Uranus Transits & The Mid-Life Crisis Or The Equivalent?

Uranus transit planetUranus transit bring upheaval and change.  Transiting Uranus opposing natal Uranus , which occurs in a person’s early 40’s is often the trigger for a mid-life crisis.  The person gets itchy. They may feel half their life is passed.  Some freak at this realization.

Classic, is the man who leaves his wife and children, gets a sports car and starts dating a much younger woman.  In that case, the wife, who is presumably an age peer finds her life in upheaval.  There are variations of course. I’m just trying to lay out a common case… from yesteryear, perhaps.  Couple in their early 40’s might have children around 20.  They get the call. Their parent’s divorce is their Uranus square Uranus transit! Upheaval!

People marry later, have kids later and such.  It doesn’t matter. Uranus comes around and people do crazy things.

I skipped Arizona for Colorado via way of South Dakota when Uranus (and Jupiter) crossed my ascendent. I chose Colorado, because it was the closest “roller coaster” to South Dakota. I rode that coaster, put a quarter in slot machine in one of the mountain gambling places. I won $500 and said, “I’m moving here!”

With Uranus, you just want to what you want, when you want. Anyone who tries to stop generally gets thrown from the train. I am not justifying this!  It’s just the way it is. You want freedom at all costs.

I’m writing this because a gal hired me; her husband has gone off the rails.  She’s got no earthly idea why.

Uranus transitSituations like this, it’s usually obvious why, when I hear of the state of the union?  Not this time.  This time… well this is the husband’s chart.

He’s having a Uranus transit from hell right now; he’s jumped the shark.

Meantime she has a horrible pain transit (Pluto) and a rejected-for-mystery-reason transit (Saturn in Pisces transiting 12th). Honestly, I rarely see such a perfect horror scenario.

This man has to have some space or else!

This woman has to wait for him, I think, as she loves him to the bone. I think he’ll be back.

Many people regret their actions, under the influence of Uranus. The husband comes home, etc. I do not regret (most of) my actions, under my transit, but I think is probably because I has a Jupiter Uranus transit, involving my natal Jupiter and Uranus.

I want this to just be a general post, but I think the varied stories make the information easier to assimilate. If you love someone having a major Uranus transit, it’s imperative you give them as much space as you can.  Easier said than done. Just know, a person can really get some velocity going. It’s like Tasmanian Devil energy, which is rough, if you happen to be in the room whe this goes off.

Are you having a Uranus transit?  Have you ever thrown the baby out with the bathwater in your life? What happened?

10 thoughts on “Uranus Transits & The Mid-Life Crisis Or The Equivalent?”

  1. Ahhhhh yes,
    Currently living a Uranus transit with Uranus creating a t-square point from my fifth house to my aqua sun and Leo Lilith 2/8 house axis.

    Very suddenly pivoted and bailed on relationships I was sleepwalking into or believing I had more importance in the lives of others than I really did or even wanted. Have done my best to get over the cringe factor of this truth and my behaviour – embraced the fact that no matter what I’ll look crazy to someone and enticing to others through all of it. But my cap moon is livid with the messiness. Go figure that Uranus would also be trining my moon to help with solid detachment. What a weird balm to receive after pluto dropped me off this side of the cemetery.

    Simultaneously the person I was head over (delusional or bad timing?) heels with is experiencing the same thing with his aqua moon + ASC/Leo Venus 7th. opposition.
    Loose grip doesn’t even begin to describe the root level lesson with this person.

    Ughhh how many more months? When does Uranus get into Gemini?

  2. I’m in my Uranus opposite Uranus transit now…and after never been married etc…I very met someone and we are trying for a baby…so I think for me Uranus opposite Uranus will actually be settling down and having a family. I mean I did own my home etc before and worked so I wouldn’t have said unsettled (dog too) but the baby thing feels like it could be my big life thing. Its also opposite my moon and sqaure Mars Jupiter north node natally. And Uranus rules my 5th (Aquarius). I’m also finishing my Masteds but that isn’t my Uranus transit.

  3. I created a short-lived nightmare. I decided it was a good idea to go home with someone, from a bar, on my 41 birthday. I think it was an exact aspect. It was the worst choice. I picked the guy that had just run parol, from two states over, with a crime spree trail behind him. My friends who took me out that night, couldn’t believe what I was doing. The room he rented was in a house of an astrologer. She and I connected, became fast friends, sleuthed the red flags, and got him arrested pretty quick.

  4. Not very happy about it, Uranus has shaken my chart for good touched almost every planet in my 10/4 houses the last decade bringing not the most pleasant changes and in a couple of years it is about to hot itself in opposition. But that will also hit Jupiter in opposition and Venus by conjunction.. I wonder, from what will Uranus try to set me free this time there is not much going on in my life I don’t have a career my own family or anything else

  5. Uranus opp. Uranus hit me in 2021 and unfortunately set off most of my natal placements. MASSIVE upheaval. I tried resisting at first, damage limitation and possibly a touch of ostrich syndrome. It was messy, I was a mess, but the minute I leant into change and came to accept it, life became simpler.
    The reverberations are still echoing through my life and I am far from settled, but I think I’ve made my peace with it. And I can accept I was in a rut but was too complacent to get myself out of it!

  6. My family and I moved into a new home and I took photography classes at a community college when Tr Uranus in my Aquarius (like-minded groups) 1H was opposing my natal Uranus in my Leo (creative) 7H. A long-anticipated fresh start.

  7. This will be happening for me starting 2028. I am currently going through my Neptune square Neptune transit which I think has started the process of defining who I am. I have faith that the work I’m doing now will help me to transcend the events of my life when I get to my Uranus opposition. Oversee the paths that I’ve got working in the mix and enhance the ability to make the right decisions to get me lined up for the life I see in the making. I see this opposition as an opportunity for clarity.

  8. I got divorced from my first husband at 42.. I see a lot of men hitting the road in their early 50s. I wonder what transit would cause this.. Maybe its people getting married later and having their kids later? Waiting for the kids to get to 18. I know that is what my late husband did. His youngest turned 18 when he was 49. He left his first wife then. My step son left in his wife early 50s, other step son. late 40s.

  9. I am currently in the midst of Uranus transiting my ascendant, just shortly after Jupiter did. Like Elsa, I think that my Uranus transit ascendant has a lot of blessings and good aspects to it, even though it has completely disrupted, shaken up and changed my entire life. I went from being stuck in a rut to being a wandering traveler. I would like to say a happy one, but this has been one of those deep, sorrowful, yet freeing experiences instead. I don’t know where I will end up, but I have already traveled over 4000 miles in the last couple of months. I left Montana and I am currently exploring Oregon and I don’t really know why but it’s getting me somewhere, I trust my intuition. I am just nearing the completion of my progressed moon transiting my 8th house in which I lost my father-in-law, my husband who was my true love, and our adopted child, respectively, over the course of 6 months. Last week, I was in an accident in which I stopped breathing for 8 minutes but was given CPR by a person I had just met, which brought me back to life. Again, I was freed…from 2 years of self undoing (I’m having a major Neptune transit as well) and feeling suicidal daily to discovering a new way to look at my life without my most precious person, my husband, in it. It’s difficult to describe, but I no longer wish for death because I was given an unusual chance at experiencing it for just a moment.
    Yesterday I encountered a person who has this profound Latin phrase tattooed on his hand:
    Memento mori
    I couldn’t help but feel that seeing it was universally timed. But isn’t everything? I’m a fan of Uranus, and I wish on my lucky stars, that I will land safely and securely once Uranus clears my ascendant.
    Good luck to all 🍀🤞🏻☺️

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