Weekend Love Forecast – Approaching the New Moon in Virgo

Friday’s Leo Moon moves from an afternoon sextile to Venus in Libra straight into a sextile with Juno in Libra, exact by nighttime. This comes on the heels of Venus’ dramatic morning trine to retro Pluto, and the influence of the Sun translates emotional intensity to a balanced passion that soothes the mind and the general demeanor.

Newly direct Mercury in Leo heads back into trine with retro Chiron in Aries through the weekend. The senses are on fire and missing details nearly line themselves up to fit into place. This works best when you take on a sunny attitude that facilitates learning from your mistakes.

Mercury-Chiron’s warmth adds a positive spin to Gemini Mars’ square to retro Neptune in Pisces, in effect all weekend. Be willing to take another stab at working things out if the first attempt goes nowhere. Mutability is lousy when no one takes control, but it shines when you’re willing to go with the flow and work things out.

Saturday night, the Leo Moon quincunxes retro Saturn in Pisces then goes on to sextile Jupiter in Gemini. If you overcome a bit of wearying inertia, there’s a ton of fun ahead! Expect a second wind. As the Moon perfects its Jupiter sextile, it also highlights the Mercury-Chiron trine. It’s likely to bring up a possible fix or remedy to situations that stalled or sputtered over a week ago. Give something another shot and another think.

Sunday morning, the Leo Moon exactly conjoins Mercury and trines retro Chiron. Is there something that’s hurt you in the past that’s resolving now? Something you’re “getting over”? Give it the attention it deserves, because that’s only the tip of the iceberg for the personal healing available in this moment. This issue holds the key to additional learning and resolution. Interrogate your understanding thoroughly (for use later).

Afternoon takes the Leo Moon into square with retro Uranus in Taurus and sextile to Mars in Gemini. Proactively treat interruptions and disruptions as an opportunity to course correct. Why waste time feeling irritated when it actually brings the chance to bust a move and get ahead? Go in action with that in mind and you’ll lap everyone.

Evening takes the Moon to the last degree of Leo, and Pluto retrogrades back into the last degree of Capricorn. The Moon quincunxes both retro Pluto and retro Neptune, opposing the midpoint of their sextile (a yod). It connects the remnants of Leo season with the new moon and with the past (both recent and ancient past). An emotional download is likely – internal and powerful. Sit with it? Or move through it, continuing to keep your streak going in the real world. Bank it, for sure.

Once the spell breaks, the Moon joins the Sun in Virgo. The clever move is to gently enfold any creative imprint you pick up; wrap that feeling into the budding plan and the emergence of your comprehensive perception of mental, physical, and emotional health.

The new plan includes a reworking of the old models of being. The new moon will as well. It’s something solid to get excited about.

Coming soon! Monday’s new moon in Virgo at 10 degrees.

The weekend has us taking a deep, internal look at our current and former ways of coping. How does that make you feel? How does it compare to how it used to make you feel? What accounts for the difference? Do you have any weekend plans?

4 thoughts on “Weekend Love Forecast – Approaching the New Moon in Virgo”

  1. Thank you for your always thoughtful, caring advice. This feels like a delicate manouver with unforeseen rewards for accurate drivers.

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