Use The Power Of The Mars Pluto Opposition To Initiate Healing

Marvin GayeMars and Pluto will oppose each other for the rest of the year.  This energy is inordinately powerful, for good or ill.

I was stunned when I saw the chart of the new moon in Scorpio on November 1st.  Like, what kind of fresh hell is this? Scorpio is co-ruled by Mars and Pluto. On the day of the new moon, the planets are exactly opposed at 29 degrees, which is skittish in it’s own right.

I felt unnerved, as I mentioned in the thread.  It’s just a fine point in time, shown there, but I’ve had a chance to think this over. I know see the opportunity here. I want to lay this out.

It begins with my premise, the rest of this year is taut… it’s fraught with pain and danger and disabling fear. I am not into any of that, so of course, I look for an out.

The Jupiter Saturn square helps here. You can work to stay above it all; pressure yourself to maintain a positive perspective. But it’s not quite enough. It’s leaves this very dangerous energy to operate off-the-chain. The mind pictures this brings up for me are not good. I realized it’s better to get involved.

At first I thought this energy might be used to not get triggered.  Mars Pluto, triggers, for sure.  But these are Cardinal signs and Mars in particular, represents, YOU.  What if you tapped your deep internal power and took control of your own impulses? An extreme (Pluto) boundary (Capricorn) of sorts.  Extreme self-control?

Choosing a focus like this can channel the energy in a positive way… and literally prevent it from manifesting in a way that’s destructive, I think. This is something I learned in astrology, early one, but it can’t be verified. Proving a negative?

I continued to mull this and realized “trigger” has a very broad definition.  For example, a person is triggered to overeat? What if you were to choose one (or more) of your harmful, self-defeating behaviors and use this energy to cut it out of your life?

You may very well be successful, but also consider the “collateral benefit”. You won’t be out there, stabbing people. You won’t be raging around, flying off the handle and such, because you’re applying all the energy in way that heals.

This is what I am going to do.  It will leave me no time for election rage and hate of “the other”. No time to seethe. No time to project my shadow on the poor scapegoat.

This is going to be my Mars Pluto anthem.  Oh, hell yeah!

I’ll wrap this up with a weird anecdote; something that captured my imagination. I have a friend who does not eat chocolate.  She is not allergic to it.  She simply vowed to never eat it again, when in her 20’s. She’s in her 60’s now and dying of dementia; point being she kept this vow.

She does not disclose why she made the vow in the first place; she has a Scorpio moon, so hey. None of your business. But I’ll tell you what I think it was.

I think she LOVED chocolate.  Like it was her favorite food. I think she gave it up for some type of penance, perhaps having to do with her marriage.  She’s been married all these years.

I don’t know, but when I think of her, I know these things can be done, so I offering you her story.

What do you think? What do you KNOW you need to do? What if you quite screwing around and did the damned thing?

3 thoughts on “Use The Power Of The Mars Pluto Opposition To Initiate Healing”

  1. Full moon is in my 6th house – I did a major diet detox this week – tomorrow is the last day, so yep used this energy to do it because I’ve been down on myself for the last year for gaining so much weight (for my frame).

    Mars/Pluto is in 9th/3rd though

  2. This is definitely what I intend to do. I’ve really closed myself off these past sixteen years. It’s weird, but it’s almost like (and this is a metaphor, I’ve never done and do not do drugs, not even pot) if one picked up an addiction to cope with being abused and at the end, the addiction is actually the bigger problem (thanks, Pluto!). It has been TOUGH. I know we have all felt it in one way or another, and I hope all of us can open our hearts fully to life again. I have done my best to do that the entire time, but I have certainly not always been successful.

  3. I lost 65 lbs with in the last 5 years and put 30 back on. Going to try again.. geez. Up until now I have been very calm during this election year. The anxiety is starting to get to me. I have had life threatening statements made to me because of my politics. Never in my almost 69 years have I felt fearful about expressing my views before. Our country has gone crazy.

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