Weekend Love Forecast – Chop Wood, Carry Water

Jane treesThe idea of radical change makes many folks uncomfortable. Whether it is reflected in the self or in others, the bedrock of familiarity and safety is shaken. As the Taurus Sun spends the weekend closing a conjunction to Uranus, something unexpected is coming in the way of goals, life path, values, and self esteem.

It’s coming for you, and it’s coming for me. It’s going to be big, and it’s going to be beneficial. But that doesn’t mean change will initially show up that way. In fact, wipe your expectations clean of whatever you think it might be; this way, you’ll be one step closer to incorporating whatever it actually is.

We don’t really prepare for such things, but what we can do is prepare ourselves through openness. Stoicism is helpful, but so is zen. Mars and Mercury in Aries aid in sticking to the basics. Pay attention and do what needs doing; take things as they come. Mars and Mercury in Aries can be unruffled, because there’s no need for drama. JUST DO IT in Leo is all about style and ferocity. JUST DO IT in Sadge is about sporty, over the top excitement. In Aries, well… chop wood and carry water, and don’t make a fuss. It’s okay to enjoy it! Aries does that too.

When I say “don’t make a fuss”, what I mean is – it’s not the best use of your energy. Don’t wrap yourself around an axle and you won’t have to unwind yourself as the first step to doing anything else. If you take this into account, change can be fairly seamless… and sweet! Exciting and invigorating! Change happens when we’re stale, so we WANT this.

Friday night, the Mercury-ruled Gemini Moon squares Pisces Neptune then heads into Cancer and its own rulership. Do you have too many options… or too few? Are you not sure what your options are, or are you disenchanted with them? Perhaps you’re more interested in letting it all fade into the background through distraction, or sinking into sadness when the choices aren’t ideal (or even acceptable).

Then the Cancer Moon double quincunxes the retro Pluto-Pallas sextile. While you don’t want to rely heavily on what you’ve been feeling (what with Gem-Moon square Neptune still in the rearview), now is the moment when deeply ingrained patterns of the past soak the present in poignant emotional understanding. Also, family of origin issues figure in strongly.

It would not be surprising to have a bit of an emotional dip that results in spiritual catharsis. In fact, if your Sun-Uranus experience involves breaking a habit, lean into this affective truth bomb. It could kick you free.

All weekend, Taurus Venus heads into sextile with Pisces Saturn. The opportunity to solidify love and money, something you’ve worked for and dreamed of, is a real possibility. REAL. Possibility. It’s also the chance to find out if your object of desire is genuine or imagined. Nailing that down is a divine gift. If you’ve worked for it and it’s right for you, and it’s real (not a con, not a fantasy)… there’s a path to incorporating it into this Sun-Uranus upgrade.

Saturday night, the Cancer Moon conjoins Vesta, sextiles Venus, then trines Saturn overnight (exact Sunday morning). So it’s not just “is it real?”; it’s also “am I invested, devoted?” Before you can do the right thing, you have to nail down what that is. How will you know? You’ll feel it.

Sunday morning the Cancer Moon finishes its trine to Saturn then goes on to square Mercury and sextile Sun, Uranus, and Jupiter by night. Start out in flow and stability and use that as impetus to pursue something REAL. Separate feelings from facts, though, and stay with simple observation (reserve judgment) where you can. Overnight, the Moon trines Neptune at 29 degrees: blissful, potent, psychic, dreamy.

Sun-Uranus perfects early Monday, with Venus closing its sextile to Saturn by afternoon. The key to making the most of both is patience and simple acceptance of what is. Being extra just adds extra steps. Chop wood, carry water.

Do you have any weekend plans?

3 thoughts on “Weekend Love Forecast – Chop Wood, Carry Water”

  1. Remarkable post, Satori!

    One of your best! Thanks for the “heads-up” and all the tips to navigate!

  2. In my water-based ocean peoples’ language we’re told, “paddle and bail” to keep the canoe afloat collectively.
    Thank You and Happy Mother’s Day dearie ❤️

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