Weekend Love Forecast – Full Moon in Capricorn

moon-sunFriday night, the Saturn-ruled Capricorn Moon highlights the ongoing Leo Venus, Gemini Jupiter sextile, opposing their midpoint in a yod. Collectively we want more and better – better choices, more meaning, and it’s all caught up in the off-kilter desire for self-esteem and popularity.

Do you care what they think of you? You might have to care if it affects your reputation and basic needs for safety. You might choose to care if it nets you the dream you’ve doggedly chased for ages.

But the mood itself is one of longing, and the urges it enflames are MASSIVE. It may look like everyone out there feels GREAT about themselves, and maybe they do. But the need to feel that way is definitely genuine. All weekend we’ve got the Cancer Sun trine retro Neptune and Mars trine retro Pluto, so “fake it till you make it” has the backing of intense follow through and tenacious traction.

Friday night, Taurus Mars sextiles retro Neptune at 29 degrees, and the formerly unattainable might be within your reach. There’s a pinch of possibility, that maybe it’s a miracle moment that can turn a twinkle of magic into a full-on dash for the goal. If you see your opening, go for it. All that glitters is not gold, but a lot of it is still valuable.

Saturday afternoon, Mars moves from Taurus to Mercury-ruled Gemini, and its trine to retro Pluto intensifies and picks up speed. There’s more than one move to make here, and theoretical actions can influence our goals and plans. Leo Mercury heads into square with Taurus Uranus, and the news is changeable or erratic. The unexpected, what can’t be planned for, keeps things interesting; but this also means we’ve got to plan on the move, even if it’s not convenient. Expect some odd requests and novel conversations. Consider it a chance to borrow another perspective.

Saturday night’s Capricorn Moon squares Chiron then trines Uranus. If you’re willing to endure a little discomfort or embarrassment, trying something new is snappy and satisfying.

Overnight into early Sunday, the Cap Moon opposes the Cancer Sun for the full moon. It also sextiles retro Neptune till the Moon moves to Aquarius to trine Mars and conjoin Pluto. Sunday morning, the full moon shifts reality toward the ideal, and it’s packing quite a punch.

Saturday afternoon, Venus perfects its sextile to Jupiter, and Mercury makes its exact square to Uranus. In the wake of the full moon, wishes may come true; but they may not show up in the form you asked for. An open mind works wonders on satisfying big hopes and dreams.

Nighttime takes the Aquarius Moon into a trine with Jupiter and opposition to Venus. The Sun and Mars perfect ideal aspects with Neptune and Pluto before the Sun heads into its own rulership in Leo overnight. An effervescent mood teems with creative pleasure as internalized, idyllic goals launch a knockout air-punch for the win. The power of the mind and senses rivals any real-time strike. Win over hearts and minds rather than settling things physically. That’s the true power move.

Being your genuine self is the only way you can access the gifts that are within you. Trust in your own value, even when you can’t yet see it clearly. Begin as soon as you can. Get rid of what stands in the way of self-esteem and progress.

The full moon takes place early Sunday morning at 29 Capricorn. Where does this hit your chart? Do you have any weekend plans?

2 thoughts on “Weekend Love Forecast – Full Moon in Capricorn”

  1. Smack bang on my ascendant! A lot of things brewing, potential for deep transformation. How it will play out is so hard to tell from here. I’m a little scared, but I can also see how this may be the portal I’ve been praying for.

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