Weekend Love Forecast – New Moon in Cancer, Optimal Fresh Start

candy legosFriday night, the Cancer Moon conjoins the Cancer Sun: the moody, feely, extra watery new moon. It’s extra watery but also stable via the emerging trine to retro Saturn in Pisces and sextile to Mars in Taurus. What we start, we process in time.

Everything can’t happen all at once; time is order. All weekend, Leo Mercury sextiles Jupiter in Gemini. So the mind and senses reel, but we also get a chance to order them into optimal creative position. Got a great idea? Go nuts! In fact, as Taurus Mars approaches Uranus, “Go nuts” is quite appropriate. Try something new; pick up a novel project and run with it (in the last direction they’ll expect!). There’s no need to go quietly, broadcast what you’re about. Big ideas benefit from collaboration and input!

Now is the time to take a chance in the planning stage. The new moon optimism is banded with realistic idealism. Creativity and our ability to implement our ideas are HIGH. Cancer Venus moves in sextile to Uranus and newly retro Neptune, so there’s every reason to expect a good outcome. Here’s the thing, don’t get bogged down in the particulars of either the outcome or how you’ll get there. Options are key, and creativity is king. Leave that path wide open, and allow yourself to be inspired.

Saturday night, the Cancer Moon trines Neptune then heads to Sun-ruled Leo. In Leo it opposes Pluto. That’s not fear, it’s a rush. It’s DR(E)AMA (that started out as a typo, but it kind of works, in a cringy way). The power of the inward rush can be channeled toward action. Romance? Perhaps. Venus is on board. Try something different. Surprise everyone, yourself included!

Sunday’s Leo Moon conjoins Mercury and sextiles Jupiter. It’s definitely a day to communicate, to laugh and sing and take joy in your ability to do so. Jupiter in Gemini heightens our ability to reach others through myriad means, so don’t be afraid to touch base with the people who are important to you, even peripherally. You may spark something meaningful in them as well.

The new moon takes place at 14 Cancer. What are you starting now? Do you have any weekend plans?

2 thoughts on “Weekend Love Forecast – New Moon in Cancer, Optimal Fresh Start”

  1. Thanks, Satori
    Love your weekend and weekly forecasts. Just the facts. No fluff, no filler. Interesting but FAST.

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