to friends buying and selling in the FL market. Usually there is no problem with the buyer willing to pay more than the appraisal. The problem is the bank. They won’t lend more than a certain percentage of the appraisal. Which means if you are willing to pay more cash down (down payment) it shouldn’t be a problem unless you will need mortgage insurance because you won’t meet the percentage under the appraised amount. They don’t care you’re willing to pay more for the house but they’re not going to lend you anymore. That’s why the appraisal took so long, they didn’t want the low appraisal to kill the deal. If you’re paying cash, it shouldn’t matter at all. My friend lowered her price 10 grand so the seller’s bank would approve the deal. This could work out for you because it’s a problem the seller is going to face from now on. There choice is to lower the price or find a buyer with mega cash as a down payment.

  5. Nothing specific today (that I know of) unless it’s behind the scenes. But, certainly A LOT happened this weekend. It all began around Venus hitting the Square, and amplified immensely when Mars hit… but then, it pushed me to make a huge move for myself, then I let go & decided to have faith… and experienced a potentially life changing kiss over the weekend. I still have some turmoil in the background that will continue to play out throughout April, but I think some big (good) things are in the works along side it.

  6. The seller is very shocked. The appraisal came in a solid 20% below the sales price, but he thought he had it priced, 6% below it’s appraised value so..cripes!

    Anyway, I have found a rental house. $200 per dog, to move in (even for a month) plus $50 extra each month, plus another $50 each month to rent without a years lease.

    But hey! At least there is a house available. And my son is going to college see…regardless of what we have to go through to get him there!

  7. How frustrating for everybody. I’m so sorry. The appraisal field has changed here in California over the past few years. Once, you could sort of say “We need the appraisal to come in at around blah-blah” and it would be done. Now things are much stricter, plus appraisers are being brought in from different areas to do the work and they don’t know the quirks of the local market.

    1. The seller talked to the appraiser yesterday. He lives down the street and does know the market. He did a good job justifying his valuation. But I’ve learned all about appraisals through this,and lots of talk about the 2009 laws.

  8. Sending good thoughts your way that you get both what you want and need! *big hugs*

    Today? Woke up at 3:23am. Have still not slept. My energy levels are waaaaay too high. And I’m debating drinking coffee to get some sleep tonight. (Has opposite effect on me.) Or, ya know, go dance nekkid under the sliver of moon we’ve got. Who knows?

  9. Awesome, Elsa! I’ve been buried since I bought my little house last summer, and buried on the job before that. I don’t like to disappear from here!

    I had many issues re: this house, too. Inspection (or rather, non-inspection) issues, foundation warranty issues, survey glitches, and that is just the small stuff. But I knew what I was after and why, and though it has been an absurdly tough year, I would do it again (a little differently), and it has served my son to make the move and grow up some.

    I think I see some light at the end of the tunnel, and I will hope, wish and pray for the most successful outcome for you and your family! xoxo

  10. Okay, Elsa, so all I can do is :::sigh::: and say what everyone said to me when I didn’t get the apartment that I thought for SURE was mine: If you don’t get the house that you wanted, there’s another — better one — waiting for you. And as long as you had a Plan B and that’s already coming along smoothly, just ride that horse in the direction that it’s going. It’ll take you to where you’re meant to be.

  11. Work on house has been postponed by the carpenter again. After two months of waiting for materials etc. this is frustrating!!!

  12. That is unbelievable. Ughhhhhh…I am so sorry for all the difficulties with moving. What a headache! Of course it will all work out, no question- and for the best no matter what- but still all the scheduling and details…my Virgo parts are agitated just reading this. Mystery solved, but I hope things get clearer tomorrow and you can judge better what will work for you. Big hugs xo

  13. Oh, shit! I really hope everything turns out ok for you and your family. Thank you for still being available for emergencies, though if I were in your situation, I’d take down my consulting page too! Gosh, what a PITA!!

    Really, nothing of note happened to me today. I think the work of rebuilding my life has begun in earnest.

  14. God will put you in the house that’s meant for you, ultimately. You’re going to look back on this difficult episode and be glad for the outcome, whichever way it goes. I know it’s hard to have put so much work into it and not know which way it’s going to go… Wishing you a happy outcome. You’re getting a new life, no matter what!

  15. Went through something similar in November. Had an offer on a condo and the appraisal came in $80,000 under the agreed on price. Offered to meet half way, but the seller wouldn’t budge, so I walked. Last week I closed on a townhouse that is much, much better for us. I move in with my boyfriend on this coming Friday. That’s how it worked out for me. Elsa, I hope you are soon in the best possible home for your family.

    1. That’s basically what we did. It’s a significant amount of money. More thsn fair.

      He indicated he would not sell lower than the sales price, but that was before my the appraisal. He said he’d paint it and put it back on the market for more! But the appraisal makes it clear, paint is not the problem.

    2. That’s basically what we did. It’s a significant amount money. More then fair.

      He indicated he would not sell lower than the sales price, but that was before my the appraisal. He said he’d paint it and put it back on the market for more! But the appraisal makes it clear, paint is not the problem.

  16. This house seems so magnificent and in the same respect so unobtainable. When something that you try to do becomes so hard, sometimes it’s best to try to take some of the emotion away from it and look at it from all angles.
    If seller is getting a significantly higher price, why not run with that? Nothing seems to be really obvious here. I recall Mercury Retrograde when signing this deal. Deals do go awry under that energy. I think that in whole, if the universe doesn’t allow this door to open to you… in the long run it is in your best interests. You are moving one way or another! Once you get to where you are going, the reasons may become clearer as to why it just didn’t work out! Keep the positive vibe going…. The universe always leads us to where we are supposed to be. Your answers will come. Best of Luck!

    1. I think we’re meant to be in the house, but for less money.

      I think the seller has a chance to sell at a fair price which he’s tried to fo for four years.

      From here it’s his free will. A buyer for a property like this just doesn’t come along in this area,that often.

      He will have to wait years for the valuation to go up…and hes not keeping the house ip so basically, we’re here offering him an out. But I really dont get attached to houses, so if it goes down, I can deal.

      If we get the house, we’ll have the same problem selling. We plan to keep it until we die, and if our heirs can’t sell it, we’ll donate it to be a convent (really).

      So you can see we’re a unique buyer.

  17. Sending you hugs and white light to clear your path – wherever it may take you!
    My day? I found out today that my work assignment ends a week sooner than I thought it was supposed to…and so far there isn’t another on the horizon…yet. But it all feels good, like there’s something bigger and better around the corner. I hope that’s the way it will work out for you too!

  18. Oh my goodness! I am going through a similar madness. I am house hunting and I seem to hit a roadblock at every turn. I have 60 days before I have to move out of my current apartment. Everything sells very quickly where I am. I put in a bid and deposit, then poof, it is sold to someone else or, in the case of the last house, they wanted much more than what it would appraise for.
    Hugs to you! I hope that we can both get something settled soon.

  19. My house deal fell through last Saturday. The owner was an investor who just wanted to flip the house quickly, but I was unable to purchase a recently flipped home using the loan program I chose. I was able to close 90 days after the house had been registered with the county, but the investor said he was absolutely not willing to wait that long so he released me from the contract and put the house back on the market. No negotiation. NOTHING. DONE.

    However, I did place my bid in the remaining shadow phase of Mercury retrograde in my 4th house. The terms changed on me a couple times and I could feel the deal slipping away on me and it finally did.

  20. I hope everything falls into place soon for you and your family Elsa.

    What happened to me on the 16th is I was notified that my application to grad school was accepted and I start in Aug.

  21. Final approval came in for the apartment (so the move is official). My Toastmasters group reached Distinguished Status, and we’ve outgrown our meeting space. 🙂 Last night we looked at three new spots to meet in, and voted on our favorite. Crossing our fingers that we get the space!

  22. This is just for interested parties..

    The reason the seller thought his property was worth more, is because he took out a SMALL home equity loan a year ago. The local bank did a drive by appraisal…sky high. And then they loaned him this small amount on his house.

    In that case, the bank is selling him a loan which is very different then taking out a mortgage loan.

    On my end, he told me what if was appraised at a year ago. It seemed more than reasonable to me, since the house is about the same price as the one we have now – but FOUR times the size + 7 acres. So we both thought it was fairly priced…well, like I said about. He thought it was cheap, I thought it was fair, my husband thought it was high(ish), simply because it’s so hard to sell a property like this!

    But anyway, this is how he was misled into thinking his house is worth so much more than it is. Plus, he paid a lot more for it so if he sells he will take a big loss. But if he doesn’t sell…well I don’t know when his next chance might be. And that’s what he has to figure out today.

    Either way, it will cost him. Pain now or pain later.

    I am hoping to have an answer early this morning. I have our rental application ready to go. 🙂

  23. meeting with boss about a private conversation, that the other party magnified into gossip, in the workplace. on the edge of losing my job, applying everywhere for a way forward and out of a toxic workplace. nothing seems to be changing, but then, everything is.

  24. I couldn’t even put it into words. Let’s just say I planned on it being a radical day. Wrote myself a warning like two weeks prior, and 3:16 did not disappoint or upset. My life is forever changed.

  25. Wow. Is this astrology in action or what?!
    This is the very best way to learn this stuff. And the suffering is not wasted because everyone learns from it.

    ‘And now Elsa will perfectly demonstrate the Uranus Pluto square…’

    Thanks, Elsa, we got it. Now will you demo that Venus in Leo for us? 🙂

  26. well- im cap asc/scorpio here- and aries mars! i have had pneumonia for the last 3 weeks plus, my youngest had an allergic reaction to antibiotic, and just when i thought- saturday morning capricorn hubby slipped and broke his hand. uranus is conjuncting our composite mars and hitting all of our personal planets. trying to stay positive!

  27. We still need underwriting to accept the appraisal. I don’t expect them to challenge it…low as it is! But tick tock! What else can I say?

    I’m Paaaaaaackng!

  28. Hi Elsa: The Universe is trying to tell you something –
    Go ahead and rent somewhere else. Who knows what else is not right with this deal!
    Good Luck –

    1. We feel exactly the opposite, Renee.

      You really can’t judge this without knowing all the details, which I am not going to go into on this public forum that so many people read, lol. 🙂

      Anyway, I know there are people who root for me to fall and break my neck…however, I don’t think that’s what’s happening here! 🙂

      1. Elsa,
        You always do your homework so I’m confident things will work out…they always do even when we don’t understand the how, why, etc. Congratulations and good luck with the move, Patrice.

        1. Oh hell yeah. I have researching this area, daily, for a year. You’d be stunned at what I could tell you. It would be like, “jeez louise, who knows stuff like this?” And an astrologer no less.

          Really, this is a good deal for both parties. The seller has known I was the buyer from the first time we talked. We just needed a price correction. Now that it’s in place – rock on!

          I can’t wait to get there!! We’ll leave in a few day, I think! 🙂

          1. Elsa,
            Many things you say/write stun me in the best sense of the word:) Nevertheless, I’m not surprised that an astrologer such as yourself would know such things. There is this rumor that you are a pretty sharp cookie no matter your occupation. Safe travels, PK.

            1. Ha ha ha, yes. Thank you. I have been wanting to move for five years! My husband has wanted to move since the day we got here.

              We’re the King and Queen of delayed gratification, but when it comes it is mighty sweet!

              My son is also thrilled. 🙂

      2. Please do not misunderstand me – I wish you all the best. This was just a totally random, unemotional response.
        I personally closed on a condo last November. I cannot move and relocate until my present property is sold.
        My natal saturn in the 12th square mars in the 5th has kept me at bay for most of my life.
        I truly wish you the best –

        1. Thanks, Renee. I didn’t mean that you felt that way, personally. I should have been clearer!

          But people do feel that way and will project it on me and it’s just not the case. I can tell when God is with me. This is an unmistakable feeling. So even if something happens, I am going to be okay in the end.

  29. I love reading all these messages. It’s like a volley ball match. Elsa, from everything you’ve said on this forum, it seems logical that this man SHOULD sell to you. It’s in HIS best interests. He’s had that house on the market for 4 years and even with a loss, he needs to move on. Let that new Elsa energy in! Much luck to you. You’ve certainly worked hard enough on this to get what you want and deserve.

    1. He doesn’t have a viable alternative and either do we at this point. Not that I think we won’t find another house. I know we will. It’s just a match.

      He has a very weird, nearly unsalable property (for reasons that not usual).

      This unsaleable property suits my families unusual needs, unusually well and so the universe brought us together.

      People can say no to doors like this, that open for them. But my husband and I aren’t strung that way.

      And the transits! How are my son and I supposed to be hit with Uranus and Pluto HARD right now, and not be rocked?

      We’re going to land on our feet. My biggest problem right now is how I am going to mow that yard in a floppy hat, without feeling like a moron, lol.

  30. What about a sombrero? You are from the Southwest US. It’d been an interesting conversation starter. “Nice hat. Did you get that from a Mexican restaurant?” “No. I got it from Arizona.”

    1. It’s true!

      I’m already having conversations will people there. I’ve given many, many people a heads up, we’re coming. So when we get there, they may as well say, hi, back! Because I will be meeting everyone, I promise you that!

      I am taking three insane dogs to the tractor supply, right away. And have them shot with everything available, please.

      We are already getting notices of various potluck dinners via email. Not just me…

      “Send one to my husband too,” I’ve asked. “He’s a truck driver but even if he’s not around at the moment, he likes to know what’s going on…keep up with things…”

      And so we’re all signed up, see? I want to walk in and have someone say, “You must be, Elsa…”

      And I will say, “Yes I am…”

      And then pretty soon, I will have mothers asking about my son. Because he is a good kid, going places and this is going to be obvious. 🙂

      This will stun my son. He still thinks he’s ugly and socially awkward. Er…not.

  31. Well, I haven’t talked to my mother since Sunday after she told me I needed to find a place of my own in a round about way…and that all parents have hopes for their children (I’m all of 56, divorcee of 17 years, making minimum wage, so obviously big disappointment to her). But this much is true — I do need to find a place of my own, but with my paycheck it’s not like I have a lot of options, and I’m also dealing with a health issue on top of everything else! I talked to my brother and his wife in Ohio and they said they would love to have me as I’m really handy around the house with cleaning and cooking (I’m also tidy and a nonsmoker), but it’s just too far to move and I don’t think I would get along that well with my SIL as she doesn’t clean much either and has a moldy basement. Oh well, this Libra lady now has a goal of getting her act together so that she can move on, as that has forever been etched in my brain by my mother’s true Aries-sun, Virgo-moon tongue in the most in-eloquent way of hers.

  32. Wow, Elsa, my head is spinning just from reading this!

    It’s been really uneventful here, which is strang, since Pluto/Uranus hit my Moon. I felt really horrible late Sunday night, but have been feeling a lot better since. I should hear about a meeting with HR, company doctor and my boss about a possibility to assign me a daytime job, as reccommended by the doctor. But I don’t really expect anything to happen before Eclipse/New Moon, which will be early Friday morning local time. It’s happening in my 7th house. The event MC is tightly conjunct Chiron where were are, and will be conjunct my Desc. The axis are also exactly the same they are for my Lunar Return. So, there’s definitely something brewing here.

  33. Finally! 🙂 Congratulations, Elsa and may the move itself be a smooth one. And thanks for showing us you can be a winner in the midst of challenging transits through your updates. I am so happy and excited for you.

    1. Thanks!

      I was just using up the rest of the touch up paint. I’ll tell you ’bout my luck. How many people can take paint, five years old, slap it on the walls and have it match? :):):)

  34. Avatar
    Warped by Wuthering Heights

    Yay, Elsa!

    I’ve been busy, just caught up on this rollercoaster ordeal — I’m so glad it has all worked out!

    Wishing you a safe move and a soft and happy landing!

  35. Well you just can’t push the river, it’s coming, all in it’s own good time. I’m sure it will settle down and close soon, congratulations! You’re going to love the changes coming your way and those dogs are going to think they’ve died and gone to heaven 🙂 Best of fortune on the new path!

    1. Thank you, Tess. I think it’s right for everyone.

      My husband will be here in an hour – off until the end of the month. He says he does not consider this “time off”. I told him, when my husband sleeps at home for 2 weeks in a row…well it’s astonishing, you have to admit.

      Anyway, we have not submitted the addendum, because he is not here to sign it. So we will get that in tonight and wait and hope this is all accepted tomorrow…and we can close on Thursday?

      I have so many plans. Among them is to get through this transit and have better focus on this blog. But the next three weeks? Whirlwind.

  36. Been gone for 24 hours and then see your ping pong game of a house sale. Fingers crossed for a closing.

    Husband’ s chart affected by the square: son and his wife may split after 21 years. Son has 4sag16 sun and Saturn just ground his heel turning right on him……and more.

  37. I knew he would change his mind! Great job! Nerve-racking yet everything always works out! There may be some more confusion until after the new moon and eclipse! Keep the faith!

  38. This is all quite volatile in how it is going down, that square stuff and all but I am absolutely positive this is going to happen for you and that the volatility is here to benefit you ultimately. God and the universe are going to give you what you want and need for your family and it is going to be the happiest time in your life. You are going to get your reward for your faith and good heart, you will see! You will be rocking that big hat and you are going to be the most beautiful thing that that state has ever seen. You are going to need a big ol hat in every color to match all of your outfits because you will be styling on that lawn detail. You go girl. Good for you in sticking it out through a lot of confusion and difficulty but you have always lived with the grit to take it from what I have learned from reading here. All the best in unpacking to you , your husband and your son!

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